Hamnuddens Fischer "MOA" 2006/07/15 - 2020/12/21
The day came on Monday, when it was time to let you go... I wanted to say goodbye before you got too ill, before you had pain and before your body failed.
I feel honored to have spent my life with you for 14 years, 5 months and 6 days you walked this earth with grace and full of kindness.
You were always meant to be mine, to stand beside me through thick and thin. We were each others destiny.
I was only 22 years old when you came into my life, together we climbed mountains (literally and figuratively)!
I have so many memories that will forever stay in my heart, our competitions in bloodtracking, rallyobedience, obedience, dogshows and lure coursing. You were so versatile, great at everything.
You have been an astonishing broodbitch as a mother of 25 puppies, grandmother to 69 puppies in Sweden and over 100 in other countries. I am so happy that so many families in this world has a dog with a little piece of you, and that your legacy lives on and will keep on doing that for many more years to come.
You were the sweetest dog with our kids, teaching them how to love animals by letting them hold your leash on our walks, letting them rest next to you in your bed and sleep next to you in a tent on a warm summer night. I have always trusted you 100 % in any situation around both children and other animals.
You have been a healthy up until you turned 12 years. Then we had our first fright. You got ill and we found a mass (tumour) in your liver. I thought then that I was loosing you but I would not give up without a fight first. And you recovered and the mass was not a bad and aggressive kind, and it did not effect you much.
For another 2 years you stayed with me. We fought together against everything that popped up and we did not give up. You were so worth fighting for!
The older you became, the more your health was affected. Your legs got weaker, and a little more than a month ago your lymph nodes got very enlarged and that was the warning light that our time together was running out.
I have had more than two years bonus time to share with you, and I am so grateful for every single day. I hope you have felt all the love I have for you, and that you know how much you mean to me.
I did everything I could for you, and I would do it all again.
My heart is broken, and it will never be completely whole again. But I know it is only me who suffer now, your heart and body are free.
Sweet dreams my girl, until we meet again

We had to make some changes to our upcoming puppyplans and our next litter will be the M-litter between Heera and Dexter. Heera is expected to come into heat in March so hopefully puppies in May! More info under Planned M-litter.

Today my own sweet queen, CIB SEUCH NUCH DKUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin It Back "Mira" and all her siblings from the Elvis-litter (Moa x Kimba) celebrates their 8th Birthday. This means they all turn veterans, when did that happen? Aren't they still young? I wish them all a wonderful day!

Today Siri and Dexter came for a visit together with their owners. We also had visits from potential puppybyers who got to meet the upcoming parents. Siri and Dexter has met before but not really gotten the chance to play so it was nice to see them together. Dexter fell in love straight away, Siri needed some kisses to be convinced ;)
Now we just wait for Siri to start her heat, hopefully around December. More info about the planned M-litter here.
Both Kadamo Sarabi the Lionqueen "Rut" and Kadamo Rule Like Mufasa "Hector" from the Lion King-litter (Mira x Colin) has done very well in the woods and has passed the aptitudetest in bloodtracking.
Congratulations and well done to you both!
I am happy to announce the second litter I have planned for 2021. Another full Kadamo-mating, with two of my own breedings.
I am very excited what this combination can bring! Read more under Planned N-litter and contact me at karin@kadamo.se if your are interested in a puppy.

This weekend I met up with some owners and dogs for a nice long walk at Upplandsleden. We walked for a little bit over 12 km and had three nice hours in the beautiful fall weather.
Thank you for a nice day!
In September parts of both the Jungle Book-litter and the Kiss-litter participated in BPH (Behaviour and personality description). I am very happy about the results of all the dogs. Overall steady dogs that can react when neccessary but also relax and let things go once it's been checked out. The J-litter is more open and playful which did not come as a surprise, those happy wild once!
Thank you to all of you for coming! Some pictures below of the boys from the Kiss-litter who was there.

During 2021 I plan two litters and I am happy to announce the first of these two. Two gorgeous and sweet dogs both bred by me, SEVCH Kadamo Runs with Raksha "Siri" and SEUCH FINCH DKUCH EECH SEVCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" will if all goes well be mated this winter with puppies ready to move to their new families in the spring.
More info at "Planned M-litter".

Maddox is the handsome male that I just couldn't resist buying earlier this spring. His full name is Ave Caesar Diamond Jewel by Rubi and he lives with Carin, Christian and their kids in Örebro, together with their other ridgeback Kadamo This is It "Nelson".
Finally Maddox has not gotten his own page here aswell so I will try to be better with updating it with the latest photos of him.

