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2015 > 05

 Today it was time for the first show outdoors for us in Sweden, at the International Show in Österbybruk. Judge was Ann-Sofie Gothen from Denmark and breedentry was 64.
I started off by showing Kadamo Playing with Fire "Zeppelin" (from my F-litter, Enya x Leo) in intermediateclass. This was his offoicial showdebute at the age of 22 months. And what a debute!
He started off by winning his class with Excellent and CQ and later finished at the top as 2nd Best Male with R-CAC and R-CACIB!
In workingclass I showed Mira's brother SEVCH Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" (from the Elvis-litterelvi, Moa x Kimba) who also did great winning the class aswell with Excellent anc CQ! 
Unfortunately he was left without placement in Best Male but still very happy with his result!
After the boys it was time for me to show SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" in Workingclass were she competed against her cousin SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" (from the America-litteramer, Fendi x Bosco). Both girls recieved Excellent and Mira won the class with CQ and Chanel finished nicely 3rd. 
Mira got to stick around for sometime in Best Bitch but was unfortunately thanked off before the Top 4 placements.
I am very happy with the results of our day and look forward to more shows this summer!

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A huge Happy Birthday today to my precious Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) who already turns 5 years old! I wish you all a wonderful day with lots of treats and presents!

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Today it was time to meet my GOLD-litter puppies and their owners again. Today's theme were bloodtracking and the puppies got to try it out. Some of them had done it a few times before with the owners but all did well. They all love the deerhoof and was easy to motivate!
Thank you for coming, we missed the three boys that were not here today and hope to see you next time! (Well, Seger now living in the US is excused from our playdates... But I hope to see him too again one day!)
Below are some mixed photos from our day!

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Today I got to spend the day with 7 out of 10 dogs from my Fire-litter (Enya x Leo). They did their mentality BPH-test today. I will publish the result as soon as I have gone trough the 1000 photos that I took... 
But until then here are their new individual photos! Unfortunately one boy left before I had taken his pictures but at least we have new photos of six of them, now starting to look all grown up soon 2 years old. 

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This past weekend we spend a few days with Christoffers family in the south part of Sweden. We got to enjoy some nice walks in the woods, pet some sheep, eat great food and end the weekend shopping in Ullared!
Below are some mixed photos from our walks!

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Our handsome little American export Kadamo Going For Gold "Seger" had a photoshoot with the very talented Steven Moore a few weeks ago. We have finally gotten the result! Amazing photos of this precious young boy! 
You will be able to follow Seger at kennel Vyrtuous homepage.
The Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) just turned 4 months old and growing taller by the minute. On Sunday we have a Puppy date again so look forward to see many of them then!

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Today it was time for Kadamo Mästerskapen for the 5th year in a row. I am so happy that we can keep this activity going year after year, so thank you to everyone who came and participated today! It means a lot to me to know that you are all enjoying it!
The weather was perfect and the conditions for tracking was great. We had three judges taking care of us today.

Best dog and winner today was our latest addition to our extended family, Ghali Excellent Nassak "Eldar", a halfbrother to my Beatles-litter. Eldar lives with younger brother Kadamo Gold Rush "Tor" who got to come along and cheer today, next year the Gold-litter is old enough to compete aswell.
At second place we had our talented trackingteam Emma with SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" and at third place Nadine with her boy SEVCH RLDN Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman".
Today we also got to celebrate that we got two new Swedish Bloodtracking Champions! SEVCH Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" and SEVCH Kadamo Fire in my Heart "Noomi".
A big congratulation to you both and to everyone who recieved a 1st prize today!

Thank you again for making this yearly event such a success and as always a great day! Hoope to see all of ypu and more again here next year!

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I have finally decided who Mr Right is for my girl Mira. Read more about the proud parents to be and see lots of photos of them under Planned H-litter. If you are interested in a puppy please contact me at karin@kadamo.se.

