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2013 > 03

Today it was time for the International Easter Show in Kista in Stockholm. The only show ever that I acctually have walking distance to, just great!
In Juniorclass males we had Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" who finished 2nd in the class. In Openclass was Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando" outside placement.
In Juniorclass bitches Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki" was placed 4th. In workingclass we had three girls present, SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly" was placed as 2nd with CQ, SEVCH Kadamo An Angel in Abbey "Indra" and SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" was outside placement.
Moa was shown in Championclass were she finished 2nd with CQ, so time for her and Tilly to compete in Best Bitch. 
Tilly placed as 4th Best Bitch and Moa as 6th. All placement 1-4 were none champions today.
We entered with a Breedersgroup aswell with Dexter, Tilly, Chanel and Indra and won with HP. We went into the finals but no placement this time, think our dogs were to shorthaired for the judge today! ;-)
Pleased with the day, and all dogs results! Thank you all for showing today and especially staying for the finals!

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Moa is now in good shape after having puppies. She is still swimming about once a week to stay this way.
She is such a good swimmer, she jumps in the pool herself and swims around as I follow her along the poolsides. I don't think she enjoys is but sweet as she is, she still does it because I tell her too.
Now when it is slowly getting warmer outside she is also running with me every other day. She really enjoys that, and Yaya too. I was afraid when I started jogging with them that I would have to drag them behind me, but I was wrong! Both girls really enjoy running and stays right next to me or infront of me, running with more energy than me!

So soon we are all ready for Beach 2013!

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Since last week Luna (Kadamo You'll Never Walk Alone) and Thea (SEVCH Kadamo Rare As Ryley) is staying with us when their owners are in South Africa.
Everyday we go out for walks and playtime in the sun, and we have been lucky, sunshine almost everyday!
The puppies can't go for long walks so they have gotten to play more in one place and then sleep while I have taken the big girls for a run. Dando has been a great babysitter for them, keeping them calm while I have exercised the girls.
Below are some mixed photos from some of our walks! Enjoy!

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Today my lovely A-litter is turning 4 years old! I still remember their birth like it was yesterday! I am so happy and proud of each and everyone of you! I hope you all will have a great birthday and that your owners treat you a little bit extra today!
Love all 12 of you always Vidar, Charlie, Ramoz, Buster, Boston, Dayo, Gaya, Leya, Myy, Chanel, Jenna and Shila!

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Yesterday I met with Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" from the Elvis-litter and his owner Natalie for some showpractice. Him and Mira will make their showdebut in the middle of April, and they have just turned 4 months old.
Isidor was  my pick of the litter, and I still think he is stunning! I can't wait to see this boy grow up and strutt his stuff in the showrings! Hopefully he will also become a great trackingdog and obedient too, since he has an very active owner!
Thank you Jennie for help taking pictures!

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We have a couple of houseguests at Kadamo. For almost two weeks we have Yaya's daughter Thea and Moa's daughter Luna staying with us while their owners are in South Africa. 
Luna is a sister of my keeper Mira, and they are 4 months old today.
I was meeting my sister Johanna for a walk and decided to ask her to help me take new stacks of both girls. They sun came out now and then but it was still freezing cold, but still think the girls are pretty! A few pictures of the girls below!

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Kangelani's Gentle Leo by Clay Mars 2013

Here is a video of Leo, the sire of my upcoming F-litter for summer 2013. He is showing some movements with his owner running at the beach. The video was taken in March 2013.
See all the photos of Leo at his own page.

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I have recieved some new photos of "Elvis" Kadamo It's Now or Never who lives in Czech Republic, at the successful kennel Anunnaki. Him and his siblings in the Elvis-litter is now almost 4 months old. Even though it is hard to have this boy so far away it get's easier when I see all the lovely photos of him. He is doing so well and it shows that he is truly loved by his family.
Thank you for the photos once again Sárka!

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I have recieved a bunch of wonderful photos of "Dexter" SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy who is just a little bit over 1 year old. Thank you Tomas and Jonny for the great photos! He is just looking great, so proud of this young stunning boy!
Dexter is from my Drinks-litter from Moa x Argos. He is a great mix of his parents but at the moment looking most like daddy! Just as handsome as Argos!
Visit Dexter at his own homepage!

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My gorgeous Elvis-litter is getting bigger and bigger. They are all doing so well in their families which is making me very happy!
They are 3 ½ months old now (16 weeks) and they have started to loose their teeth. So far Mira has lost a couple of her frontteeth, so know I can expect a bigger need for chewing within the next few months. Hopefully both me and my furniture will survive!
I have recieved some lovely photos of some of these E-litter darlings that I want to share with you. Enjoy!

