• News


I want to wish all my puppybuyers and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This year has had a lot of big Ups for us with a lot of success in several different areas, and me and the dogs have achieved many of the goals I had set up for us.
We also got to welcome Colin as a new member of our pack and he has brought us lots of joy.
But this year also gave us a huge loss and big grief when we very unexpectedly lost our girl Yaya in September. So I will look back at this year with mixed feelings but also try to look forward to all the great things we will do during 2017.
I will post a summary of the year later on. Until then you get to enjoy this early Christmas present that I got for myself, a photoshoot of the pack by Tomas Gustavsson.

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Mira is today on day 35-37. She has grown A LOT this past week. I thought she had a little bit of belly last Sunday but now seeing this comparison she really didn't! I wonder how big this poor girl will be in the end... If she has 10 or more puppies to carry around this belly of hers will be down by her knees in 3-4 more weeks! I don't expect her to go the full 63 days, usually my bitches has given birth on day 60-61. So we will be prepared any day from the 10th of January and forward. So a little bit less than 4 more weeks to go!

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Mira's belly has started to grow this past week. It shows more obvious in real life than on this photo though. She is feeling good, wants to eat everything all the time! Still plays and runs during our walks. To follow her pregnancy closely check out the I-litter Pregnancy & Puppy Diary.

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Just like Koya's pedigree name says, we were in it for the Gold this year. Starting off showing Koya at My Dog two day show in Gothenburg in January, I had very little expectations. She was then a week short of her 1st Birthday and was shown in Juniorclass.
But the way she kicked off this year set the tone for the rest of it! Day 1 she became Best Bitch and BOS. Day 2 she went all the way to Best Bitch AND Best of Breed. But she did not stop there, entering her very first groupfinal she went all the way to the Top! My very young girl won BIG-1!
With these amazing results Koya stepped in on the Swedish Top 10 Ridgeback list "Guldhundslistan" as #1.
And the year for her has just continued pretty much the same way. Koya has during the year been shown in Sweden, Denmark, Norway in Finland.
At every single show (in juniorclass or intermediateclass) she has recieved Excellent, been placed as classwinner and each time with CQ (championquality).
Only that is something to be proud of! But of course she did not stop there. During the year she has won 9 Swedish CAC, 1 Norwegian CAC, 1 Finnish CAC, 3 Swedish R-CAC, 2 Danish R-CAC and 1 Norwegian R-CAC. She has won Best Bitch 7 times in Sweden and finished Best of Breed 4 times and Best Opposite 3 times. She has been placed in Best bitchclass 5 other times than that in Sweden.
After moving to intermediateclass she has won 3 CACIB and 1 R-CACIB in Sweden. 
This means that Koya has been placed as Swedens #1 Ridgeback bitch from January until the last showweekend in December. There, she truly fell on the finishline... with 5 points she lost her #1 position and moved down to 2nd place. Still and amazing achivement for this girl who still is not even 23 months old. 
I can not be anything but proud of this girl, as her breeder, owner and handler. She is to me close to perfection and a delight to show. 
Not to forget is that we also competed three times in Rallyobedience Noviceclass, with three straight qualifying results with top placements and the RLDN title.
So she is not just a pretty face ;)
In January Koya will turn 2 years old and then she can start to compete for her last needed CAC to complete her Championtitles. Once she get the last Swedish CAC she will become both Swedish Champion, Norwegian Champion, Finnish Champion and Nordic Champion.
So before ending this little note, I want to say THANK you to each and every judge who has thought so highly of my young girl, both compared to other dogs the same age, but most of all placing her above so many lovely and highquality champions! Each results has meant so much to me, so thank you!
If you are interested in seeing the whole Swedish "Guldhundslista" follow this link. Congratulations to the winners and all dogs placed on the list! 

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Yesterday it was time for the last Swedish Show of the year, it's was the Swedish Winner-16 show in Stockholm, judge Liz Cartledge, GB and breedentry was 60+.
First out was our two juniorboys SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" who placed 2nd in the class with Exc, just one dog away from the Juniorwinnertitle... His brorther NBOJW-16 Kadamo I Am High Quality was one of five in the class who got VG today.
I had no other males at the show so no competition for us in Best male. Time fore the girls and as always I showed SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In it for the Gold "Koya" in intermediateclass, her very last time!
She won the class with CQ and got to compete in Best Bitch where she ended up nicely as 3rd Best bitch with R-CAC.

Koya's critique:
"Nearly 2 years. Typy bitch in good form. Attractive head, very focused, intelligent expression. Clean outline, good reach of neck, deep chest. Moved and showed well, handled to best advantage."

In Championclass I got to show SEUCH FIUCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly". She did well and got Exc but no placement in this large class.
I am very happy and proud of my dogs, even though only Koya made it to placement this day. 
Thank you all for a great day around the ring and for cheering for us!
Thanks to Nadine and Petra for helping out taking pictures these two days! Look forward to spend time around the ring with all of you again next year!

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On Friday it was time for the International Dogshow "Lilla Stockholm". Judge was Mr Torbjörn Skaar, SWE and breed entry 60+.
I started off by showing Mira's son SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" in Juniorclass. He recieved Exc and was placed 3rd in the class. His brother NOJW-16 Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" recieved VG and was unplaced.
In workingclass I showed Mira's brother SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" and he won the class with Exc and CQ.
In Best Male Bellman was kept and placed as 5th Best Male with his third R-CAC.

Time for the girls and today from us only SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" present. She won the intermediateclass with Exc and CQ and went all the way to Best Bitch with another CAC and CACIB! So proud of my young girl! 
She finshed BOS in the Best of Breed competition which is fine with us! Still happy with her result!

Koya's critique (in Swedish):
"Välbalanserad helhet. Mycket bra feminint huvud och uttryck. Mörka välformade ögon, vacker hals och rygglinje. Välvinklad fram och bak. Utmärkt kropp och ridge. Rör sig bra i bra balans."