The summer has come to an end, and it has been a bit different than other years. Not a single dogshow or competition, sad but of course understandable. I look forward when the shows will begin again, I really think Tiya deserves to be shown, she is a stunning young girl.
The dogs has enjoyed their summer, a few trips to go swimming and a lot of lazy time in the garden and nice walks. I am so happy to say that Moa is still here with us. Earlier this spring I did not think she would make to summer, and definetely not to fall. But here we are!
I have accepted that she can't come with us on our walks anymore, only short once. She seems saticfied strolling around in her own pace at our farm. She gets a bit heavy breathing when she walks to long or it is to warm, and I don't want to strain her lungs, since I know she has a tumour aswell. So I let her decide for herself <3
With summer over I start to look forward to the next Kadamolitters. If all goes as I hope there will be two litters here coming up. More info will come when everything is decided!

Yesterday Colin had his 4th Birthday so today it was time to bring the camera outside and get some new photos of him. I have to say that he has grown up a lot this last year, being a very calm and gentle boy, expect for playing in the woods, then he runs like lightning!
This Sunday during our day at Kadamo Mästerskapen some of the dogs got to play together and Tiya doing what Tiya does, she was more up in the air than on the ground! Happy to recieve these photos from Lotta Tembert of Tiya and me.

On Sunday it was time for the 10th Kadamo Mästerskapen in bloodtracking! So happy that I still have lovely people owning dogs from my litters who enjoy this day and continues to come and compete year after year, aswell as our younger dogs also coming to give the oldies a run for the money!
We had once again good luck with the weather, no rain, a bit windy but that did not stop the dogs from doing a great job.
All dogs but three recieved 1st prizes and if I remember correctly the top 5 with maximum points, so a struggle for the judges to pick their top three placements.
This year the top three placements went to:
#1 SEVCH Kadamo Go for It "Ivan" (It-litter, Mira x Boy)
#2 SEVCH Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" (High-litter, Mira x Idde)
#3 SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" (High-litter, Mira x Idde)
Congratulations everyone for great results and good job. Thank you to Acana/Tree of Pets and Agria for sponsoring with lovely prizes for everyone.
Some mixed photos from our day, photos taken by me and Lotta Tembert. Thank you Lotta for the photos!

On Saturday handsome Kadamo I Was Made for Lovin You "Ace" from the Kiss-litter (Mira x Colin) won his third 1st prize in openclass bloodtracking and completed his Swedish Bloodtracking championtitle! Congratulations Peter and Helena for great training with him!

Today it was time to meet up with the Lion King-puppies (Mira x Colin) who is now 5,5 months old. Out of 14 puppies 13 lives in Sweden and 12 was able to come and participate today, so happy about that turn out! Thank you everyone for coming!
The puppies got to try bloodtracking for the first time and they all did so well. Look forward to see them develop into great trackingdogs!

On Saturday these lovely ladies and their brother from the Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) turned 10 years old! Last night I had a nice date with Enya, Troya and Enya together with their mum Moa. So nice to have these lovely old ladies together again! They have one brother left, Atlas and we send our love to our angels Leo, Lotus and Nando who is no longer with us.
Thank you Camilla, Frida and Emma for coming and for taking such good care of your ladies!
For 5 weeks I have had the priviligue to teach clicker and obedience to some of my breedings from different litters. It has been so much fun to see both dogs and owners grow together, finding ways to good relationship and obedience, aswell as dogs wanting to work.
I hope you all have enjoyed our Sundays together and keep up the great work, and I look forward to see you all out competing in the future!
Dogs that has been in the class this time: Shiro, Daisy, Leon, Alba, Oscar, Nacho, Doris, Leia, Hedda, Stella and Maddox.

My grand old lady and the queen of our house is celebrated every month nowdays. So blessed to have this strong lady still in my life <3 Love you everyday Moa!

SEUCH FINCH NOJW-16 Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) finished his Bloodtrackinchampiontitle with three straight first prizes. Congratulations and well done Petra!

This Sunday I got to meet Kadamo This is It "Nelson" from my It-litter (Mira x Boy) who is now 3 years and 4 months old. Such a handsome and sweet boy!

Kadamodogs has been true stars in the woods this weekend. On Friday we had two halfsiblings doing the aptitudetest, Kadamo Just Do It "Bruno" from the It-litter (Mira x Boy) and Kadamo All For the Glory "Inez" from the Kiss-litter (Mira x Colin). Both did very well and passed!
On the same day sister Kadamo Give Me a High Five "Segra" and Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) both recieved a 1st prize in Openclass. This made Segra a new Swedish Bloodtracking Champion!
Today it was time again. Kadamo Come and Get It "Shiro" from the It-litter took his third 1st prize and became Swedish Bloodtracking Champion. Halfsister SEVCH Kadamo Comin' Home "Tiya" from the Kiss-litter took another 1st prize and so did her sister Kadamo All For the Glory "Inez" who made her debute in openclass. Their older halfsister Selma took her third 1st przie today and she also completed her Swedish Bloodtracking Championtitle!
So this weekends results:
2x aptitudetest passed
6x 1st prize openclass
3x New SEVCH
Congratulations and very well done to all of you! A special cheer to Jeanette and Christian who drove the whole way from Skåne to come for this weekend, so nice to spend some time with you again!