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I am very happy to announce  my next breedingplans for the summer. For the first time a dog bred by me will come back to the kennel to produce the next generation of little Kadamos! 
The dog that is making this happen is Moa's daughter Enya, SEVCH Kadamo Ain't She Sweet from my Beatles-litter.
Read more about her on her own page, and read about the male I have chosen for her under Planned Litter 2013. I am very greatful to Marit at Kennel Kangelani for letting me use her very handsome male Leo, NUCH Kangelani's Gentle Leo by Clay. 

And also extremely greatful to Patricia Ljunggren who has taken wondeful photos of Leo for me last week!!

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Today it was time for the first show of the year for us at Kadamo. We were a nice group who went to see what judge Kurt Nilsson, SWE thought of our dogs. Breed entry 55.
Our Junior males Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" and Kadamo Johnny Walker "Loke" did great, both recieved Excellent and placed as 4th (Loke) and 5th (Dexter) in the class.
In Openclass SEVCH Kadamo Don't Mess with Texas "Charlie" recieved Excellent and  placed as 5th in the class. SEVCH Kadamo You Know My Name "Nando" recieved Very Good and no placement.
Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki" was shown in Juniorclass and recieved Excellent and no placement. In Workingclass I had three girls present, SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly" who recieved Excellent and was placed 2nd in the class. SEVCH Kadamo Ain't She Sweet "Enya" and SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" both recieved Very Good and was placed 4th (Enya) and 3rd (Chanel) in the class.
After this it was time for Moa to make her comeback in the showring. Last year I only showed her twice but she did just great then, one time 3rd Best Bitch and one time Best Bitch and BOS!
I had no expectations of that today since it was only a little bit more than 3 ½ months since she gave birth to her third litter. 
But I was happily surprised! She was placed as 3rd Best Bitch with R-CACIB! Just one dog from that CACIB that I so really want! But still happy and very proud of my girl!

For the very first time Moa had four offsprings entered to the show so of course we wanted to compete for Best Progency group, and we won! Very happy and proud of this, Moa and her stunning kids Souki, Enya, Loke and Dexter!
We also competed for Best Breedersgroup and won again! We had Charlie, Tilly, Loke and Dexter in this group.
We decided not to stay for the finals this time.

THANK YOU ALL for a wonderful day, your great company and wonderful results! Pictures below!

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It is now 3 ½ months since Moa gave birth to her third litter, the Elvis-litter. She has with that given birth to 27 puppies (25 puppies alive). It is about 2 months since she stopped nursing the last litter with milk and since then we have started her training to get back into shape.
We do a lot of walking, long walks almost everyday up to 10 km several days a week. She has been swimming a  lot aswell to build up her muscles again and already after only 7 times it really shows results!
On Sunday she is making her comeback in the showring at the International dogshow in Strängnäs. She was only shown twice last year inbetween her D- and E-litter but did just great then! One time 3rd Best Bitch and one time Best Bitch and BOS!
She only needs one more CACIB for her CIB (International Beauty Champion) title and I have not until now tried to get it. But now, being finished as a mother why not try for it!
I am really looking forward to this summer and all the shows her and her wonderful kids from all her three litters will go to! Hope to have some good results with us by the end of this year!

Below are a few mixed photos of her and her daughter Mira taken in the sun yesterday! Enjoy!

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FINCH EECH EEJCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door "Myy" went to agilitytrial the other night and did wonderful! Out of 19 dogs she finished 2nd! She is still only competing for practice, but I have to say her practiceruns are going just great!
Congrats and way to go to owner Elina! So proud and happy to see you work so well with Myy!

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Today I had a lovely day with a bunch of my puppies from my B, C, D and E-litter. All puppies but two were Moa's kids! So wonderful to see my princess in her gorgeous kids!
We were so lucky to have a day with blue skys and sunshine! A bit windy but not to bad. Not very far from where we were they had a snowstorm so glad it never came to us!
After a couple of hours out walking some of us with puppies from the E-litter had some lunch before having our final puppyclass.
I am really proud of all the puppies doing so great in puppyclass! They are all so attentive and wonderful with their owners! 
I am sure these dogs will turn out just great with some help and training from their owners!
Thank you all for coming, hope to see all of you (and of course all of you who couldn't come today) very soon!

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We have spend the week in Vadstena and finally seen the sun for several days in a row! I am loving it! Not spring yet but at least now once we have made it into March I can start to taste it!
Since I have Mira in her little doggystroller we need to keep our walks out of the woods and on ok roads. So this week we went for a couple of walks out in the country close to the house we are renovating. 
Below are som pictures of the dogs playing on one of those walks! Enjoy!

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SEVCH Kadamo Don't Mess with Texas "Charlie" was rewarded Best Openclass dog in Bloodtracking from Gävleborgs Dachshoundclub of other breeds during 2012!
He got a trophy and flowers for this win! Congratulations to owner Olle Lindström for this great achievement! Charlie truly is one great trackingdog!

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Hem till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kommer till Sverige i början av augusti 2024. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

Kommande aktiviteter:

25 augusti Kadamo Mästerskapen i viltspår i Årsunda

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