2024 > 05

SEVCH Kadamo Sentra "Luna" from the Nissan-litter (Heera x Dexter) and her owner Jakke won their second diploma in NW1 this weekend. She won the outside search in 15 seconds and finished 6th place in total. Very well done team Luna! Congratulations and best of luck working for that third and final diploma for the NW1 title!

On Sunday it was time for the second show of the weekend. This time we drove to Gimo and attended the international dogshow judged by Maritha Östlund Holmsten, SWE.
First out was Kadamo The Great Escape "Sengo" did his showdebute in juniorclass. He recieved EXC and was placed 4th in the class and behaved so well together with owner/handler Anna.
After him we had SEW-23 EUJW-23 NORDJW-23 NORDW-23 SEJW-22 SEW-22 CIB-J SEUCH FINCH DKUCH NUCH SEVCH Kadamo Can Y' See It Now "Leo" in openclass (he is a champion now but was entered before he got the last CAC). Today Leo was shown by hiw owner Malin who did very well and they won the openclass and placed 4th Best male.
Time for the girls and three sisters in the juniorclass. First off was me with Kadamo A Million Dreams "Tosca" who got EXC and placed 4th in the class. After us we had Kadamo Cover Me in Sunshine "Juni" who did very well shown by her owner Ellen, but was a bit uncomfortable showing her teeth so only a Good today. Last one out was Kadamo The Truth About Love "Stella" showed by her owner Linda and they also did very nicely and got a VG and no placement today.
In openclass I showed Kadamo Keep the Dream Alive "Nada" and she did very well in the ring and recieved EXC and placed 2nd with CQ, no placement in Best Bitch.
Last one out was their mum SEVCH FINCH Kadamo Comin' Home "Tiya" who recieved EXC and placed 4th with CQ but no placement in Best Bitch.
Today we also entered a Breedersgroup and a Progencygroup which both recieved Excellent comments from the judge placing 1st with HP.
Thank you to all my wonderful puppybuyers who attended for a very nice day around the ring!

They did it! They got their last needed "stick" to complete the title for Diploma Jump class 1, Linda and Nacho (SEVCH RLDN AGD1 AGHD1 Kadamo Live Life Like Timon). Nacho is from my Lion King-litter (Mira x Colin).
Not only did they got one stick they got two, and also placed 1st in one start and 2nd twice!
Nacho is the second Swedish Ridgeback to win this title! Well done Linda and Nacho!

Yesterday I went to SRRS Östra Rideback Speciality Show judged by Steffen Schock, Germany and breed entry 61.
First out in the special "petclass" for ridgebacks with faults (like ridgefaults for example) was Kadamo Teana "Nangi" who has a third crown. This was her and her mum Pernillas very first time at a show and they did so well. She was Best of Breed Pet with a very nice critique from the judge.
After that the male classes began and we only had one boy at the show, in Veteranclass SEVCH SEVW-23 Kadamo Always Aiming High who placed nicely 3rd with Exc and CQ.
In bitchclasses I had two of my girls with me. First out was Kadamo A Million Dreams "Tosca" in juniorclass where she placed 2nd with Exc and CQ.
Her mum FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Comin' Home "Tiya" placed 3rd with Exc and CQ in Championclass but no placement for them in best bith. Still very happy with their nice critiques and the lovely day we had around the ring with our friends.
Thank you to Nadine and Ewa for taking pictures of my girls when I was in the ring!
Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Fodervärd till ung hane sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kom till Sverige i början av augusti. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad.
Kommande aktiviteter:
Jan-Feb Valpkurs Queen-kullen
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen
Latest News
- Our boy Cooper is a junior!
- Approved scenttest in Nose work for Thor!
- Agilitywin for Nacho and Linda!
- Queen-litter puppyfamilies!
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us at kennel Kadamo!
- Last few days together!
- Django Nordic Veteran Winner 2024 and Leo Nordic Winner 2024, Best of Breed and BIG-4!
- Merry Christmas!
- Outdoor playtime!
- Queen-litter 6 weeks old!