2016 > 05

On Sunday it was time for the International Dogshow in Österbybruk, this year with around 75 dogs entered under new breed judge Gina Ekström Persson, SWE.
I did not have anyone of my girls with me this time, but still several of my puppies were entered so of course I went anyway!
First out was Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" in juniorclass. He finished 2nd in the class with VG (only classwinner got Exc, no CQ).
In workingclass SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" recieved Exc and finished 2nd in the class and Kadamo Playing with Fire "Zeppelin" 3rd in class with VG.
In Openclass I got to step in as handler of handsome BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" and he was the only dog in this big class to recieve Excellent! We had a tough judge today! I was happy when we got the CQ and invited back to compete for Best Male.
In Championclass Loke's brother SEUCH FINCH DKCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" was shown and recieved Excellent and finished 4th with CQ.
Time for Dexter and Loke to compete in Best Male. I was very excited when me and Loke was picked out for placement! We got to run as number three but after one lap we got to move up to second place and ran behind a championmale. I knew then that if the judge would keep us there the CAC would be ours, and she did!
Finally that second CAC came for Loke, last year he got several R-CAC and was constantly on the "wront" placement. So very happy that it was his turn this time!
After this it was time for the girls. For the very first time Koya's sister Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" to enter the ring, in juniorclass. She started off very well gaining Excellent which was great under this strict judge. She finished very nicely on a 3rd place out of 8.
In workingclass we had another girl making her showdebute, SEVCH Kadamo Fire in My Heart "Noomi". Noomi is not comfortable around the situation and has been training a lot. She did well even though she still needs more training to feel ok infront of the judge. Today she recieved VG.
In openclass I had two girls present, first time in a long time Kadamo A Hero in Halifax "Haley" who recieved Excellent but was unplaced.
Kadamo Lights My Fire "Soya" did very well gaining Excellent and finished 2nd with CQ in this large openclass.
We had one championgirl with us, SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly", she got Excellent and finished 3rd with CQ.
In Best bitchclass none of the girls were unfortunately placed, still saticfied with their achievements today!
We did enter with a breedersgroup, not very similar but we picked the once we had left at the show. We got HP and finished 2nd.
Thank you all for a great day! It was so nice to be a big group of people at the show together again! Look forward to your company on more shows this year!
Today the swedish RR club arranged a Rallyobediencecompetition, unfortunately in the rainy weather. I had two boys representing Kadamo in Graduateclass. SEVCH RLDN Kadamo All You Need is Love "Lotus" from the Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) with 90 points and SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" from the Elvis-litter (Moa x Kimba) with 85 points.

In the fall of 2009 I competed four times with Moa in Obedienceclass 1. Back then, all those years ago we were tumbling close to a 1st prize but never got it. We had cold weather and not good settings for Moa back then, and winter came and after that she had puppies in the spring of 2010, and again in 2012. For some reason we didn't get back to Obedience but instead started to compete in Rallyobedience and she easily completed her RLDN and RLDF titles.
After that I felt like I had achieved my goals and just left the obediencetraining to rest. Until earlier this year... I started to compete with her daughter Mira and she won the LP1-title. I then realized that my first dog Dando got the LP1, my third dog Yaya got LP1, my fourth dog Mira got LP1 but Moa... my second dog, the mother or grandmother to most of my puppies, she didn't have LP1-title... Well, we just can'g have that!
So in April, about 5 weeks ago Moa and I started in our first Obedienceclass 1 competition in 6,5 years! Then she did ok and got 152 points, a second prize and a 2nd place. It was good but not a 1st prize (the limit is 160 points).
Three weeks later it was time for our second competition and things went really well then! She got a 167 points, her first 1st prize and also won the competition!
One week later it was time to compete again, worst possible weather, cold and rain... and the results was as bad as the weather... 128,5 points and a third prize...
I almost gave up but we had two more competitons planned so, one week later, a little bit better weather we were at it again!
Moa did well, not amazing in any way but good enough. We got 161,5 points which was enough for a 1st prize and a 2nd place.
And then it was today... My nerves were bad... This could be the day that she would get that much wanted LP1 title... The forecast said 10 degrees and perhaps rain... But I would not give up hope!
And thank you god we got no rain! Moa felt absolutely great all evening. I did not see many of my scores whilest competing but it didn't matter, I was so happy and saticfied with her anyway!
She got to lay in the grass enjoying a tasty bone for a long time afterwards and I could just relax! I did feel like we should have gotten enough points to make that last 1st prize, but I was excited for the awardceremony.
They started from the back calling out names and scores, and more and more names were said, but still not ours... All of a sudden we were up there, the last three dogs.
And my queen, my golden oldie, she won the whole thing! She got a 174,5 points, a 1st prize, the LP1 title and 1st place! Not a bad way to finish off this adventure!
I am so happy that I decided to prove to myself, that I can train all my dogs to at least a LP1 title. With a ridgeback who is not a workingbreed in the official way, to me it is an achievement. I don't feel ashamed to say that I am very proud of myself, for being able to bring this out in each of my dogs so far. If you set your mind to it you will make it! It might not be easy, but who cares, the road to the goal is a part of the goal too!
Your dog is never to old to enjoy an active life! Moa is a proof of that!
So love to you Moa, and to all your puppies and their puppies, who are blessed to have a little bit of you in them! You have something special!
By the way, Moa now only listens to her full name,