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This past weekend it was time for our last show abroad for this year. It was in Norway and the Norwegian Winner Show in Lilleström. Judge was Sandra Piscedda, Italy and breed entry around 65.
In Juniorclass males I had two of Mira's sons entered. I was more than happy to have them both recieve Excellent and place in the veryt top as 1st and 2nd in the class, the only two with CQ.
Winner was Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" who got the title NOJW-16! Congratulations Petra! Second was SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django".
Both boys with very nice critiques, no placement in best male class though.

I showed Koya in Intermediateclass which she nicely won with CQ. She made it all the way to 3rd Best Bitch behind two nice Champions giving her the Norwegian CAC!
Just what I wanted!
Koya is now 22 months old and I have decided to finish of this year in this class. Being up to date the Most Winning Ridgeback in Sweden 2016 and that from only junior and intermediateclass, is an achivement for such a young dog! Can't wait for her to turn 2 years in January and for the shows to begin in the spring.
When she get's her last needed Swedish CAC for her Championtitle  after she turns 2 years, she will at the same time collect her Finnish Championtitle, Norwegian Championtitle aswell as her Nordic Championtitle. 

In Championclass we had SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly". She recieved Excellent but was not placed in class.

Thank you all for a great day and thank you Nadine for your travelcompany! See you again in two weeks for the last shows of the year!

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Last weekend Mira and Idde got their first Championoffspring in the High-litter. Handsome Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" won his third 1st prize in Openclass in Bloodtracking making him a Swedish Bloodtracking Champion! Well done and congratulations Nadine!

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We are now on our way home from three days in Riga where we have had the pleasure to meet Rayridge Jared Boyled "Boy". I was happy to get the opportunity to spend some quality time with him in different environments. And I would describe him as very easy going, calm, sweet and gentle. He does not seem to be bothered by other dogs, busy environments, new people or crowded places. He is sweet and was very loving, both to me and Mira aswell as Moa. Thank you for this opportunity Anastasia, Valeria and Elizaveta! Without all your assistance this would not have happend!
More pictures and info can be found in the Pregnancy & Puppy Diary. If you want to read more about the upcoming litter and the proud parents to be visit the Planned I-litter page!

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Now the first three dogs from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) has been X-rayed and they all came back with perfect score! The latest result came from Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" and Kadamo Through Highs and Lows "Freke" who both got hips A/A and elbows 0/0!
Congratulations to you both!

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Last Friday we started our long drive towards the twoday shows in Denmark. On our way we made a stop in Växjö where I got to show Koya's brother Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" in Intermediateclass. He won the class with Excellent but unfortunately without the CQ.
His uncle SEUCH DKUCH FINCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" finished 3rd in Championclass and 4th Best Male.
I showed SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In It For The Gold "Koya" in Intermediateclass and despite being in false pregnancy and not her alert self she won the class with CQ and finished 2nd Best Bitch with CAC and r-CACIB (that will turn into a CACIB!).
Very proud of the three of them and happy we could continue our journey towards Denmark! How that went you can see below since I have already updated with those excellent results! 

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Our second day showing in Denmark and today it was time for the Nordic Winner Show. We started off in a great way with Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" (Mira x Idde) placing 2nd Best Juniormale with Exc and CQ, only one dog from the Juniorwinner title...
After him SEUCH NUCH DKUCH DKW-16 BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" continued in the same way as the day before, by winning Best Male and BOS for the second day in a row! Since he got the DKUCH and NORDUCH title yesterday today he "only" got the CACIB and NORDW-16 title!
So proud of this handsome big boy and his great owner/handler Ewa! So well done!
After the boys it was time for SEVCH RLDN NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In It for the Gold "Koya" to show off by winning the Intermediateclass, also for the second day in a row. She went all the way to 3rd Best Bitch unfortunately only with R-CAC.
SEUCH NUCH FINCH DKUCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" finished verey nicely 2nd in the Championclass with CQ but was unplaced in best bitch today.
Her mother CIB NORDUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Hamnuddens Fischer CV "Moa" was again entered in Veteranclass and won it for the second day in a row! This giving her the NORDVW-16 title aswell as her winning Best of Breed veteran just to top it off!
I am so proud of all my "kids" showing off in Denmark this weekend! 
We might have had extremely bad luck with everything else this weekend (our cottage almost set on fire... my car breaking down 1000 km from home and so on..) but instead of focusing on everything that went wrong I keep thinking of all our success instead, making this trip all worth it in the end!
Thank you Ewa, Petra, Göran and Annie for your company this weekend!

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Today we entered the International Danish Winner Show in Herning. Breed entry was 60 + and judge was Per Iversen, NO.
First out was our juniormale Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" who recieved VG and placed 5th in the class. 
After him it was time for SEUCH NUCH BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" for the first time to enter the showring in Denmark. He did it in the most excellent way by winning the Championclass with CQ, winning Best Male with CAC, CACIB aswell as three new titles, Danish Winner-16, Danish Champion and Nordic Champion! Biggest congratulations to his owner and handler Ewa!
After him it was time for the girls and first out was SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" and she won the intermediateclass with lovely critique, Exc and CQ. 
In Championclass I showed SEUCH FINCH NUCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" and she made it all the way to 2nd Best Championbitch with Exc and CQ.
After her it was time for her mother CIB NORDUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 SEVW-14 Hamnuddens Fischer "Moa" to enter the veteranclass.
When she was around 2-3 years old she was shown for this judge and won CAC and Best of Breed two times! So I was excited to show her for him again, even though several years had now passed.
Moa won the class which gave her the Danish Veteran Winner-16 title aswell as taking her to compete for Best Bitch.
Having all my three girls placing in the top in their classes I was happy to have my friends Ewa and  Petra there to help me show them. I showed Mira and she became 2nd Best Bitch with CAC and CACIB making her New Danish Champion!
Her mother Moa finished at a wonderful 4th Best Bitch placement and Koya today outside placement.
I am so extremely happy and thrilled over the results today! So happy with the three new championtitles, two new winnertitles and the two CACIBs we got!

