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2014 > 04

Today it was time for my girls to start their first Openclass bloodtrack this year. We have been doing some tracking for practise but I always enjoy tracking for a judge, new woods, new smells.
So today all three of my girls got to start, first out was Yaya doing a good job being very focused and finishing in 14 minutes with top score of 42/42 points.
The judge comments:
"Mycket bra spårarbete, jobbar bra ihop med förare. Tar alla svårigheter på ett mycket bra sätt. Ej berörd på skott."

After her Mira got to start and she is the most thorough of all my dogs, but still doing a good job in just 16 minutes (maximum timelimit is 45 minutes). She also got 42/42 points and the judge comments:
"Bra tempo och spårarbete av denna nogranna tik. Ej heller berörd på skottet."

Last out was Moa who was more than happy to get to track today aswell. Surprisingly she was the fastest today and tracked in only 12 minutes, her aswell with maximum scores of 42/42 points. Unfortunately the judge hadn't written his comment on her paper before we left.
I am very happy with all three girls and very much looking forward to Sundays Kadamo Mästerskapen in Västerbo. We will be a big bunch of Kadamodogs and people bloodtracking there and I hope the weather will be on our side!

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Today four Kadamodogs competed in bloodtracking. It was a varm day and after more than a week with just sunshine and no rain ground is very dry, but that didn't stop this successful bunch!
First out was Kadamo You'll Never Walk Alone "Luna" from the E-litter (Moa x Kimba) passed her aptitudetest. Now she can start to compete in openclass and work for her Bloodtracking championtitle.
Her brother Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" recieved his second straight 1st prize and only needs one more for the title!
SEVCH Kadamo Rare As Ryley "Thea" from the C-litter (Yaya x Akala) is already a champion and today recieved another 1st prize, showing she still got it. SEVCH Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki" from the D-litter (Moa x Argos) is also a champion, and also placed in the top at last years Top 10 list for Swedish RRs bloodtracking. She recieved a 1st prize aswell!
So to summarize the day, 1x passed aptitudetest and 3x 1 st prizes!
Big congratulations to these wonderful owners who is working so well with their dogs! Very proud of all of you!

Also not to be forgotten this weekend is that Bellman made his debute in Rallyobedience Noviceclass and SEVCH RLDN Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya"  from the B-litter (Moa x Wilson) made her debute in Rallyobedience Graduateclass. Unfortunately neither one of them passed the limit for a qualifying result, but still I am proud of you both being out competing! I know you will both do even better next time!

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Today it was time for the national show in Västerås. Judging the breed today was Elzbieta Chwalibog, POLAND and breedentry was 34.
First out was puppy Kadamo Lights My Fire "Soya" who was placed as 3rd Best Bitch puppy.  After her SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" was shown in openclass were he recieved VG and was just outside placement.
Then it was time for Mira who also recieved VG and was just out placement aswell. She behaved perfectly, stood like a statue and ran very well, so I am very happy with her.
Last out was SEVCH Kadamo An Angel in Abbey "Indra" in workingclass. She recieved Excellent and placed 2nd in the class.
Thank you Jenni for your company all day and thank you Tomas for taking pictures for me.
Next show for me is Norrköping in the beginning of June. Until then we have a few rallycompetitions, bloodtracking and for me a vacation to the Maldives!

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During the spring I have taken some new photos of my own pack and updated their pages. To see the latest photos of my dogs visit their own page and photoalbums by following their links: Dando, Moa, Yaya and Mira.

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Today it was showtime for Kadamo! Judging ridgebacks today was Mr Jochen H Eberhardt, DE. The puppies was shown in a different ring by Mr Göran Bodegård, SWE. In the puppyring we had Kadamo Fire It Up "Arrax" with owner/handler Amanda winning Best Male with HP. His sister Kadamo Lights My Fire "Soya" was shown by her owner Jenni and they finished Best Bitch, Best of Breed and Arrax BOS. In the big finals in the afternoon Soya was placed as Best In Show Puppy-4 under judge Bertil Lundgren, SWE.
In the adult ring I started off by showing Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" in Intermediateclass. He recieved VG (as most of the dogs did today) and finished 4th in the class.
In Openclass Tomas showed his handsome boy SE JW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" who also recieved VG and was placed 5th in the class.
Then it was time for the girls. Mira was shown officially for the first time, and I knew before even entering the ring that she would be send out with a Good. The reason is that this judge didn't give better to dogs missing teeth... and Mira is missing one P3. But being there and already had paid for it I still showed her. She behaved nicely, even though not really enjoying the judge very thorough teeth check. She always stands like a statue during the examination but this judge wasn't that gentle with the dogs...
Anyway, we got Good as expected so no placement for us. In Workingclass SEVCH Kadamo An Angel in Abbey "Indra" recieved VG and placed 3rd in the class.
After her it was only SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly" left from us in Championclass. She recieved todays only Excellent for our team and won the class, but without CQ...
So mixed feelings about this day. Not happy about the overall results, but over the moon happy about my puppies wonderful performances!
Thank you all for a great day! See you next weekend!

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My dear Elvis-litter (Moa x Kimba) is soon turning 17 months old. I still see my girl "Mira" as the baby in the family but I now realize she really isn't a puppy anymore.
They are all developing nicely and becoming gorgeous adults. I look forward to summer when they will start to be shown more aswell as do more bloodtracking.
To see the latest photos of them visit their litterpage or their photoalbum. Enjoy!

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Today two of the Elvis-litter brothers went to compete in Bloodtracking. Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" started in openclass for the first time and he recieved a 1st prize.
Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" started in the aptitudetest which he passed and can now start to compete in openclass aswell.
Well done boys with owners Nadine, Kristoffer, Natalie and Daniel!

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My C-litter (Yaya x Akala) is now 3 years and 4 months old. I have taken/recieved some new photos of some of them recently. Above you can see SEVCH Kadamo Rare As Ryley "Thea", Kadamo All Eyes on Armstrong "Masai" and SEVCH Kadamo Here Comes Hudson "Diezel".
Some more photos of these stunners can be seen in the C-litters own photogallery.

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Puppies fall 2024:

Fodervärd till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

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