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2016 > 12

I want to wish all my puppybuyers and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This year has had a lot of big Ups for us with a lot of success in several different areas, and me and the dogs have achieved many of the goals I had set up for us.
We also got to welcome Colin as a new member of our pack and he has brought us lots of joy.
But this year also gave us a huge loss and big grief when we very unexpectedly lost our girl Yaya in September. So I will look back at this year with mixed feelings but also try to look forward to all the great things we will do during 2017.
I will post a summary of the year later on. Until then you get to enjoy this early Christmas present that I got for myself, a photoshoot of the pack by Tomas Gustavsson.

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Mira is today on day 35-37. She has grown A LOT this past week. I thought she had a little bit of belly last Sunday but now seeing this comparison she really didn't! I wonder how big this poor girl will be in the end... If she has 10 or more puppies to carry around this belly of hers will be down by her knees in 3-4 more weeks! I don't expect her to go the full 63 days, usually my bitches has given birth on day 60-61. So we will be prepared any day from the 10th of January and forward. So a little bit less than 4 more weeks to go!

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Mira's belly has started to grow this past week. It shows more obvious in real life than on this photo though. She is feeling good, wants to eat everything all the time! Still plays and runs during our walks. To follow her pregnancy closely check out the I-litter Pregnancy & Puppy Diary.

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Just like Koya's pedigree name says, we were in it for the Gold this year. Starting off showing Koya at My Dog two day show in Gothenburg in January, I had very little expectations. She was then a week short of her 1st Birthday and was shown in Juniorclass.
But the way she kicked off this year set the tone for the rest of it! Day 1 she became Best Bitch and BOS. Day 2 she went all the way to Best Bitch AND Best of Breed. But she did not stop there, entering her very first groupfinal she went all the way to the Top! My very young girl won BIG-1!
With these amazing results Koya stepped in on the Swedish Top 10 Ridgeback list "Guldhundslistan" as #1.
And the year for her has just continued pretty much the same way. Koya has during the year been shown in Sweden, Denmark, Norway in Finland.
At every single show (in juniorclass or intermediateclass) she has recieved Excellent, been placed as classwinner and each time with CQ (championquality).
Only that is something to be proud of! But of course she did not stop there. During the year she has won 9 Swedish CAC, 1 Norwegian CAC, 1 Finnish CAC, 3 Swedish R-CAC, 2 Danish R-CAC and 1 Norwegian R-CAC. She has won Best Bitch 7 times in Sweden and finished Best of Breed 4 times and Best Opposite 3 times. She has been placed in Best bitchclass 5 other times than that in Sweden.
After moving to intermediateclass she has won 3 CACIB and 1 R-CACIB in Sweden. 
This means that Koya has been placed as Swedens #1 Ridgeback bitch from January until the last showweekend in December. There, she truly fell on the finishline... with 5 points she lost her #1 position and moved down to 2nd place. Still and amazing achivement for this girl who still is not even 23 months old. 
I can not be anything but proud of this girl, as her breeder, owner and handler. She is to me close to perfection and a delight to show. 
Not to forget is that we also competed three times in Rallyobedience Noviceclass, with three straight qualifying results with top placements and the RLDN title.
So she is not just a pretty face ;)
In January Koya will turn 2 years old and then she can start to compete for her last needed CAC to complete her Championtitles. Once she get the last Swedish CAC she will become both Swedish Champion, Norwegian Champion, Finnish Champion and Nordic Champion.
So before ending this little note, I want to say THANK you to each and every judge who has thought so highly of my young girl, both compared to other dogs the same age, but most of all placing her above so many lovely and highquality champions! Each results has meant so much to me, so thank you!
If you are interested in seeing the whole Swedish "Guldhundslista" follow this link. Congratulations to the winners and all dogs placed on the list! 

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Yesterday it was time for the last Swedish Show of the year, it's was the Swedish Winner-16 show in Stockholm, judge Liz Cartledge, GB and breedentry was 60+.
First out was our two juniorboys SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" who placed 2nd in the class with Exc, just one dog away from the Juniorwinnertitle... His brorther NBOJW-16 Kadamo I Am High Quality was one of five in the class who got VG today.
I had no other males at the show so no competition for us in Best male. Time fore the girls and as always I showed SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In it for the Gold "Koya" in intermediateclass, her very last time!
She won the class with CQ and got to compete in Best Bitch where she ended up nicely as 3rd Best bitch with R-CAC.

Koya's critique:
"Nearly 2 years. Typy bitch in good form. Attractive head, very focused, intelligent expression. Clean outline, good reach of neck, deep chest. Moved and showed well, handled to best advantage."

In Championclass I got to show SEUCH FIUCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly". She did well and got Exc but no placement in this large class.
I am very happy and proud of my dogs, even though only Koya made it to placement this day. 
Thank you all for a great day around the ring and for cheering for us!
Thanks to Nadine and Petra for helping out taking pictures these two days! Look forward to spend time around the ring with all of you again next year!

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On Friday it was time for the International Dogshow "Lilla Stockholm". Judge was Mr Torbjörn Skaar, SWE and breed entry 60+.
I started off by showing Mira's son SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" in Juniorclass. He recieved Exc and was placed 3rd in the class. His brother NOJW-16 Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" recieved VG and was unplaced.
In workingclass I showed Mira's brother SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" and he won the class with Exc and CQ.
In Best Male Bellman was kept and placed as 5th Best Male with his third R-CAC.

Time for the girls and today from us only SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" present. She won the intermediateclass with Exc and CQ and went all the way to Best Bitch with another CAC and CACIB! So proud of my young girl! 
She finshed BOS in the Best of Breed competition which is fine with us! Still happy with her result!

Koya's critique (in Swedish):
"Välbalanserad helhet. Mycket bra feminint huvud och uttryck. Mörka välformade ögon, vacker hals och rygglinje. Välvinklad fram och bak. Utmärkt kropp och ridge. Rör sig bra i bra balans."

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Puppies fall 2024:

Fodervärd till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

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