Yesterday SEVCH Kadamo Watch Out for Kaa "Kelly" from the Jungle Book-litter (Segra x Khan) started in openclass bloodtracking and despite distractions managed well and recieved her third 1st prize which gave her the title Swedish Bloodtracking Champion! Congratulations Niklas and Lotta for training her so well!

Yesterday Kadamo Heavens on Fire "Leston" from the Kiss-litter (Mira x Colin) passed the aptitudetest in bloodtracking with his mum Susanne. They recieved lovely comments from the judge about his promising future! Congratulations and best of luck in openclass!

Kadamo Talk to Me "Cobi" from the KISS-litter (Mira x Colin) has been X-rayed with perfect results, hips A/A and elbows 0/0! Congratulations to his owners Anna and Johan!

Yesterday we had a very nice day in the woods with four dogs starting in openclass bloodtracking. Kadamo Runs With Raksha "Siri" finished her Swedish Blooodtracking Championtitle by winning her third 1st prize and also with a HP! Congratulations Anna!
I also tracked with Tiya (SEVCH Kadamo Comin' Home) and she also gained a 1st prize with HP. Her brother Kadamo I was made for lovin' you "Ace" started in openclass for the first time and won a 1 st prize, and Siri's sister Kadamo Watch Out for Kaa "Kelly" won her second 1st prize. Congratulations and well done all of you! Thank you Lotta for the photos of Moa and my kids!

Yesterday I took Tiya and Moa for a roadtrip. We went to the westcoast and took the opportunity to start in openclass bloodtrack with Tiya, who only needed one more 1 st prize to complete her championtitle. She did so well! She tracked in about 18 minutes in a good steady pace the whole way with pretty no faults on the way. She got her first prize and the judge said she was close to a Honours Prize aswell! So let me introduce you to SEVCH Kadamo Comin' Home!
Moa also got to chew a bit on her hoof but also used her nose and found a wildboar skin near where I parked my car. Her hearing might be very bad now but her nose is still working just fine!
Of course both girls got to celebrate with icecream!
My homepage is being updated to a "better" version, but has so far not worked out well for me... I do hope that I will soon have it all figured out in the new version so I can keep on posting news and photos for you.
You can see updates on my facebook until then, but hopefully more here soon!

A few weeks ago I X-rayed Tiya for the normal heathcheck for hips and elbows. I saw right away that one side was not as good as the other... So I was not so surprised when her result came back with hips A/C and elbows 0/0. That C came because the hip socket is a little bit to narrow, and when measured according SKK' standard the result ended up on the "wrong" side, since A/B is clear...
It is very very disappointing of course. At the moment I am just trying to accept the result, and that it means she will not be used in breeding. I have not decided yet if I will try to X-ray her again in 6 months, not sure it will change the result.
What is most important, it that Tiya is just as happy as before the X-ray, and she knows nothing about this, and will most likely live her whole life without any issues from this hip. She is such a wild an active girl and that won't stop! She will continue to live like she does and stay in this musclecondition!

On Thursday I had my last photoshoot with the puppies before they started to move. I started taking pictures indoors but after lunch I decided to ask my husband for help and to do the photoshoot outdoors instead. It was a bit cold but the sun made it so nice and the colour in the photos are so much nicer in the sun than indoors.
Some of the puppies got a bit to cold which you can see in the photos, but I still think they all look amazing, I am so happy and proud of these puppies. See them all in the Puppy Diary!

The Puppy Diary is updated with lots of photos of the puppies exploring the outdoors in the sunshine we have had for the past few days.

The Puppy Diary has been updated with new individual photos of the puppies now 6 weeks old.

Kadamo Heavens on Fire "Leston" from the Kiss-litter (Mira x Colin) has been X-rayed with perfect score, hips A/A and elbows 0/0! Congratulations Susanne!

