Kadamo statistics
Below you will find information about the litters and dogs born here at kennel Kadamo. For more info and pictures of each dog/litter click on the littername to get to their own page.
AMERICA-litter | |||||||
Name: | Reg.nr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
Kadamo First Lady "Jenna" |
S29717/2009 | Bitch | A2 | 0/0 | Exp. Germany | German JCAC | |
SEVCH SEUCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" |
S29718/2009 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | SEUCH | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Up in the Blue "Vidar" |
S29719/2009 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | EXC, CQ | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Living on the Edge "Dayo" |
S29720/2009 | Male | A/B | 0/0 | SEVCH | ||
SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Don't Mess with Texas "Charlie" | S29721/2009 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | SEUCH | SEVCH | |
Kadamo This is Boston "Boston" |
S29722/2009 | Male | B/B | 0/0 | Allergic, kinked tail | ||
SEVCH Kadamo The Stage is Set for You "Ramoz" |
S29723/2009 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Allergic | EXC. | SEVCH |
Kadamo A Dream Come True "Shila" |
S29724/2009 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Kinked tail | ||
SEVCH SEUCH Kadamo Too Hot to Handle "Gaya" | S29725/2009 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | SEUCH, 2x CACIB | SEVCH | |
EECH EEJCH FINCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door "Myy" |
S29726/2009 | Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | Exp. Finland | FINCH, EECH, EEJCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo American Brownie "Leya" |
S29727/2009 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | EXC. CQ | SEVCH | |
Kadamo As Good As it Gets "Buster" |
S29728/2009 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Epilepsi | ||
BEATLES-litter | |||||||
Name: | Reg.nr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
SEVCH Kadamo All You Need is Love "Lotus" |
SE46743/2010 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Overbite, RLDN | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Bad Boy "Leo" |
SE46744/2010 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | VG | SEVCH | |
Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando" |
SE46745/2010 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | R-CAC, EXC. CQ | 1x first prize | |
SEVCH Twist and Shout "Atlas" |
SE46746/2010 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Extra hidden crown | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Ain't She Sweet "Enya" |
SE46747/2010 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | R-CAC | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo From Me to You "Troya" |
SE46748/2010 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Offset | EXC | SEVCH |
SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" |
SE46749/2010 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Kinked tail, RLDN RLDF | SEVCH | |
CANADA-litter | |||||||
Name: | Reg.nr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
Kadamo A Hero in Halifax "Haley" |
SE14533/2011 | Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | EXC | Apr. aptitudetest | |
SEVCH Kadamo An Angel in Abbey "Indra" |
SE14534/2011 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Small kink tail | EXC | SEVCH |
SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly" | SE14535/2011 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | SEUCH, FINCH | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Rare As Ryley "Thea" |
SE14536/2011 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Surgery one elbow | EXC, CQ | SEVCH |
Kadamo All Eyes on Armstrong "Masai" |
SE14537/2011 | Male | A/A | - | Surgery one elbow | BIS-1 puppy | |
SEVCH Kadamo Here Comes Hudson "Diezel" |
SE14538/2011 | Male | C/C | 0/0 | Allergic | R-CAC | SEVCH |
Kadamo Look Out for Lennox "Balder" |
SE14539/2011 | Male | - | - | Put to sleep for FCP | ||
Kadamo Never Without Nelson "Tibor" |
SE14540/2011 | Male | - | - | Put to sleep for FCP | ||
Kadamo Watch Out for Wellington "Madiba" |