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Mira has today started her heat! Follow our journey in the planned I-litters own Pregnacy & Puppy Diary! There I will post all the latest information about Mira, Boy and the future puppies!

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He is finally here! The latest addition to our pack, and our first boy since Dando (my very first dog) left us 2 years ago. I am happy to have a boy in our family again, things has not been the same since Dando died and I hope we will work this out!
This handsome little fellow comes from Norway and arrived here yesterday. He is settling in perfectly, being wonderful in all kinds of ways so far!
It was more than 8 years ago that I last time acctually bought a dog! After buying Yaya in 2008 I have only kept dogs from my breeding (Mira and Koya). So this is exciting bringing new blood into our family. And he is doing so well fitting in already so I am sure this will go great!
See more of Colin on his own page!

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Kadamo Digging for Gold "Boba" from my Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) sends some photos of him for us all to enjoy! Such a sweet and happy boy! His personality shines trough these photos! Thank you as always Freda!

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My High-litter (Mira x Idde) is now 14 months old and the first one has been X-rayed. Lovely little girl Kadamo Give Me a High Five "Segra" was scored with hips A/A and elbows 0/0! Perfect result!
Congratulations to her owners Mats and Sara! Look forward to see the results of her siblings in the next few months.

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Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) has recently won two 1st prizes in Bloodtracking openclass, one also with Honours Prize! He only needs one more now to complete his first title, SEVCH, Swedish Bloodtracking Champion! 
Congratulations to his owners, well done and also good luck for that last one!

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Yesterday it was finally time for me and Koya to make our debute in Rallyobedience Noviceclass. I haven't had the time to practise as much as I would have liked but at least she knew all the different moves so I thought we might aswell give it a try!
I found a competition at Gävle BK with three competitions in one day. The only one I have found with a change to gain the RLDN title in one day.
To get the title a dog needs three qualifying runs with a score above 70 (maximum is 100 points). 
Our first start went well, she was pretty slow so now I know her competition "mode" is typical slow ridgeback... Despite the slow paste she did everything and we got 95 points and finished t 3rd place out of 31!
Our second run was also before lunch, a bit more difficult course and she did ok, I did a little mistake but overall ok. We got 89 points and with that finished 4th out of 31 again! So really happy so far! 
Our third and last run for the day was late in the afternoon, so we had a few hours to kill while waiting for our turn. I was afraid that three competitions and such a long day would be to much for her but since she had done so well already I wanted to try for that last one, so we stayed.
And I am very happy that we did! Our third and final run was out best! Unfortunately I did not have anyone to film us then but I got some photos from my friend Emma.
Koya scored 99 points out of 100 and made it all the way to 1st place! This gave us her third qualifying run and her first Rallyobedienetitle, RLDN!

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This weekend I had  four boys shown at the International Dogshow in Åland. Our little junior Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" (Mira x Idde) won his class with Exc, CQ and finished 3rd Best Male with Finnish R-CAC. His "bigbrother" SEVCH RLDN Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon" (Enya x Leo) 2nd in Openclass with Exc, CQ and finished 4th Best Male.
In intermediateclass Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" (Kayla x Idde) finished 2nd with VG. His "bigbrother/uncle" SEUCH FINCH DKUCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" (Moa x Argos) finished 2nd with Exc in Championclass.
Great job and congratulations to you all!

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Were to begin... A while back I decided to go the International Dogshow in Stavanger, Norway. The show was being judged by Bo Skalin, SWE. I had only shown  for him once before but he then made Mira Best of Breed. 
So I just could not resist the trip, a chance for both CAC, CACIB and two new titles...
I don't know how I did it but I was able to lure my friend Ewa and her male Loke (SEUCH BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker) to come along.
So this past Friday we set off! Our first day on the road was about 6-7 hours in the car. We stopped for some nice short walks before arriving at our cottage at Onsakervika camping.
We woke up to a little bit of rain but a very nice scenery with the beach and lake just outside our door.
We started the second part of our trip, around 7 hours more of driving and enjoyed lovely scenery in the Norwegian mountains. We stopped for a few walks and of course photoshoots! The weather wasn't great but who cares when the nature around you is still beautiful!?
We arrived in Stavanger pretty late. We settled in at our hotel and fell asleep without any problems!
Sunday morning and time for the show! Loke was shown in Championclass against several other lovely boys. We were very happy with him placing 2nd in the class with Excellent and CQ. Time for best male and he finished 2nd, only beaten by the winning championmale. So with this he won Norwegian CAC, r-CACIB and became Norwegian Champion!
After him it was time for Mira in Championclass, the biggest classes of the day was the championclass... everyone there for the CACIB!
Mira did just as well as Loke and she also finished 2nd in Championclass with Excellent and CQ. She followed in Loke's footsteps and finished 2nd Best Bitch with CAC, R-CACIB and became New Norwegian and Nordic Champion!
So happy with our results! Of course it would have been nice to have those two CACIB's aswell but you can't win it all everytime! ;)

After the show we started our very long drive back home... It took us 14 hours to get home. We of course made a few shorter stops on the way to stretch our legs and let the dogs out. We were both pretty tired going home but the trip was really worth it!

Thank you Ewa for coming along giving me a very nice and successful weekend in Norway! Let's start making new plans! 

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I don't even know where to begin... I don't understand how I ended up in this situation having to write about how my girl, my special one, my Yaya died... 