A couple weeks ago Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" from my High-litter (Mira x Idde) was rewarded Best of Breed puppy at a unofficial show. He was also placed as BIG-3! Congratulations to owners Nadine and Kristoffer,

Today it was the International Dogshow in Hässleholm, judged by Hans Almgren, Sweden. At the show I had two of my latest puppies from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) showing off.
For the first time in the ring Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" won his class and finished Best Male with Honours Prize and also went Best of Breed puppy!
His sister Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" won the Bitchclass but without HP. She still has some growing to do!
Big congratulations to you both! Look forward to see you in Juniorclass this summer!

Today it was time for Moa and me to compete in Obedienceclass again, our fourth competition for the year. Last weekend the weather was cold and wet and she just wasn't in the mood, but today she was better. Still a bit cold but at least no wet grass!
It was a pretty tough judge so some lower scores than I think Moa deserved here and there, but good on some aswell so we got enough for a 1st prize!
We got 161,5 points and the limit is 160 points! We also made it to a very nice 2nd place and got some nice gifts!
We have one more competition planned for this Wednesday evening. If we get another 1st prize then Moa will win the LP1 title! Even if we don't get it then I am not giving up! We will get it this year for sure!

At the young age of 16 months my US export Kadamo Going for Gold "Seger" from my Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) finished his American Showchampion title! He won the last needed point and I couldn't be more proud!
It was a big decision the send a dog so far away, it was the first time for me to export a dog outside of Europe. But I am happy that I did!
Seger is doing well and I only hear wonderful things about him and his personality. Thank you Shawna for showing him off and to Brenda for taking such good care of him!

This past weekend I had two boys heading for Denmark to show off. In Juniorclass Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" recieved Excellent but was unplaced.
Uncle Dexter did even better. He finished Best Male with Danish CAC giving him the Danish Championtitle aswell as making him Nordic Champion! Big big congratulations to you for this great result!
Dexter now only listens to his full name SEUCH FINCH DKUCH (NORDUCH) EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy! ;-)

Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" from the Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) and her owner Hélène has been practising bloodtracking since she moved in a few months ago. And now it was time for her to do the aptitudetest which was not a problem for this talented young girl! She passed it in only 12 minutes!
Look forward to see how she gets on in openclass this year! Congratulations and well done Hélène!