SE14541/2011 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Overbite, kinked tail, hidden crown | ||
SEVCH NORDJW-11 Kadamo Count on Churchill "D'Arby" |
SE14542/2011 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | NORDJW-11, EXC, CQ | SEVCH | |
Kadamo Talk About Toronto "Zach" |
SE14543/2011 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Overbite, allergic | ||
DRINKS-litter | |||||||
Name: | Reg.nr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" |
SE21151/2012 | Male | B/B | 0/0 | BISS-13, CAC, R-CAC |
SEUCH EECH FINUCH DKUCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy"Dexter" | SE21152/2012 | Male | B/B | 0/0 | SEUCH, EECH, FINUCH, SEJW-12 | Aptitudetest | |
Kadamo Jack Daniels "Zimba" |
SE21153/2012 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Multicrown | Aptitudetest | |
SEVCH Kadamo Fire in the Sky "Kayla" |
SE21154/2012 | Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | EXC. | SEVCH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki" |
SE21155/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | EXC. | SEVCH | |
Kadamo Leave it to Me "Stella" |
SE21156/2012 | Bitch | A/B | 0/0 | Big box | Aptitudetest | |
Kadamo Eye Opener "Nikki" |
SE21157/2012 | Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | Extra crown | 1st prize | |
SEVCH Kadamo Bloody Mary "Ebba" |
SE21158/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Overbite | 1st prize | |
Kadamo Dancer in the Dark "Rut" |
SE21159/2012 | Bitch | Ridgeless | ||||
Kadamo Kiss in the Dark "Jessi" |
SE21160/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Multicrown | ||
ELVIS-litter | |||||||
Name: | Reg.nr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
Kadamo A Big Hunk o' Love "Attila" |
SE62009/2012 | Male | B/B | 0/0 | Exc, CQ | 1st prize | |
SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" |
SE62010/2012 | Male | B/B | 0/3 | UAP- healed without surgery. RLDN | SEVCH | |
Kadamo It's Now or Never "Elvis" |
SE62011/2012 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | Export Czeck Republic | CZCH, KCHRR CH | |
SEVCH Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" |
SE62012/2012 | Male | A/A | 0/0 | 4th Best Male | SEVCH | |
Kadamo Big Boss Man "Bosse" |
SE62013/2012 | Male | B/B | 0/0 | Slightly offset | ||
SEVCH RLDN RLDF SEUCH FINCH Kadamo Bringin' It Back"Mira" | SE62014/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | RLDN RLDF | SEUCH, FINCH | SEVCH |
Kadamo All Shook Up "Jackie" |
SE62015/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | Allergic, entropion | ||
Kadamo You'll Never Walk Alone "Luna" |
SE62016/2012 | Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | 1st prize | ||
FIRE-litter | |||||||
Name: | Regnr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon" |
Male | B/B | 0/0 | RLDN | CAC, R-CAC | SEVCH | |
Kadamo Playing with Fire "Zeppelin" |
Male | B/B | 0/0 | R-CAC | 1st prize | ||
Kadamo Fire It Up "Arrax" |
Male | A/A | 0/0 | ||||
Kadamo Is on Fire "Izor" |
Male | A/A | 0/0 | ||||
Kadamo Caught on Fire "Ehwaz" |
Male | A/A | 0/0 | ||||
Kadamo Set the World on Fire "Bilbo" |
Male | A/B | 0/0 | 1st prize | |||
Kadamo Fire Away "Elton" |
Male | A/A | 0/0 | Allergic. | |||
Kadamo Fire in My Heart "Noomi" |
Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | SEVCH | |||
Kadamo Lights My Fire "Soya" |
Bitch | A/A | 0/0 | ||||
Kadamo I'm on Fire "Leah" |
Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | ||||
GOLD-litter | |||||||
Name: | Regnr: | Sex: | Hips: | Elbows: | Notes: | Shows: | Bloodtracking: |
Kadamo I'm In it for the Gold "Koya" |
Bitch | C/D | 0/1 | NOJW-15, CAC x3 | SEVCH | ||
Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" |
Bitch | B/B | 0/0 | Allergic to food | |||
Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" |
Male | B/B | 0/0 | BIS-4 puppy, EXC | |||
Kadamo Going for Gold "Seger" |
Male | Export USA | |||||
Kadamo Gold Rush "Tor" |
Male | D/D | 0/1 | ||||
Kadamo Digging for Gold "Boba" |
Male | A/A | 0/0 | EXC, Juniorclasswinner | |||
Kadamo Aiming for Gold "Walter" |
Male | A/B | 0/0 | Allergic | |||
Kadamo As Good as Gold "Lilleman" |
Male | B/B | 0/0 | Allergic. Died from poisoning 15 months old | |||