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On Friday evening me and Mira headed for our second trip to Finland. This time we had the company of SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Don't mess with Texas "Charlie" and his owners Olle and Kicki. On the ferry on the way over we also got a visit from Isabel, owner of Kadamo Bloody Mary "Ebba" who was by coincident on the same ferry as us. 
So after a nice evening on the ferry we arrived Saturdaymorning in a grey, cold and rainy Turku. We walked the dogs around Turku castle before getting some breakfast.
We had a few hours to kill before the show so we had time for  a few walks in the woods. Once at the show we went to show the dogs papers and to our great disappointment Charlies vaccination against parvo etc was a couple of weeks to old for him to participate at the show... Finland has different rules than Sweden with this, so unfortunately we did not get to show Charlie.
But I still showed Mira and she recieved Excellent and was placed 2nd in the class. Judge was Mr Harri Lekhonen, Finland.
Feeling a bit disappointed to not have gotten that Finnish CAC I will wait before chasing it again...
I was happy to meet Elina and EEJCH EECH FINCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door "Myy" who came to say hello. Myy and Charlie are brother and sister from my first litter and haven't seen eachother since they were 8 weeks old. 
We went for a walk together and took some photos of them before we said goodbye and drove back to Turku. 
The weather started to clear up and we found a market in town were we spend a couple of hours walking around. We enjoyed a great dinner in the sun before it was time to get on the ferry.
Overall we had a nice trip even though not everything went the way we had hoped for!
Thank you Olle and Kicki for your nice company!

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The other day me and Christoffer had a little photosession with the whole pack during our afternoon walk. Felt like it was time for some updated photos of our gorgeous pack! Moa will turn 9 years old in about 2 months, Yaya turns 7 years in just a few days, Mira is 2 years 5 months and Koya at the photos 15,5 weeks old.
I have updated their own pages and photoalbums aswell.

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Here are some mixed photos of my youngest darlings from the G-litter taken by their owners! Enjoy!

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On Thursday me, Ellen, Mira and Malin with Idde (sire to my G-litter) started off our weekendtrip to Finland. Before getting on the ferry we went for a very windy walk on the fields near me to let the dogs play. They sure did and off we went to the ferry. The trip went very well, the dogs slept and behaved so well at the ferry and we arrived early Friday morning in Turku, Finland.
We started to drive towards Lahti but quickly stopped on the way for a short walk in the woods. After some more driving we stopped again at a sandpit were the dogs could stretch their legs and all of us gets some fresh air trying to wake up! We had gotten up at 4.30 Swedish time in the morning...
We arrived at the showground around 11 am and had plenty of time to eat lunch, walk the dogs and talk to the other ridgeback owners. I was happy to have Elina with her girl FINUCH EECH EEJCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door "Myy" coming to sheer us on. My is from my A-litter and I haven't seen her for a while, so happy to get some qualitytime with her again!

Finally in the afternoon it was time for the show, judge Taina Nygård, Finland, breed entry 15. Idde started in Championclass which he won and he also became Best Male, being the only male at the show this day recieveing CQ.
I showed Mira in Openclass where we ended up 2nd with Excellent and CQ. In Best Bitch it was the two of us from Openclass aswell as the two Championbitches who had recieved CQ, and I was happy to be placed as 2nd Best Bitch, even though this only gave us the Reserv-CAC...
Idde won Best of Breed and finished nicely BIG-3 aswell. Today he also became Finnish Champion AND Nordic Champion! Huge congratulations to you Malin!
After the show we drove to our hotel in Tampere were we had dinner and fell asleep early, all tired after our first day of travelling and show.
The next day we enjoyed a great breakfast at the hotel and walked the dogs before heading to the show. 
Today it was time for the International show in Tampere, breedentry 30, judge Yochai Barak, Israel.
Idde once again in Championclass which he won and he placed nicely 3rd Best Male. I showed Mira in openclass which she managed to win with CQ.
Mira's critique:
"Femine, very elegant when standing with beautiful outline. Super pigmentation, very strong bone, correct head and expression. When moving she isn't even yet, needs to get stronger. Nice coat and temperament."

Unfortunately we were not placed in Best Bitch which left us without that Finnish CAC that I was hoping for. But hopefully next time!
After the show we had a few hours before our ferry was leaving so we stopped a couple of times on the road to let the dogs play and to have dinner. We were all tired so after watching a movie we fell asleep!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Malin for coming along on this trip, for entertaining Ellen for me and just keeping me company! It has been great and look forward to more fun trips in the future with you!

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Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

Kommande aktiviteter:

Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen

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