This weekend our rallyobediencestars Emma and RDLN RLDF SEVCH Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" from the Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) competed once again in Advanced class.
They had two starts and already after the first one which they passed they won their new title, RLDA Rallyobedicence Diploma Advanced Class!
They did compete a second time the same day and passed that one too! I am so happy to have a puppyowner with the interest and determination to get this kind of result with her dog!
I will always treasure your commitment to Meya!
Meya is the first Kadamo dog to compete in this class so very proud that she managed to gain the title!
BIG congratulations to you Emma! So well deserved! We look forward to seeing the two of you in Mastersclass! ;-)

This past weekend Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" from my Gold-littter (Kayla x Idde) and SEUCH FINCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" from my Drinks-litter (Moa x Argos) was shown at the International show in Lidköping, judge Lars Widén, Sweden.
First out was Argos finishing nicely 2nd Best Juniormale with Excellent.
In Championclass uncle Dexter showed off and he finished 2nd Best male with R-CACIB.
Way to go boys!

Today it was time for Moa (CIB SEUCH FINCH NUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF SEVW-14 CV Hamnuddens Fischer) and me to compete in Obedienceclass 1 for the second time this year. It was a very warm day but who can complain! We finally have wonderful weather after lots of cold days with rain.
Moa and I did a good job I think. She was a bit lazy and off focus now and then but overall did everything that she was asked to do and she managed to get enough points for a 1st prize! She got 167 points and it also made her classwinner!
This was Moa's first 1st prize! Now we need two more for the LP1 title!

I am so happy to recieve wonderful news from the US where my export Kadamo Going for Gold JC/QC "Seger" from the Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) is rocking the rings.
He is not even 16 months old and was Winners Dog on Saturday under Marjorie Martorella for a 5 point major and Winners Dog on Sunday under Betty Anne Stenmark for a 4 point major. He now has 14 points and 3 majors. He only need one single point to finish his Championtitle!
Thank you Shawna for showing him so well and to his family the Oksanen for taking such great care of him!

This weekend me, Koya and Mira went on a little trip! We took the train on Friday afternoon to Lund in the south of Sweden. There we were picked up by my dear friend Malin who is the owner of Idde (sire to my Gold- and High-litter). Me and the girls go to stay with them this weekend and together we went to Roskilde in Denmark for two days of International dogshows.
Day 1 the breed was judged by Arne Foss, Norway and breedentry was around 55.
Today I only showed Koya in intermediateclass and she did so well! She won the large class with Excellent and CQ and very nice critique.
She got to compete in Best Bitch and made it all the way to 2nd Best Bitch with R-CAC and R-CACIB! Unfortunately the Championbitch who won over us was not Danish Champion and even though she is already International Champion that title has not been confirmed, so we did not get the CAC or CACIB this time...
Koya's handsome dad Idde showed very well too placing nicely in the Championclass with Excellent and CQ.
After the show we drove back to Sweden and spend a few hours with Mira and Idde's daughter Selma (Kadamo High Expectations) and her family. After that we spend the rest of the evening just chilling before it was time to go to bed and recharge for the next day.
Day 2 at the show today judged by Eli-Marie Klepp, Norway with breed entry around 55.
First out today was puppy Selma in 6-9 months class. Her and her owner/handler Jeanette did very well gaining Very promising and finished 2nd Best bitchpuppy.
Daddy Idde once again showed well with a nice placement in Championclass but unfortunately again just outside placement in Best Male.
Today I showed Mira instead of Koya and she did very well! She made it all the way to 2nd Best Championbitch with CQ in though competition, and finished 4th Best Bitch.
I am very proud of my girls for both doing so well. There were a lot of nice looking bitches at these two shows so happy that we made it so far. Of course I did wish that we would have gotten a CAC and/or CACIB for at least one of them... but now we just have to back and keep trying!
A very big thank you to Malin and Daniel for letting me and the girls come and stay wth you, giving me lovely dinners and just opening up your home for me!
And thank you Jeanette and the whole family for your company both days!
Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad.
Kommande aktiviteter:
Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen
Latest News
- Our boy Cooper is a junior!
- Approved scenttest in Nose work for Thor!
- Agilitywin for Nacho and Linda!
- Queen-litter puppyfamilies!
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us at kennel Kadamo!
- Last few days together!
- Django Nordic Veteran Winner 2024 and Leo Nordic Winner 2024, Best of Breed and BIG-4!
- Merry Christmas!
- Outdoor playtime!
- Queen-litter 6 weeks old!