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Swedish Ridgeback Speciality Show!

This past weekend me and Christoffer drove to Röstånga in Skåne to cheer for some Kadamo dogs and to show Mira.
On Saturday it was time for the males, judge was Lisa Hoffman from USA.
First out was brothers Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon" and Kadamo Fire it Up "Arrax" from the Fire-litter, now 10 ½ months old.
In the class there were 10 dogs and only ONE of them got Excellent, happily for me this was Nixon. Arrax was one of many with Very Good, some even got Good today.
When it came to placement we knew Nixon would be number one but I was very happy to see Arrax placing 2nd! Congratulations to you both! Nixon also got CQ and got to compete in Best Male.
My sister Johanna showed her male MULTICH Roseridge Red Rastaban "Wilson" (sire to my B-litter and grandsire to my F-litter) and he won the Championclass and was placed 2nd Best Male. Nixon was unplaced in Best Male.
On Sunday the show started with Petclass, ridgebacks with some kind of fault stopping them from entering normal shows (ridgefaults, ridgeless, kinked tails and so on). In this class Kadamo Jack Daniel's "Zimba" was shown and this was only his second time ever. He behaved so well and he was Best Male and Best of Breed Petclass! Congratulations Amanda!
After this the official bitchclasses started and I showed Mira in intermediateclass. So many dogs had recieved Very good or good so I was nervous! So when Mira started off getting Excellent I was very happy!
When she also ended up on 4th place out of 10 with Excellent I was even happier! She wasn't placed in Best Bitch which I didn't expect either with all the older beautiful dogs there. But still happy with all the results of the weekend!
Thank you Petra, Göran, Amanda, Alex, Liam, Ann-Sophie, Patricia, Johanna, Emil AND Christoffer for your company this weekend! And congratulations to all of you!
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