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2015 > 01

The Puppy Diary is updated with lots of new photos of the GOLD-litter. Enjoy!

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My little G-litterg-li is now 2 weeks old and growing steadily. I have updated the Puppy Diary with their new individual photos. Enjoy them!

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The puppies are 11 days old today and they are all starting to open their eyes. I love this time with them, when they start to see the world around them, and also discovering eachother. A big development for them coming up now these next couple of weeks, going from small "sausages" to actual dogs!
See new photos and a video of them all in the Puppy Diary.

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The Puppy Diary is now updated with todays new headshots and weights of the puppies!

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Kadamo It's Now or Never "Elvis" will be a dad again soon! Two bitches are confirmed in whelp, Ashari Pearl for Qwandoya "Ashari" (www.qwandoya.com) and Rona z Lukovského dvora "Charlie" (www.lukovsky-dvur.cz/).
I met Ashari in November when they visisted Sweden. I really enjoyed meeting one of Elvis "wifes". A sweet girl very similar to Elvis mother Moa, and his sister Mira that I have at home.
I am excited to follow these two litters duringwinter/spring! For more information visit the breeders own homepages.
Elvis puppies from his very first litter lives in Russia are now ready to move to their new homes now, still a few available puppies. Below are photos of first Mira, Moa and Ashari, then Elvis and Ashari, then a few photos of Charlie and at the end pictures of Elvis Russian puppies.

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The puppies are now 4 days old and all doing wonderful. Kayla is a great mother and taking excellent care of her precious bunch. 
The Puppy Diary is updated so give it a visit to see lots of new photos of the puppies from the past couple of days!

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Every year I try to write a little summary of the year that has passed, to just remember some of the highlights for me, my own dogs and my breedings.
Now, having soooo many wonderful dogs and owners out there it is hard to mention everything. But below are at least an attempt of summery of some of our biggest highlights this year! 
Thank you to all my puppybyers for giving me a reason to write this every year and for filling my homepage with lots of great results and lovely photos! 
I wish you all the best for 2015!

What a great year we have had! As always I am happy to see some of my gorgeous breedings running around showing off in the rings around the world. I myself haven't been extremely active with shows this year but still more than happy with the results of my own girls.
This year Kadamodogs have earned as follows:

7x CAC (Mira x1, Elvis x6)
7x R-CAC (Mira x1, Loke x1, Dexter x1, Elvis x4)
3x CACIB (Mira x1, Elvis x2)
1x R-CACIB (Tilly x1)
Several Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex  placements (Moa, Mira, Elvis, I've lost count!)
BISS at Specialityshow for Elvis
SEVW-14 - Swedish Veteran Winner-14 for Moa
2x BIG-2 (Elvis)
3x Best of Breed Veteran (Moa)
1x Best of Breed petclass (Zimba)
1x Best Opposite Sex petclass (Zimba)
3x Best of Breed Puppy (Nixon x2, Soya x1)
3x Best Opposite Sex Puppy (Arrax x2, Nixon x1)
2x BIS-4 Puppy (Soya x1, Nixon x1)

I am extremely proud to have so many dogs being active and successful in bloodtracking. This year they have together earned, if I remember correctly, as follows:

39x 1st prizes in openclass
(Moa, Yaya, Mira, Bellman, Isidor, Attila, Charlie, Souki, Meya, Nixon, Bilbo, Zeppelin, Diezel, Masai)
2x Honour Prizes (Bellman and Mira)
3x Swedish Bloodtracking Champions SEVCH (Nixon, Bellman and Diezel)
2x Norwegian Bloodtracking Champions NVCH (Moa and Yaya)
Several placements on the list of Top Bloodtracking Ridgebacks in Sweden 2014:
#4 Bellman
#5 Moa, and Yaya
#7 Mira
#13 Nixon
#14 Charlie and Souki
#18 Meya
#23 Diezel
#26 Attila
(out of 43 dogs)

I love working with my dogs and I am so very happy and proud to see some of my breedings and their owners taking the step out on the competive scene and competing in Rallyobedience. Together this year they have earned as follows:

7x qualifying results in Noviceclass (Nixon, Bellman and Lotus)
7x qualifying results in Graduateclass (Mira and Meya)
3x New RLDN (Bellman, Lotus and Nixon)
2x New RLDF (Mira and Meya)
Four of these dogs were placed on the list of Top Rallyobedience Ridgeback in Sweden 2014:
#6 Mira
#9 Meya
#12 Nixon
#13 Bellman

1x LC CAC (Myy)
1x LC winner (Myy)
1x 2nd place (Myy)

Except for this my Elvis-litter and Fire-litter are now all X-rayed with very nice results. We have also recieved nice healthtestresults with all good results for some of my breedings. 
Parts of the Elvis-litter also did their BPH (mentality) test this year with good results.

