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Grandslam at Swedish Winner Show 2023! Four new titles, Best of Breed, Best of Breed Veteran and Best Breedersgroup!

What a day and what a way to finish off a great showyear! Yesterday was Swedens biggest dogshow and Swedish Winner 2023. Judging the breed was Mr Eddie Patterson, Ireland and breedentry was 81 (a few less attending).
I had the privilege to show some of my breedings aswell as two of my own dogs and they all did amazing!
We got FOUR new Winnertitles and all four placements in Best of Breed/Best Veteran!!!
Exactly one year ago siblings Leo, Penny and Rita from the Oasis-litter (Tiya x Maddox) made their showdebute at this show 9,5 months old. Then we were all stunned when Leo and Penny both won their juniorclass and became Swedish Juniorwinner 2022!
But those two did not stop there, they went all the way to Best of Breed and BOS and Swedish Winner against all the lovely older dogs.
Now here we were again, this time in intermediateclass 22 months old and these two just did it again!
SEW-23 EUJW-23 NORDJW-23 NORDW-23 SEJW-22 SEW-22 CIB-J Kadamo Can Y' See It Now "LEO" Best intermediateclassmale, Best Male, Swedish Winner 2023 and Best of Breed!
Sister SEW-23 NORDJW-23 NOJW-23 NOW-23 SEJW-22 SEW- 22 Kadamo Force of Nature "PENNY" Best intermediateclass bitch, Best Bitch, Swedish Winner 2023 and Best opposite sex!
Sister Kadamo Won't Let You Down "RITA" was a bit shy during examination by the judge so a very good today.
Their dad SEVCH SEUCH NUCH FIUCH Ave Caesar Diamond Jewel of Rubi "MADDOX" was 2nd Best Championmale and unplaced in Best Male.
For the first time in Veteranclass I got to show SEVW-23 SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "DJANGO" from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) to Best Veteran, Swedish Veteranwinner 2023, Best of Breed Veteran and 4th Best Male!
Kadamo Shere Khan "LEON" from the Lion king-litter (Segra x Khan) was shown in openclass but not comfortable and could not be judged. (He has not had any practise before the show which he had obviously needed to be able to handle the situation better.)
I also had my 11 year old queen SEVW-23 CIB SEUCH NUCH FICH DKUCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "MIRA" with me and she became Best Veteranbitch, Swedish Veteran Winner 2023 and BOS Veteran!
With Leo, Penny, Mira and Django we won Best Breedersgroup!
Thank you to todays judge Eddie Patterson for seeing great quality in our dogs!
I can't believe that Leo and Penny got to finish the show year in the exact same way as they started their showcareer one year ago!
This has been an amazing year for them and that needs it's own summary in another entry!
So proud to have bred these lovely dogs and I am so happy to get to show them and spend time with their wonderful owners!
This year I will never forget! So many wonderful trips and amazing wins!
Thank you all for a great last show of the year and congratulations to all with placement and great results. Thank you Malin, Malin and Nadine for taking so many photos for me!
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