2024 > 12
All our puppies has found their homes and moved during the Christmas week. I have gotten reports of them doing well adapting to their new homes and familymembers. Some of them get's to live with older ridgebacks or other breeds. Happy to see so many old ridgebackowners getting their new dog from me. I hope they will be everything you have ever hoped for. In this litter 10 families (including me) have or have had ridgeback before.
I wish you all the best for the future and can't wait to see you again in a few weeks at puppyclass!

Me and my whole pack wants to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I got myself the best Christmasgift by keeping a puppy from my Queen-litter. She will get her own big introduction soon.

I have updated the Puppy Diary with photos from the last few days together with the Queen-litter. The weeks has gone by and they are now 8 weeks old and starting to move to their new families.

What a way to finish of the showyear of 2024! The largest show in Sweden was held in Stockholm and this year with the Nordic Winner title. I only had two Kadamodogs entered this year and boy did they keep our flag at the top!
Breedentry 77 and judge was Mr Tom Johnston, GB.
In Championclass I got to show our superstar EUJW-23 NORDJW-23 NORDW-23 NORDW-24 SEJW-22 SEW-22 SEW-23 CIB-J SEVCH SEUCH FINCH NOUCH DKUCH RLDN Kadamo Can Y' See It Now "LEO" won the large class of topquality ridgebacks and went all the way to Best male with Nordic CAC and the title Nordic Winner 2024.
In Veteranclass I got to show lovely SEVCH SEVW-23 NORDVW-24 Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" who looked great for his age and he won the class with CQ and the title Nordic Veteran Winner 2024.
Leo went all the way and became Best of Breed and Django was Best Opposite Sex.
Leo and I entered the large finalring in the evening where he got picked out as BIG-4 amongst many lovely topwinning dogs!
So two Kadamodogs at the show, two classwinners, one Best of Breed, one Best Opposite Veteran , one BIG-4 and two new Nordic Winner titles!

Our Queen-litter (Nada x Scharko) is now 7 weeks old and we got new photos of them all yesterday. Check out the Puppy Diary to see them all.
We still have two puppies available, Ms White (correct) and Ms Darkgreen (incorrect). Send me an email to karin@kadamo.se if you want to know more about these lovely girls. Ready to move December 22nd.

Lots of mixed photos of the puppies from the past few days when they have been enjoying being outside. Check out the Puppy Diary!

The Queen-litter is now 6 weeks old and we have new photos of them aswell as their official pedigree names now done! Check out the Puppy Diary for the latest photos and to see what names they got!

The Queen-litter is 5,5 weeks old and spending most of their time playing in our kitchen. It is hard to get good photos because when the run and play the photos get blurry. But some new photos can be seen in the Puppy Diary.

Th puppies has gotten to step outside for the first time earlier this week. It has been very cold so they are not too excited. But they are curious so they do explore a little bit. So far we have stayed on our veranda but eventually I will get them down on the ground so they learn to pee and poo even if it is snow.
More photos in the Puppy Diary!
I still have a couple of girls available for the right family. Email me at karin@kadamo.se for more information.

Our polish prince Almach Eta Leonis Evolution "Cooper" has turned 7 months and is continuing to develop very nicely. It was a bit cold today but could not resist taking some new photos when he was sitting looking cute on our doorstep. He is bending his knees a bit extra because it is cold, he is a bit overbuilt at the moment with his but higher up in the air than his front.... Great age ;)
But still looking so handsome! He weighs around 36 kg now, I have not meassured his height but guessing around 66-67 cm.

Today the Queen-litter turned 5 weeks old I took their second stacked photos. Not completely easy with some of them getting a bit stiff on the table but the results can be found in the Puppy Diary.
Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad.
Kommande aktiviteter:
Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen
Latest News
- Our boy Cooper is a junior!
- Approved scenttest in Nose work for Thor!
- Agilitywin for Nacho and Linda!
- Queen-litter puppyfamilies!
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us at kennel Kadamo!
- Last few days together!
- Django Nordic Veteran Winner 2024 and Leo Nordic Winner 2024, Best of Breed and BIG-4!
- Merry Christmas!
- Outdoor playtime!
- Queen-litter 6 weeks old!