I will try to take it from the start. A few weeks ago I decided to remove some lumps that Yaya had, she had one bigger lipoma on the inside of her thigh and some smaller once that I wanted to have removed and analyzed at the same time. 
Since she had now turned 8 years old it was time to do a general check up on her so we took a bloodtest and it showed a healthy dog. She was very slightly anemic but nothing that worried us and she had her surgery, and eveything went well.
The result from one of the tiny lumps came back as being a type that can be found in changes in the spleen. 
In ridgebacks it seems to be very common with tumours and ruptures in the spleen so our ultrasound vet pushed that we would check hers and the other dogs too. So we did and Yaya unfortunately had smaller changes on her spleen. Mira and Moa who we also checked at this stage had nothing, so thank god for that.
I decided after being recommended it to have it removed now, instead of waiting before a tumour might grow large or rupture leaving us with an emergancysurgery and perhaps loosing Yaya then.
My own vet does not to this type of surgery, it is a large procedure since the spleen has a LOT of bloodvessles and veins attached to it. So to remove it you have to tie each and everyone off carefully.
I left her for her surgery on Mondaymorning and got a call around 1 pm that she was done and it had gone well. A little bit more than 1 hour later I went to pick her up and took her to my clinic where I work for more observation and IV fluids. 
I though she was a bit to cold when I picked her up and of course tired. But at my clinic (a 10 minute drive away) I had her on a warming blanket and rapt her up also giving her heated IV fluids. 
Around 3 pm it was time for her to get more painmedication, Metadon. It is a strong medication and often leaves the dog a bit "high" and tired, which was perfect for her since we wanted her to continue to rest and lay still.
About 20 minutes later Mira came up to her where she was laying next to where I was doing some dishes. What surprised me was that Yaya did not react to Mira, so I called out her name and got no respons. I immidetely sat down next to her and within seconds after lifting up her head in my lap saw her responses faid... she didn't blink, her pupils got bigger and her mucous and tongue went almost white... I just sat and saw my dog die infront of me...
I know how a dog looks when it dies, I see if very often in my work, but that happens when it is their time to go and when we are giving them medication to pass away...
To see this happening to Yaya right infront of my eyes, a dog that should NOT die... I can't even describe what that has done to me...
I screamed for my vet and he came in seconds and together we started CPR. She got a tube in her troat so we could breath for her and we started heart compressions. We gave her two doses of adrenalin, the first one giving her heart a rush but nothing more. We first thought her cardiac arrest was caused by her second dose of Metadon, so we gave her the antidote for that but she was white... she was gone... My vet took a suringe and needle and punched her belly and found that she had blood free inside... that is when we knew that everything was lost... A suture from the surgery had ruptured causing her to bleed out in her belly. Despite in our hearts knowing it was to late we decided on the spot to open her up, there still was a tiny chane that we could find the bleeding and stop it so we just opened up the stitched wound and the amount of blood that came out I think shocked us both... It felt like it was all the blood in her body not in her veins anymore, it was all in her stomache...
Right then I told my vet to stop, I knew our chances were lost... we had lost... we lost Yaya... So no matter how much we were trying to keep her circulation going there was no blood left to be pumped around her heart or her brain.
All I can try to think to attempt to comfort myself is that she was high on drugs when this happened, she most likely did not feel anything but just feel deeper and deeper to sleep. And the last thing is that she was with me, I was near her. I would have hated even more to get a phonecall from the other clinic saying that she had died there. Now at least I know that both me and my vet did everything we could to save her, I was there and I got to do everything I could too.
I just wish it would have worked. I wish I had noticed something sooner, that she would have said something, done something to give me just a tiny hint about what was happening to her. Then maybe, we could have saved her? In my heart I know we probably couldn't, judging from the time that I gave her more painmedicine to the time that she was declared dead, 25 minutes... Could we have seen something on her 25 minutes ago and opened her up then? Most likely not since she was looking like a normal, tired dog after surgery resting cozy underneath her blankets...
It took me a few hours before I was ready to move, I just pretty much sat or laid there next to her, just hoping that she would suddenly take a breath, move or look at me again... But she didn't.
I took her home with me and was able to drive her to a crematorium only 15 minutes away the next morning, where I left her. It was the same place where I took Dando after I died, and she got to lay in the same dogbed as he did then. In someway this gave me a little bit of comfort. Yesterday afternoon I picked up her urn and she is now back home with us again, standing right next to Dando.

It is so hard to sit here and write this, but at the same time I want her life to be celebrated. She meant so much to me! She was special to me right from the start. I remember so well when she was born, it was only 2 girls and I know the breeder was keeping one and had many people wanting the other one.
So when her breeder Anne told me that she wanted me to have Yaya, oh the joy! I went to see her during the midsummerweekend and fell in love. She wasn't then the prettiest puppy I had ever seen, but I did not care, she was still special. Two weeks later she was mine.
And she might not have been the prettiest stacked her first weeks of life, but oh did that change!
At her first dogshow 11 months old she took Best of Breed, CAC and BIG-4!
I can sort of say that it set the way for the rest of her showcareer! She won almost everything!
She was that one of a kind dog that you don't get two of!
She was a great workingdog having no problem gaining her LP1, RLDN, RLDF, SEVCH and NVCH titles in her very first tries.
And even though I hold all her great results treassured in my heart that is not what I will miss...
I will miss every little thing that made Yaya special, and that is a lot of things! Her eyes, the way she carried her ears, the way she would run almost sideways and jump next to me out of joy, the way she wagged her tail when you said her name or even looked at her, the way she would bend her head against my chest to cuddle so close it was even possible to get, they way she would curl up on the couch, all her million different and crazy ways she would sleep, the way she loved doing tricks.... I can go on forever... 
But what good does it do... she is not here anymore and I will never see her do any of those things again...
How does your heart heal?
I let her have this surgery to make sure she would live a happy long life for 4 maybe 5 more years... and what happend? I lost her way to soon! She was only 8 years and 4 months old... She wasn't even old! We had so many things ahead of us... so many more things to do and share together...
My heart is broken, everything feels empty and meaningless. I am not sure what the other dogs are feeling. They all got several chances to sniff her and must know what happend. 
They obviusly sense my pain, I can tell that. The have been allowed on our bed to comfort me and Christoffer, and they want to be near. 

I don't know how, but I know we will go on, it will never be the same, and there will always be that missing part...
I love you Yaya, and I will until the day I die and we meet again. Until then, you and Dando have fun together and wait for us until we are all together as the pack we should be!