I am very happy with all our lovely results for 2014. In many ways I will look back at this year and smile from the memories. 
2014 was also the year that I gave birth to my own daughter Ellen, but also said goodbye to my greatest love Dando. So in many ways I have mixed feelings about this year, but overall I am happy, and I know Dando in some way will always be with me, a dog like that never leaves your heart.

I now look forward with 2015 already starting off in a wonderful way! Keep checking in for latest news from the Kadamopack!

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Time to give some more puppylove! The first mixed photos are now published in the Puppy Diary. All pictures taken during the first 24 hours, and they are just precious. Kayla is doing a wonderful job, she is very caring but still calm and is proving that she is an excellent mother. 
Visit the Puppy Diary for the latest photos and updates!

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Yesterday Kayla gave birth to her 8 puppies, we have 6 males and 2 females. After our first check of them it looks like they all have showridges, no kinked tails, no DS. Two males have white frontpaws, otherwise it looks like a very correct litter.
More information and individual pictures visit the Puppy Diary.

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Today Kayla is on day 55 of her pregnancy and only have a week left until she is expected to give birth to her puppies. We went to the vetclinic to take an X-ray of her belly to see how many puppies she is hiding in there. And just as I guessed after the ultrasound, there are 8 puppies!
New photos of Kayla and her big belly can be found in the Pregnancy & Puppy Diary.

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During my days in Gothenburg in the beginning of January I got to spend some extra qualitytime with the sire of my upcoming G-litter, SEUCH DKUCH SEVCH Mankoya's Incredible Idde by Gambo "Idde". He is such a wonderful dog and so is mother to be, SEVCH Kadamo Fire in the Sky "Kayla", so I can't wait to meet their puppies! Just over a week left now!
I took some new photos of Idde that I have added to his own Photoalbum for you to enjoy!
Latest updates on the G-litter can be found in the Pregnancy & Puppy Diary.

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Today was the second day of showing at MyDog Int. Dogshow, breedjudge was Moa Persson, Sweden and breedentry around 50. 
I started off showing sweetheart Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" again today and he behaved nicely and did good. He got very nice words from the judge who said she really liked his type and there was nothing wrong with him, but his size. She thought he was a little bit to much/big. And well, he is big so can't complain about that. He finished 3rd in the workingclass with VG. 
SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" was shown in openclass and did really well today again, gaining Excellent and finished 2nd in the class.
I showed my Mira in workingclass and she was the only one in the class recieving Excellent so she placed as classwinner and also got CQ, but was later unplaced in Best Bitch.
Best of Breed today was CH Kangelani's Impressive Inka who is the dame of SEUCH SEVCH DKUCH Mankoya's  Incredible Idde by Gambo "Idde", sire of my upcoming G-litter!
These puppies will have the most stunning grandmother there is!

Thank you to Everyone for these couple of days! To Malin and Daniel for letting me and Mira stay with you and Idde, to my  puppybyers for your great support, help to take pictures and much more.
And to all lovely RR-people who joined us for Mondays dinner in town! It was a great little mini-vacation for me!

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Yesterday me and Mira took the train to Gothenburg to spend a couple of days here with dogshows. We are staying with handsome daddy to be, Idde, sire to our upcoming G-litter. 
Today day 1 at the international dogshow the breed was judged by Eugene Blake, USA.
I showed Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" in workingclass which he won with Exc-1 and CQ. In openclass SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" did very well placing Exc-2 with CQ aswell!
So both boys got to compete in Best Male, were Isidor striked and placed 4th Best Male!
Big congrats to owners Natta and Daniel, thank you for letting me show this handsome young boy!
SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira" was shown in workingclass for the first time and she did great, winning the class with Exc-1 and CQ. So we got to compete in Best Bitch were Mira did amazing! She placed 2nd Best Bitch with R-CAC and R-CACIB! Very proud of my young girl who hasn't been shown since August.
Congrats to Ann-Sophie and Bella who placed Best of Breed today!

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I have forgotten to update the homepage with our last results for 2014. In December I went bloodtracking with Moa, Mira and Yaya AND Ellen hanging in a harness on my belly. This was the first time the judged had walked trough the woods with a crazy person like me!
Luckily Ellen behaved well and so did the girls, they all recieved 1st prizes.
In December SEVCH RLDN Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman" and SEVCH Kadamo Heart Stopper "Souki" has also been tracking which have given them each a 1st prize and if I know correctly all dogs above have been placed within Top 10 in Sweden this year! Not bad! Five dogs out of 10 belongs or has been bred by me!
Good job everyone!

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During the days around New Year me and my whole pack and family moved to our new house in Rotebro, also north of Stockholm city. It has been A LOT of work getting all our things into the new house and to clean out the old appartment. 
At the new house I have spend a few days painting some of the rooms and putting up wallpapers. It is still plenty to do but at least slowly we are getting there! 
The dogs has had it quite boring but at least we have gotten some nice company on out walks. We had snow for a couple of days around new year but that is now all gone again. But the sun has been shining so we have enjoyed our walks! Thank you Louise, ELin

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Fodervärd till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

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