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2013 > 04

On Saturday afternoon I met with "Dexter" and his owners Tomas and Johnny. We had a little showpractice together getting them ready for their upcoming shows. Follow the link from his name for more photos of this stunning young boy!
Dexter is from my Drinks-litter (Moa x Argos) and is now 14 months old. You can read more about Dexter on his own homepage aswell.

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Yesterday I had a playdate with Kadamo A Big Hunk o' Love "Attila" and Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman". These are two of Mira's brothers from the Elvis-litter and they all recently turned 5 months old.
This day it was time for them to learn the basics of Bloodtracking.
We had good luck with the weather and the puppies all loved their deerhoofs! Now they have all summer to practice before they turn 9 months old and can start to compete!
Thank you both for coming with your owners! Loved seeing you and hope to do it again soon!

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Today I went to Knivsta to cheer for three of my Drinks-litter "puppies" who was doing their aptitudetest in bloodtracking.
First out was Kadamo Fire in the Sky "Kayla" who got to track for judge Tommy Wallén. Kayla's owner Jennie has injuired her knee a while back and the other day also her back, so she has not been able to practice tracking with Kayla since the fall, and was unable to take her trough the woods today. But since Kayla is one of my breedingterm girls I of course wanted to help!
So we thought we would give the aptitudetest a try, and I am glad we did! Because she did so well, and did the 600 m track in just 14 minutes!
After she was done I met up with judge Ingvar Jansson who would judge Kadamo Jack Daniels "Zimba" and Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki". First out was Zimba who tracked very nicely but a bit fast, finishing in only 12 minutes! 
Souki was after him being having a bit of a difficult time today in her track, but still passed tracking for almost 30 minutes.
Now these guys "only" need three 1st prizes to get their Swedish Bloodtracking Championtitle, SEVCH. Hope that they will all get it by the summer!
Congrats to all of you and good luck in Openclass!

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Tomorrow Mira and the Elvis-litter turn 5 months old! I can't believe it has already been 3 months since Mira's siblings left for their new homes. Time goes so fast! And she is not really a small puppy anymore. Now weighing a bit over 22 kg and last time I meassured her height she was 57 cm. And the biggest boy weighs over 31 kg!

Moa and Yaya was castrated one week ago, since neither one of them are having any more puppies. They have recovered very well but still needs to stay calm for another week. They are calm girls in general but now they really want to play! Not being allowed to do it for a week seems to make even them frustrated!
We have been doing some clickertraining to keep them activated. Yesterday I taught them to back up. Below is a video of Yaya and one of Mira doing it! Really good result from just one day of training I think!

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I have recieved some new photos of tho of the Drinks-litter brothers, now almost 14 months old. Dexter and Loke are the showboys from the litter and they are very similar to eachother. Looking a lot like their handsome canadian daddy Argos (AM CA GRANCH HPK Tropaco Troyan Argos of COSO).
See their lates photos below and read more about Loke (Kadamo Johnny Walker) under Breedingterm dogs.

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I have spend some time with some of my E-litter puppies aswell as recieved some new photos of some of them. So enjoy them below or at the Elvis-litters own Photoalbum.

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Today it was time for Mira and her brother from the Elvis-litter, Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" to make their debute in the showring. We went to the puppyshow in Mjölby arranged by Östergötlands KK, judge Morten Nielsen.
First out was Isidor who was Best male 4-6 months. After him it was time for me and Mira and she behaved like a pro! Stood like a statue even during the judge examination and ran with a happy wagging tail! 
She was Best Bitch 4-6 months so she got to compete against Isidor for Best of Breed. The judge really liked them both, but today he thought Isidor was a bit more developed so he took BOB and Mira was BOS.
Very happy and proud of these stunning little youngsters! Great job and congrats to Isidors owner Natalie and Daniel!
Isidor was also placed as Best in Group 4/6 but later no placement in Best In Show. To tired to stand still by then!
We also had some supporters there, Kadamo Big Boss Man "Bosse" and Kadamo A Big Hunk ó Love "Attila" also from the E-litter came to keep us company.
Thank you both for coming! Wonderful to meet you again! See you in two weeks!