Tarujen Uyaya Kadamo "YAYA"
2008/05/09 - 2016/09/05

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Yesterday my last litter the High-litter (Mira x Idde) turned 1 year old! Unbelievable how time flies! I hope you all had a wonderful day and got really spoiled with treats and presents!

Later this fall it is time for Mira to have her second litter. She will be mated to russian MultiChampion Rayridge Jared Boleyd "Boy" in November/December. For more information about this upcoming litter visit the planned litter page.

I still have no internet at our new house, which means I am very behind with updating the homepage. For the latest news visit me on Facebook!

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Last weekend me and Ellen and all the girls drove to Askersund. On Saturday it was time for the Speciality Show judged by Eva Jönsson, SWE, breed entry around 80.

In Juniormales I showed Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" and he finished 2nd in the class with Exc. His brother Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" won the class with Exc.
In intermediateclass Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" finished 2nd with Exc.
In Workingclass I showed SEVCH RLDN Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon" to a 2nd place with Exc. SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" only recieved Good.
In Championclass NORDUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" got Exc but was unplaced.

Time for the girls, SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In it for the Gold "Koya" wins the intermediateclass with CQ.
For the first time I showed CIB NORDUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 SW-10 NORDW-10 Tarujen Uyaya Kadamo "Yaya" in Veteranclass, 8 years and 3 months old. And also for the very first time she recieved only Good. The judged (who by the way has placed her in Best Bitchclass a few years ago) now thought her breastbone was to short...

So time for Best bitch and Koya from us competing this time, but she hold our flag high! Koya won Best bitch, CAC and finished BOS! Not to bad for this young girl! What a career she has had so far!

Pictures below are from day 1 in Askersund. Updates on day 2 will come as soon as I can!

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Last weekend we attended two shows in the beautiful city of Visby, on the island of Gotland, Sweden. It was the first time for me to show at this showground and I am very happy that I decided to go! 
I took a long weekend with my family and all the dogs at the island, photos from that is coming. But first a report from the two shows!

Saturday National Show, judge: Eva Jönsson, SWE.
Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" Winner of Intermediateclass with Exc
NORDUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" Winner of Championclass, Exc, CQ and Best Male and later BOS.
Only Dexter was given CQ today so no CAC given this day.

SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In It for the Gold "Koya" Best intermediatebitch, Exc, CQ, 2nd Best Bitch with CAC.
SEVCH Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" VG
SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" 3rd in Championclass, Exc
SEUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" 4th Best Championbitch
Kadamo Best Breedersgroup with HP

Sunday International Show, judge: Gitte, Pedersen, DK.
Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" Best Intermediatemale, Best Male, CAC and CACIB, BOS
NORDUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" 2nd Best Male, R-CACIB
SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" Best Bitch, CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed and BIG-4 
SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" 3rd Best Championbitch
SEUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" 4th Best Championbitch.
Kadamo Best Breedersgroup with HP.

I can't describe how proud I am to be the breeder and/or owner and handler to these dogs! It was a delight to have sister and brother standing as BOB and BOS, both winning CAC and CACIB! I feel so delighted to have judges seeing their qualities and rewarding them!

Thank you Gotland for this time!

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Almost 2 weeks ago our handsome SEUCH BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" was shown at the International Show in Ransäter, judge: Lars Widén.
He did well and finished nicely as 3rd Best Male! Congratulations owner and handler Ewa!

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Last year for the first time I invited my puppybyers to join me for a few days of hiking in the north parts of Sweden. We had such a great time so we were all determined to go again this year.
We ended up being 31 people and 25 dogs (!!!) going together for 4 days this time to Funäsfjällen, close to the Norwegian border.
Our first day hiking we all went together. It was an 11 km long walk around Svansjön and Vättafjället. I was so impressed with everyone, both dogs and people of all ages who came along on this hike.
The next two days we split up into smaller groups and took a few differents hikes. Me, Christoffer and the people keeping us company took the second day a 13 km hike up next to Andersjöåfallet and around Hamrafjället.
Our third and final day hiking we drove for about an hour to Djupdalsvallen where we took a 6,5 km hike up to the top of Mittåkläppen.
It was three really nice days in the mountains and we were lucky with the weather just getting better each day. 
Since my first trip hiking with my dad in 2009 I have tried to go at least once a year. We live in such a beautiful country with so many gorgeous places to visit.
Sharing this with my lovely friends, who also takes the best care of their fourlegged friends that they have bought from me just makes it even better.
Thank you all for coming along, I can't wait to see how many we will be next year!

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Yesterday it was time for the International dogshow in Köping. I started off by for the first time showing Kadamo Gold Rush "Tor" in intermediateclass. He was not at all focused today but despite that managed to recieve Excellent and win the class.
After him I had no dog present until juniorbitches. And here it was time for Kadamo You're My High Hope "Bella" to make her showdebute. We have not had many opportunities to practice and I haven't seen her or a few months, despite that I think she did very well in the ring.
She is a slow developer just like her mother and grandmother. They judge really liked her staked and said seeing her stand she deserved both Excellent and Championquality, but she is to unsteady and overbuilt on the move that today he couldn't give her better than VG. 
I agree with him completely! I hope she continues to get better and better and I can't wait to see how she turns out in a year or so.
After her I showed her halfsister SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" in intermediateclass. 
Koya keeps on rocking the rings, and won the class with CQ. She continued all the way to 3rd Best Bitch with R-CAC.
In Championclass I showed SEUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira". She finished 2nd in the class with CQ but was unplaced in Best Bitch.
Thank you Tomas for your help today and for taking pictures!

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Today the Queen of Kadamo, Moa, turns 10 years old! Turning the big doubledigit numbre 10 of course had to be celebrated!
We went to the woods and collected blueberries, well I picked them and the dogs ate them... Went home and made a cake, the dogs and especially Moa got to enjoy the cream and of course a tasty bone!
Moa is as healthy as could be. The past couple of months I have noticed her age a little bit though. She is taking things in her own time, enjoys a good rest on the couch and don't have to rush up for everything that the younger dogs do.
I hope she will stay happy and healthy for many years to come!