The puppies are 6 weeks old tomorrow and it is time for them to get used to going outside to pee and poo. I always do that training by feeding them outdoors, in that way I can easily get everyone to follow the foodbowls outside and then they can do number one and two outside before we go back in to play.
They are more and more curious everytime we go out, even if it has only been a few times for the past couple of days. I do hope we get some nice days with not typical winterweather so I can convince them to come down on the grass and explore!
New photos in the Puppy Diary.
I have been able to take new photos or recieved new photos of some of my stunning breedings. I have updated the litteralbums aswell. So below are photos of SEVCH Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos", RLDN RLDF RLDA Kadamo Digging for Gold "Boba", SEVCH Kadamo Brings It Back Again "Daisy", SEUCH DKUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" and Kadamo Runs with Raksha "Siri".

Some new photos of lovely Kadamo Watch Out for Kaa "Kelly" from the Jungle book-litter (Segra x Khan) now 1 year and 10 months old.

The Puppy Diary has been updated with the new individual photos of the puppies 4 weeks old.

This weekend I have spend some time in the woods with some of my breedings and their owners. On Saturday the dogs tracking was Tiya, and her older sister Daisy and their niece Kelly and on Sunday it was Tiya, then her uncle Dexter and cousin Argos aswell as her niece Siri.
Very proud of all the dogs who did well and two our two new Champions! Congratulations Tomas!
Their results:
- Kadamo Comin' Home "Tiya": 2x 1st prizes and 1 Honour Prize
- SEVCH Kadamo Brings It Back Again "Daisy": 1st prize
- SEUCH DKCH FINCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter": 1st prize, Swedish Bloodtracking Champion
- Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos": 1st prize, Swedish Bloodtracking Champion
- Kadamo Runs with Raksha "Siri": 1st prize
- Kadamo Watch Out for Kaa "Kelly": stopped in the middle, to distracted this time

My grand old lady, queen Kadamo celebrates becoming 13 years and 6 months old today. Every day I get to have Moa her with me is a reason to celebrate. Her body is getting older but she is still happy. Just a couple of days ago she was out in the woods bloodtracking with no problems, her nose is still working well!
I know I have her on overtime and we treasure every minute we get! I hope we will get to celebrate your 14th Birthday in 6 months!

Today we celebrate our own girl Koya and her siblings from the Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) who turns 5 years today! Koya is our silly pup who I think will never grow up completely!
I wish you all the siblings a wonderful day and send kisses to our angels Lilleman and Zoie. Koya's photoalbum is updated!
Every year Swedish ridgebacks who compete in different dogsports can collect points that by the end of the year sums up to the top placed dogs in the country. I am very proud to have fantastic dogowners who brings out the best in their dogs, with several of them placing in these top 10 lists.
Here are who I want to brag about!
Top 10 Obedience
# 5 Kadamo I Am Bagheera "Heera" - Mina Teräs
# 6 SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" - Nadine Skytthammar
Top 10 Nosework
# 11 Kadamo Let It Be "Saffran" - Ellen Leiner/Annelie Kvarnström
Top 10 Rallyobedience
# 6 RLDN RLDF RLDA Kadamo Digging for Gold "Boba" - Freda Thimell
# 12 Kadamo Let It Be "Saffran" - Ellen Leiner/Annelie Kvarnström
Top 10 Bloodtracking
# 6 SEVCH Kadamo Brings It Back Again "Daisy" - Olle Lindström
# 28 Kadamo Runs with Raksha "Siri" - Anna Nessemo
# 30 Kadamo Come and Get It "Shiro" - Malin Westin
# 39 RLDN RLDF RLDA Kadamo Digging for Gold "Boba" - Freda Thimell
# 39 Kadamo Watch Out for Kaa "Kelly" - Niklas och Lotta Tembert

Today my It-litter (Mira x Boy) turns 3 years old. They have grown up to such beautiful and sweet familydogs. I have recieved some new photos of them and have updated their photoalbum. Big kisses to all of you!

The puppies are now almost three weeks old and has started to enjoy the taste of some solid food. Lots of photos of the puppies 20 days old in the Puppy Diary.

Right after new years Kadamo Rock And Roll All Nite "Neo" from the Kiss-litter (Mira x Colin) was X-rayed. He was the first one out from the litter to be X-rayed and he got perfect scores, hips A/A and elbows 0/0. His back and shoulders was also X-rayed but SKK do not read these. His back looks good and his shoulders are ok too. He had surgery for OCD in his shoulders when he was around 6 months old but has healed very well from that and is now active again.
Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad.
Kommande aktiviteter:
Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen
Latest News
- Our boy Cooper is a junior!
- Approved scenttest in Nose work for Thor!
- Agilitywin for Nacho and Linda!
- Queen-litter puppyfamilies!
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us at kennel Kadamo!
- Last few days together!
- Django Nordic Veteran Winner 2024 and Leo Nordic Winner 2024, Best of Breed and BIG-4!
- Merry Christmas!
- Outdoor playtime!
- Queen-litter 6 weeks old!