• News

2013 > 01

This week I am back in Stockholm catching up on things I haven't been able to do in Vadstena. Of course I had to meet up with Louise, Thea (SEVCH Kadamo Rare As Ryley) and little Luna (Kadamo You'll Never Walk Alone). We normally walk together almost every week, and now with both of us having a puppy from the E-litter we have to adjust in the same way.
To do this we have both bought a dogstroller. So now we can still go for long walks and take the little puppies with us. They get to ride in their strollers and now and then get out to play.
We had our first walk together today and it worked really well. Unfortunately it was raining a bit so not the most fun weather. But the dogs didn't seem to mind, and the puppies enjoyed playing in the woods.
Some photos of the pack below! Also one photo of Moa from today. It is now 10 weeks since she gave birth to the E-litter, her third litter. She stopped nursing them with milk 4 weeks ago and they moved away only 2 weeks ago.
She will start some indoor swimming again on Monday to help her get back into shape!

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All the puppies has now been with their families for a week and from the reports I am getting they are all doing very well! So I feel like a happy and saticfied breeder.
I have reciveced new photos and it looks like we have some talented photographers among the owners, so below are just a few of the pictures the owners has posted of their darlings. It is Bosse, Elvis and Luna.

As Moa's third and final litter has left the nest Moa is now on her way to become a Grandmother aswell. Her son Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando" has mated Stardust's Hirma by Emira, and if all goes well they will become first time parents by spring.

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On Saturday the last puppy left us and since then Mira has been "alone" at home. Of course a big change for her, but I think it has been positive for her. More the opposite! She has gotten to sleep in my bed, spend a lot of time with me and the other dogs relaxing on the couch and now spending some time in Vadstena at Eriks place.
Here she follows us everywhere and she has her friend Svea to play with. I unfortunately got a cold so haven't felt on top, so a lot of time resting the passed couple of days. 
Today I carried her a lot during our walk with the big dogs. She seem to think that was fine, but a bit heavy for me. So tonight I ordered a dogride for her, which she can go in when I take the big dogs for long walks and she is not allowed to walk that much/far for a long time. 
Below are some photos from our visit at my parents house and some photos of her from Eriks place.

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Etiketter: mira

All the puppies in the E-litter has now moved to their families. All the delieveries has gone well and the puppies has done great in their new homes. So far everyone seems more than happy with their puppy, and the puppies with their families.
The last boy, "Elvis" Kadamo It's Now or Never left today and he has a long drive ahead of him, all the way to Czech Republic. 
I am very happy that I still have "Mira" Kadamo Bringin' it Back left here with me, I would probably not have handled the other puppies leaving as easily if she had gone too. Now I have my own puppy to continue kiss and cuddle everyday!
Follow the E-litter develop on their own page. Welcome all you new families to our growing Kadamo family!

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Today unlike yesterday the sun was shining! Finally! It was very cold but still lovely. After Mr Blue had been picked up by his family I took the big dogs out for a photoshoot and walk. 
Kayla is still with me so I took mostly photos of her, I have to take my chance now when she is here with us. Some mixed photos below and some also updated on Kaylas own page!

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Kayla (Kadamo Fire in the Sky) is staying with me for a few days since she is in her first heat, and since she lives with her bigbrother Leo (SEVCH Kadamo Bad Boy) it is hard for them to be together these days.
Today inbetween the puppy deliverys I went to the woods for a walk with the dogs, and met my sister Johanna who helped me to take some new photos of her.
Unfortunately cold, grey and snowy weather so no great photos, but at least you will get an idea on how she is developing. Check out Kaylas own page for new photos. 

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The puppies are 8 weeks old tomorrow and start to move to their new homes. See their last stacked photos aswell as mixed photos and a video from today in the Puppy Diary.

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My gorgeous babies are now 7 weeks old and it is just one week left until they will move to their new families. For me this week will go by way to fast, but for those families this will probably be the longest week ever!
All the puppies are doing so well and they are just great in every way. Love sharing some kisses and cuddles, play in the snow, play in the kitchen, entertain my visitors and much more. 
I will really make sure to take time for each and everyone of them one on one this last week. I know they are all going to great families and that I will see them again soon, but still it hurts my heart a bit to see them go... They are My babies just as much as they are Moa's. 
See the latest photos of the puppies in the Puppy Diary of visit the Elvis-litters own page.

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The puppies are 6 weeks old today and it is only 2 more weeks left until they will move to their new homes! They are all leaving within three days, but at least one of them is staying at home for ever! So I will have atleast one puppy to kiss when the others has left...
Visit the Puppy Diary for todays stacked photos!

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Fodervärd till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

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