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Last weekend was all about Ridgebacks! On Wednesday and Thursday it was time for RRWC 2016, Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress in Lund.
It was two days filled with lovely people, several interesting speakers sharing their thoughts and knowledge with us. I had a great time and I am happy that I was able to go!

On Friday it was time for the Swedish RRWC Speciality Show in Lund. I did not have my own girls with me, but was there to enjoy watching some of my own breedings and a lot of other gorgeous dogs. Total entry was around 170 dogs.
In the male ring the judge was Sue Simper, UK.
In juniorclass halfbrothers Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" and Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" was shown. The both recieved Excellent and CQ but was unplaced.
In Workingclass I stepped in and showed SEVCH RLDN Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon". He was rewarded Excellent and won the class with CQ! He was also picked out in the Top 6 at the end in the Best Male placement. 
In Openclass his brother Kadamo Fire It Up "Arrax" was shown and it was the largest class of the day (22 males). He was rewarded Excellent but unplaced.
In Championclass NORDUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" got Excellent but was unplaced. 

The bitches was judged by Ann Woodrow, UK.
In juniorclass Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" was rewarded Good. Halfsister SEVCH Kadamo All I See is Gold also just got Good in intermediateclass and in championclass we had SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" who recieved Very Good.

So not our girls day but still very happy with the results of the boys! 
Thank you all for a great day around the ring! It became the longest showday in history but it was still nice despite the rain we got in the evening.

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Today we had to let this boy go... Loosing a dog from my very first litter breaks my heart... It is too soon... 
You had the biggest personality Dayo, right from the start as a "tiny" puppy, and I do say "tiny" because that is what you never were... ;) 
You were born to be great! Born to be bigger and braver than the rest!
You will always have a special place in my heart <3 
Dayo suffered of liverfailure and within a week from his first sympoms (vomiting, drinking and peeing a lot) he was a lot worse and there was nothing we could do for him.
We are still waiting for the biopsy results from his liver that was taken the day before he died.
My thoughts go out to your family, they are going trough a very difficult time now loosing someone as special as you.
SEVCH Kadamo Living on the Edge "Dayo" 
2009/03/25 - 2016/06/23

Very recently we also lost another precious boy, Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando". He was born in my second litter, the Beatles-litter and I had unfortunately not seen him for several years. 
His owners recently told me that he had sufferd from a change of behaviour showing aggression in different situations. They did a big check up for pain at Redog about two weeks ago and he did have issues in one paw and also because of this uneven musclemass on the two sides of his body, most likely causing him a lot of pain and therefor could be the reason to his changed behaviour.
According to his owners he wasn't responding to the treatment so they decided it was best to let him go.
I can only say that I am sad that he could not live longer than thes 6 years... two boys just gone way to soon... it breaks my heart!
Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando"
2010/05/30 - 2016/06/??

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This lovely young girl just completed her first title by winning her third 1st prize in Openclass bloodtracking! Big congratulations to owner Helene! Great work to the both of you!
Presenting SEVCH Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" from the Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde).

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Just the other day our handsome boy Lotus from my Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) completed his second rallyobediencetitle by getting his third qualifying run in Graduateclass. 
This now makes him SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo All You Need is Love!

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This Saturday truly was our day! Me and the girls started off early in the morning and drove to Leksand were it for the first time was held an international dogshow in beautiful surroundings.
Breedentry was 38 and judge was Leanne Duval, Australia.
I started off by showing Mira's son Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" 9,5 months old making his debute in juniorclass. He behaved very well and gained Excellent, won the class with CQ and finished 4th Best male! Not bad for such a young boy!
In workingclass he had his uncle SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" who also recieved Exc, CQ and won the class and after that finished 3rd Best Male with R-CAC.. Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" also recieved Exc and was placed 2nd in the class.
In Openclass we had BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" who won the class with Exc, CQ and went all the way to 2nd Best male with CAC and R-CACIB! With that he won the last needed CAC for his Swedish Showchampiontitle! Congratulations Ewa!
In Championclass we had SEUCH FINCH DKUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" who placed 2nd with Exc.
Time for the girls, and another debutant! For the very first time in the showring I got to show Mira's daughter Kadamo Give Me a High Five "Segra" and she followed in her brothers footsteps. She won the class with Exc and CQ!
After that time for halfsister SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm In It for the Gold "Koya" in intermediateclass. Koya did her thing and won the class with Exc and CQ. Her sister Kadamo All I see is Gold "Zoie" finished 3rd with Exc.
Time for championclass were I showed SEUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira". She finished nicely 2nd with Exc and CQ. 
Time for Best Bitch were I had three dogs to show! I was happy to have Mats, owner of Segra show her and Ewa helped me to show Mira, and I showed Koya.
Koya made it all the way to Best Bitch with CAC and her first CACIB! Mira finished 3rd and Segra was unplaced.
Time for Best of Breed were my crazy little Koya took it all! She won Best of Breed and later in the afternoon won BIG-4!
Today I had a Progencygroup with CIB NORDUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 CV Hamnuddens Fischer and 4 kids from two litter, Mira, Bellman, Dexter and Loke. 
Moa won Best Progencygroup with HP and Kadamo was also Best Breedersgroup with Koya, Bellman, Loke and Mira.
We did not show any of the groups in the finals.

Thank you to all Kadamodogowners for a really wonderful day! So happy to see 5 out of 9 dogs we had present placed in the Best Male/Best Bitch competion!

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This past weekend me and all my girls drove to Vänersborg. Three years ago I was there for the first time and then only with Mira. She was just a puppy but made it all the way to Best of Breed puppy and finished amazingly as Best in Show-1 puppy!
A wonderful memory!
This year it was time for Koya in intermediateclass and Mira in Championclass. But first out was their brothers/halfbrothers/uncles Argos (Kadamo Nothing But Gold) and Dexter (SEUCH FINCH DKUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy).
Argos was first out in workingclass and recieved VG. Dexter finished 2nd in Championclass and also 2nd Best Male with another R-CACIB.
Koya won the intermediateclass and Mira finished 3rd in championclass. In Best Bitch Koya finished 4th Best Bitch with R-CAC and Mira was unplaced.
We entered these four in our Breedersgroup which we won with HP. First time showing four dogs with two handlers... I do believe we need more practise! ;)
Thank you Tomas and Jonny for your nice company as always and congrats to your results!