Isidor's critique (in Swedish):
"4 ½ månad gammal mycket lovande hanvalp av utmärkt typ. Maskulint välformat huvud, utmärkt hals och rygg. Mycket bra ridge. Kraftfull benstomme, välutecklat förbröst för åldern, bra vinklad fram och mycket bra vinklad bak. Absolut parallell, bra rörelser för åldern, bra päls, bra temperament."

Mira's critique (in Swedish):
"4 ½ månad gammal tikvalp av utmärkt typ. Feminint huvud där underkäken kunde vara kraftigare. Mörka ögon, utmärkta öron, utmärkt hals och rygg. Bra ridge, bra benstomme. Bra vinklad fram och mycket bra vinklad bak. Parallella bra rörelser från sidan. Bra temperament."

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Finally the snow has melted from some parts of the woods and I have been able to start some tracking with Mira.
We started last week with a hoof from a wildboar. We did one track three days in a row, first one about 50 meters and the last one about 100 meters. I don't use blood in the beginning, I only drag the hoof behind me, and the first tracks are pretty much straight without angles.
She really likes the hoof to carry it and chew on it, but her first track went just ok. She found a lot of animal poo and other things to smell exept for the track too, she found her way but not in a focused way.
Second day and second track she showed a big improvement. She now knew what to do and tracked in a good speed all the way to the end.
Third day and third track I did a bit longer and it was a very windy day. But she did very well! She kept her head higher from time to time, so her tracking behaviour showed that she had to work trough the wind. 
After this we took a few days break from tracking to let it all sink in. And today it was time again. This time I used a hood from a roedeer instead of a wildboar, which was the first time for her. 
The track was about 100-150 meters with two angles. She worked really well again today, at at some parts of the track really focused in a fast speed! 
If she continues like this I will have to start pushing the break! She will have me running trough the woods!
Below you can see some photos of her with her hoofs and also a short video from the last part of todays track! Enjoy!

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Kadamo Fire in the Sky "Kayla" is the girl from the Drinks-litter that I kept on breedingterms. I am very pleased with how she has been developing and very happy about her great X-ray scores that came back last week.
She is all clear on both hips and elbows! Hopefully this means that she will be the mother to one of my future litters in a couple of years!
I met her last week and the sun was shining that day so of course I took some new photos of her while her owner Jennie was showpractising with her.
Enjoy them below and on her own page.

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Now seven out of ten puppies in the Drinks-litter is X-rayed and their scores has come back! I am so happy that ALL of them are clear on both hips and elbows! I didn't except anything else but as a breeder you are always nervous while waiting for the results!

Here are their scores:
Kadamo Jack Daniels "Zimba"    HD: A and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki"   HD: A and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Kiss in Dark "Jessi"        HD: A and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter"             HD: B and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke"    HD: B and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Fire in the Sky "Kayla"    HD: B and ED: ua/0
Kadamo Eye Opener "Nikki"          HD: B and ED: ua/0

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Yesterday I had some showpractice with a few Kadamo dogs. I had the opportunity to take some new photos of handsome Elvis-litter brothers Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" and Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman". They are now almost 4½ months old and developing very nicely.
And their owners is doing very well training them aswell, and they are getting the idea of this standing still looking handsome business!
See the latest photos of the brothers below and of the whole litter at the E-litter Photoalbum.

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Yesterday before Thea and Luna was picked up by their owners we had a playdate with Jackie (Kadamo All Shook Up). It was nice to see the three sister from the E-litter having fun together.
Jackie is the biggest of them, but Mira and Luna is not far behind.
Jackie is such a sweet girl and she has a wonderful family. My dogs also loves her family, especially Dando who knows exactly which pocket they carry their dogtreats in... ;-)

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Puppies fall 2024:

Fodervärd till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

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