All the puppies has now moved to their noéw families and are doing so well. I wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing most of you next Sunday on first puppyclass!
The puppies are now a bit over 7 weeks old and are really enjoying to explore our property. They come along to our chickens, when we feed the goats, alpacas and horses, when we are working outside they are there helping out! They are very brave, sometimes walking off in small groups or one by one checking things out, so not at all depending on us or the big dogs to dare to check out new things or places.
Below are some mixed photos of some of the puppies from Wednesday when they were outside having fun!
Tonight we are taking a drive to my vetclinic for their healthchecks, vaccination and ID-chip. So a big adventure coming up and on Tuesday the first puppies starts to move!
The puppies are today 7 weeks old and in only one more week they will start to move to their new homes. Time is flying by! Today I got some very much needed assistance from Sara when taking the photos, so this week I can show you headshots and ridge/backshots aswell as stacks. Not sure if I will be able to do one more photoshoot next week before they leave, so for now, enjoy todays pictures below!

The puppies are now 6 weeks old and growing steady. They have been dewormed again and had another photoshoot. Below are the new stacked photos and below them are mixed photos of them outside at 6 weeks of age. Enjoy!

The puppies has now been allowed to come outside for a few days, and they are loving it. The weather has been very nice, lots of sun and in the afternoons also very nice temperatures. So as much as I can I let them spend time outside now, to play, explore, eat, pee, poo and sleep!
It is also so wonderful to see Segra being able to interact more with them, and not only feeding them. She can play now when she has more room, and she also starts do disciplin them when needed. My other two dogs Koya and Colin is also happy to hang out with them more now!
Below are mixed photos from the first day spend outside!