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This past Saturday it was time again, for our annual Kadamo Championship in Bloodtracking! I can't express how happy I am to see dogs from all my litters coming to compete year after year! Every year we get joined by some new and younger once from the last litters, but still, the "old" once are there!
Thank you for not stopping to be active with your dogs, thank you for letting them do what they love! 
This year we had 18 dogs competing, 3 did the aptitudetest and 13 started in openclass. Winner of the aptitudedogs was 9 months old Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django". Halfbrother Kadamo Aiming for Gold "Walter" also passed the aptitudetest.

Winner of the big competition this year was SEVCH Kadamo Eye Opener "Nikki". She did not only win, this was also her third ever start in openclass and she got the last needed 1st prize to complete her Swedish Bloodtracking Championtitle aswell as gaining a Honours Prize.
Big congratulations to owner Ingegerd!
At second place we had SEVCH Kadamo Fire in my Heart "Noomi" and on third place her "sister" SEVCH Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki". Big congratulations to owner Elin for taking both girls to the top!
We had more 1st prizes and to be mentioned is our second new champion of the day, SEVCH Kadamo Playing with Fire "Zeppelin" got his third 1st prize and the title! Congratulations to owners Daniel and Therese!

Congratulations to all of you who attended for good results and wondeful company! It was a great day and I am so proud of all of you! See you again next year at the same place!

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This weekend Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" was shown for the first time in juniorclass in Denmark.
On Saturday the breed was judged by J. Scheepers.
Clinton recieved VG and his critique:
"9 months, good type and size, very nice head, dark eyes, strong teeth, good neck, straight topline and good tail, good ribs, needs better forechest, straight legs feet always french, nice coat, very juvenile in movement front and behind."

On Sunday the breed was judged by Piotr Krol.
Clinton received EXC and finished 2nd Best Juniormale with CQ. His critique:
"Elegante ruede, schoen kopf, schoen hals, vorzueglich koerper, schoene bewegung."

Congratulations Petra to a great start!

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Today SEVCH RLDN Kadamo All You Need is Love "Lotus" did great with his owner Lillemor. They scored 90 out of 100 points and got their second approved run in Rallyobedience Graduateclass. Now they only need one more to complete the RLDF title!

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On Sunday it was time for the International Dogshow in Österbybruk, this year with around 75 dogs entered under new breed judge Gina Ekström Persson, SWE.
I did not have anyone of my girls with me this time, but still several of my puppies were entered so of course I went anyway!
First out was Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" in juniorclass. He finished 2nd in the class with VG (only classwinner got Exc, no CQ).
In workingclass SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" recieved Exc and finished 2nd in the class and Kadamo Playing with Fire "Zeppelin" 3rd in class with VG.
In Openclass I got to step in as handler of handsome BISS-13 Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" and he was the only dog in this big class to recieve Excellent! We had a tough judge today! I was happy when we got the CQ and invited back to compete for Best Male.
In Championclass Loke's brother SEUCH FINCH DKCH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" was shown and recieved Excellent and finished 4th with CQ.
Time for Dexter and Loke to compete in Best Male. I was very excited when me and Loke was picked out for placement!  We got to run as number three but after one lap we got to move up to second place and ran behind a championmale. I knew then that if the judge would keep us there the CAC would be ours, and she did!
Finally that second CAC came for Loke, last year he got several R-CAC and was constantly on the "wront" placement. So very happy that it was his turn this time!

After this it was time for the girls. For the very first time Koya's sister Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" to enter the ring, in juniorclass. She started off very well gaining Excellent which was great under this strict judge. She finished very nicely on a 3rd place out of 8.
In workingclass we had another girl making her showdebute, SEVCH Kadamo Fire in My Heart "Noomi". Noomi is not comfortable around the situation and has been training a lot. She did well even though she still needs more training to feel ok infront of the judge. Today she recieved VG.
In openclass I had two girls present, first time in a long time Kadamo A Hero in Halifax "Haley" who recieved Excellent but was unplaced. 
Kadamo Lights My Fire "Soya" did very well gaining Excellent and finished 2nd with CQ in this large openclass.
We had one championgirl with us, SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly", she got Excellent and finished 3rd with CQ.
In Best bitchclass none of the girls were unfortunately placed, still saticfied with their achievements today!
We did enter with a breedersgroup, not very similar but we picked the once we had left at the show. We got HP and finished 2nd.

Thank you all for a great day! It was so nice to be a big group of people at the show together again! Look forward to your company on more shows this year!

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Today the swedish RR club arranged a Rallyobediencecompetition, unfortunately in the rainy weather. I had two boys representing Kadamo in Graduateclass. SEVCH RLDN Kadamo All You Need is Love "Lotus" from the Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) with 90 points and SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" from the Elvis-litter (Moa x Kimba) with 85 points. 

