• News

Lots of great results for Kadamodogs!

Because of lack of time I haven't been able to update with the last few weeks great results for Kadamo. 
To start off we now have only two more dogs from the Gold-litter to be X-rayed. Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" and Kadamo As Good As Gold "Lilleman" both scored hips B/B and elbows 0/0. So far all but one (Koya) is X-rayed clear!

Last weekend two of our boys did some bloodtracking. SEUCH FINCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" recieved his second 1st prize in Openclass and Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" passed his aptitudetest. Congratulations boys!

Today I competed in Obedienceclass 1 with Mira. I felt the nerves in the morning and pressure since she would get the LP1 title today if she would gain another 1st prize. 
She started off by not being completely focused which lost us some points. She also did not lay down on my first command which gave us 0 points. Other than that she did pretty well and we ended up with 155,5 points, only 4,5 points away from the 1st prize and title....
Still this gave us a 4th place out of all the dogs, so still happy with that. We get a new chance next weekend so just hope our nerves will be better then!

Today was also the day when SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" and her owner Emma gained their first qualifing run in Rallyobedience Advanced class! They were only 2 points away from getting two qualifying runs! Great job Emma! 


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