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2016 > 07

Last year for the first time I invited my puppybyers to join me for a few days of hiking in the north parts of Sweden. We had such a great time so we were all determined to go again this year.
We ended up being 31 people and 25 dogs (!!!) going together for 4 days this time to Funäsfjällen, close to the Norwegian border.
Our first day hiking we all went together. It was an 11 km long walk around Svansjön and Vättafjället. I was so impressed with everyone, both dogs and people of all ages who came along on this hike.
The next two days we split up into smaller groups and took a few differents hikes. Me, Christoffer and the people keeping us company took the second day a 13 km hike up next to Andersjöåfallet and around Hamrafjället.
Our third and final day hiking we drove for about an hour to Djupdalsvallen where we took a 6,5 km hike up to the top of Mittåkläppen.
It was three really nice days in the mountains and we were lucky with the weather just getting better each day. 
Since my first trip hiking with my dad in 2009 I have tried to go at least once a year. We live in such a beautiful country with so many gorgeous places to visit.
Sharing this with my lovely friends, who also takes the best care of their fourlegged friends that they have bought from me just makes it even better.
Thank you all for coming along, I can't wait to see how many we will be next year!

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Yesterday it was time for the International dogshow in Köping. I started off by for the first time showing Kadamo Gold Rush "Tor" in intermediateclass. He was not at all focused today but despite that managed to recieve Excellent and win the class.
After him I had no dog present until juniorbitches. And here it was time for Kadamo You're My High Hope "Bella" to make her showdebute. We have not had many opportunities to practice and I haven't seen her or a few months, despite that I think she did very well in the ring.
She is a slow developer just like her mother and grandmother. They judge really liked her staked and said seeing her stand she deserved both Excellent and Championquality, but she is to unsteady and overbuilt on the move that today he couldn't give her better than VG. 
I agree with him completely! I hope she continues to get better and better and I can't wait to see how she turns out in a year or so.
After her I showed her halfsister SEVCH NOJW-15 Kadamo I'm in it for the Gold "Koya" in intermediateclass. 
Koya keeps on rocking the rings, and won the class with CQ. She continued all the way to 3rd Best Bitch with R-CAC.
In Championclass I showed SEUCH FINCH EECH SEVCH RLDN RLDF LP1 Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira". She finished 2nd in the class with CQ but was unplaced in Best Bitch.
Thank you Tomas for your help today and for taking pictures!

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Today the Queen of Kadamo, Moa, turns 10 years old! Turning the big doubledigit numbre 10 of course had to be celebrated!
We went to the woods and collected blueberries, well I picked them and the dogs ate them... Went home and made a cake, the dogs and especially Moa got to enjoy the cream and of course a tasty bone!
Moa is as healthy as could be. The past couple of months I have noticed her age a little bit though. She is taking things in her own time, enjoys a good rest on the couch and don't have to rush up for everything that the younger dogs do.
I hope she will stay happy and healthy for many years to come!

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Last weekend was all about Ridgebacks! On Wednesday and Thursday it was time for RRWC 2016, Rhodesian Ridgeback World Congress in Lund.
It was two days filled with lovely people, several interesting speakers sharing their thoughts and knowledge with us. I had a great time and I am happy that I was able to go!

On Friday it was time for the Swedish RRWC Speciality Show in Lund. I did not have my own girls with me, but was there to enjoy watching some of my own breedings and a lot of other gorgeous dogs. Total entry was around 170 dogs.
In the male ring the judge was Sue Simper, UK.
In juniorclass halfbrothers Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" and Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos" was shown. The both recieved Excellent and CQ but was unplaced.
In Workingclass I stepped in and showed SEVCH RLDN Kadamo Fire and Ice "Nixon". He was rewarded Excellent and won the class with CQ! He was also picked out in the Top 6 at the end in the Best Male placement. 
In Openclass his brother Kadamo Fire It Up "Arrax" was shown and it was the largest class of the day (22 males). He was rewarded Excellent but unplaced.
In Championclass NORDUCH EECH SEJW-12 Kadamo Rob Roy "Dexter" got Excellent but was unplaced. 

The bitches was judged by Ann Woodrow, UK.
In juniorclass Kadamo High Expectations "Selma" was rewarded Good. Halfsister SEVCH Kadamo All I See is Gold also just got Good in intermediateclass and in championclass we had SEUCH SEVCH Kadamo Lady in Red "Chanel" who recieved Very Good.

So not our girls day but still very happy with the results of the boys! 
Thank you all for a great day around the ring! It became the longest showday in history but it was still nice despite the rain we got in the evening.

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Hem till hanvalp sökes!

Jag söker efter ett hem för samarbete kring en hanvalp som kommer till Sverige i början av augusti 2024. Skicka mail till karin@kadamo.se för mer information. Du bör vara intresserad och ha möjlighet att åka med hunden på utställningar (jag kan visa hunden) och träna/tävla i tex viltspår, nosework och rallylydnad. 

Kommande aktiviteter:

25 augusti Kadamo Mästerskapen i viltspår i Årsunda

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