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In the fall of 2009 I competed four times with Moa in Obedienceclass 1. Back then, all those years ago we were tumbling close to a 1st prize but never got it. We had cold weather and not good settings for Moa back then, and winter came and after that she had puppies in the spring of 2010, and again in 2012. For some reason we didn't get back to Obedience but instead started to compete in Rallyobedience and she easily completed her RLDN and RLDF titles.
After that I felt like I had achieved my goals and just left the obediencetraining to rest. Until earlier this year... I started to compete with her daughter Mira and she won the LP1-title. I then realized that my first dog Dando got the LP1, my third dog Yaya got LP1, my fourth dog Mira got LP1 but Moa... my second dog, the mother or grandmother to most of my puppies, she didn't have LP1-title... Well, we just can'g have that!
So in April, about 5 weeks ago Moa and I started in our first Obedienceclass 1 competition in 6,5 years! Then she did ok and got 152 points, a second prize and a 2nd place. It was good but not a 1st prize (the limit is 160 points).
Three weeks later it was time for our second competition and things went really well then! She got a 167 points, her first 1st prize and also won the competition!
One week later it was time to compete again, worst possible weather, cold and rain... and the results was as bad as the weather... 128,5 points and a third prize...
I almost gave up but we had two more competitons planned so, one week later, a little bit better weather we were at it again!
Moa did well, not amazing in any way but good enough. We got 161,5 points which was enough for a 1st prize and a 2nd place. 
And then it was today... My nerves were bad... This could be the day that she would get that much wanted LP1 title... The forecast said 10 degrees and perhaps rain... But I would not give up hope! 
And thank you god we got no rain! Moa felt absolutely great all evening. I did not see many of my scores whilest competing but it didn't matter, I was so happy and saticfied with her anyway! 
She got to lay in the grass enjoying a tasty bone for a long time afterwards and I could just relax! I did feel like we should have gotten enough points to make that last 1st prize, but I was excited for the awardceremony.
They started from the back calling out names and scores, and more and more names were said, but still not ours... All of a sudden we were up there, the last three dogs.
And my queen, my golden oldie, she won the whole thing! She got a 174,5 points, a 1st prize, the LP1 title and 1st place! Not a bad way to finish off this adventure!

I am so happy that I decided to prove to myself, that I can train all my dogs to at least a LP1 title. With a ridgeback who is not a workingbreed in the official way, to me it is an achievement. I don't feel ashamed to say that I am very proud of myself, for being able to bring this out in each of my dogs so far. If you set your mind to it you will make it! It might not be easy, but who cares, the road to the goal is a part of the goal too!
Your dog is never to old to enjoy an active life! Moa is a proof of that! 
So love to you Moa, and to all your puppies and their puppies, who are blessed to have a little bit of you in them! You have something special!

By the way, Moa now only listens to her full name,

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A couple weeks ago Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django" from my High-litter (Mira x Idde) was rewarded Best of Breed puppy at a unofficial show. He was also placed as BIG-3! Congratulations to owners Nadine and Kristoffer,

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Today it was the International Dogshow in Hässleholm, judged by Hans Almgren, Sweden. At the show I had two of my latest puppies from the High-litter (Mira x Idde) showing off. 
For the first time in the ring Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" won his class and finished Best Male with Honours Prize and also went Best of Breed puppy!
His sister Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" won the Bitchclass but without HP. She still has some growing to do!
Big congratulations to you both! Look forward to see you in Juniorclass this summer!

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Today it was time for Moa and me to compete in Obedienceclass again, our fourth competition for the year. Last weekend the weather was cold and wet and she just wasn't in the mood, but today she was better. Still a bit cold but at least no wet grass! 
It was a pretty tough judge so some lower scores than I think Moa deserved here and there, but good on some aswell so we got enough for a 1st prize! 
We got 161,5 points and the limit is 160 points! We also made it to a very nice 2nd place and got some nice gifts!
We have one more competition planned for this Wednesday evening. If we get another 1st prize then Moa will win the LP1 title! Even if we don't get it then I am not giving up! We will get it this year for sure!

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At the young age of 16 months my US export Kadamo Going for Gold "Seger" from my Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) finished his American Showchampion title! He won the last needed point and I couldn't be more proud! 
It was a big decision the send a dog so far away, it was the first time for me to export a dog outside of Europe. But I am happy that I did! 
Seger is doing well and I only hear wonderful things about him and his personality. Thank you Shawna for showing him off and to Brenda for taking such good care of him!

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This past weekend I had two boys heading for Denmark to show off. In Juniorclass Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" recieved Excellent but was unplaced. 
Uncle Dexter did even better. He finished Best Male with Danish CAC giving him the Danish Championtitle aswell as making him Nordic Champion! Big big congratulations to you for this great result! 
Dexter now only listens to his full name SEUCH FINCH DKUCH (NORDUCH) EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy! ;-)

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Kadamo All I See is Gold "Zoie" from the Gold-litter (Kayla x Idde) and her owner Hélène has been practising bloodtracking since she moved in a few months ago. And now it was time for her to do the aptitudetest which was not a problem for this talented young girl! She passed it in only 12 minutes!
Look forward to see how she gets on in openclass this year! Congratulations and well done Hélène!

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This weekend our rallyobediencestars Emma and RDLN RLDF SEVCH Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" from the Beatles-litter (Moa x Wilson) competed once again in Advanced class.
They had two starts and already after the first one which they passed they won their new title, RLDA Rallyobedicence Diploma Advanced Class!
They did compete a second time the same day and passed that one too! I am so happy to have a puppyowner with the interest and determination to get this kind of result with her dog!
I will always treasure your commitment to Meya! 
Meya is the first Kadamo dog to compete in this class so very proud that she managed to gain the title!
BIG congratulations to you Emma! So well deserved! We look forward to seeing the two of you in Mastersclass! ;-)

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This past weekend Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" from my Gold-littter (Kayla x Idde) and SEUCH FINCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter"  from my Drinks-litter (Moa x Argos) was shown at the International show in Lidköping, judge Lars Widén, Sweden.
First out was Argos finishing nicely 2nd Best Juniormale with Excellent.
In Championclass uncle Dexter showed off and he finished 2nd Best male with R-CACIB.
Way to go boys!

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Today it was time for Moa (CIB SEUCH FINCH NUCH EECH SEVCH NVCH RLDN RLDF SEVW-14 CV Hamnuddens Fischer) and me to compete in Obedienceclass 1 for the second time this year. It was a very warm day but who can complain! We finally have wonderful weather after lots of cold days with rain.
Moa and I did a good job I think. She was a bit lazy and off focus now and then but overall did everything that she was asked to do and she managed to get enough points for a 1st prize! She got 167 points and it also made her classwinner!
This was  Moa's first 1st prize! Now we need two more for the LP1 title! 

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Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

Kommande aktiviteter:

Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen

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