H-litter Pregnancy Diary
This evening we only hae three puppies left at home. During the day yesterday and today the first fivev puppies has been picked up by their new families. Some of them has travelled far and some are still close by. So far I have been getting reports that they are all doing well, the drive home has gone well, and they have happily explored their new homes.
Left with us is three girls that will move later on.
Below are photos of the puppies their last day all together at home! And of course pictures of them with their new families!
Last day together! Tomorrow the H-litter is 8 weeks old and the first 3 puppies will move to their new homes. On Tuesday we went to the vet and they were all ID-chipped, vaccinated and healthchecked. They did so well both at the vetclinic and in the car.
I had planned to take the puppies to the woods these last couple of days to explore, but unfortunately the weather has now turned bad from the past weeks of sunshine. So we did not go, felt it was to cold for such a big project on my own.
But they are still enjoying our garden exploring every inch of it aswell as our house downstairs. They are absolutely wild for about 30 minutes, normal dogs for 30 minutes and then sleep until it is time so start all over again!
It is very bitter sweet saying goodbye to them. I know I have some lovely families waiting for them, and it is time for the puppies to start to explore the world outside our property and get full attention from their owners, instead of having to compete for attention here with all the siblings.
Below are mixed photos of the puppies from today, 55 days old aswell as their last stacked photos below that. Enjoy it!
Yesterday the puppies turned 7 weeks old and it is now only one week left until they start to move to their new homes! Were did time go?!
I am still looking for the right home for Ms Purple. She has a correct ridge so she can go to shows, and of course train and/or compete in other things. She is the smallest puppy in this litter so I don't think she will get very very big.
She is very sweet but at the same time very independent and brave. Do you have the right home for her? Contact me at karin@kadamo.se for more information!

Yesterday I thought it was time for me to bring my camera outside with me again. I haven't taken as many photos lately since the puppies accidently broken the UV-glas on the cameralens about a week ago. I couldn't get the lens off so had to crack the glass...
Anyway, now I can use it again and the sun was out for a while yesterday and so were we!
The puppies goes outside approximately 6 times a day. Sometimes just to pee and poo and sometimes to stay out and play. The eat outside almost everytime aswell.
I am trying to keep indoors as a sleepingarea and only playing inside when it is to cold outside.
Yesterday they were very cooperative lining up for me on dogbeds, so I managed to get a couple of decent groupshots! Not always easy and definetely not on your own! So thank you puppies!
Below are mixed photos of the puppies 6,5 weeks old. Tomorrow or on Saturday I will attempt their 7 week individual photoshoot aswell! So you have something to look forward to!
Here are finally the puppies 6 weeks individual photos! We took photos on Friday but the quality of them was not at all good, to dark and blurry. So after a busy weekend I managed with the help of my very kind husband to take these photos yesterday, the puppies 6 weeks and 2 days old.
The puppies have now also gotten their kennelnames, so below are their new photos aswell as their names!

Click on the link/banner below to read more about what happens during every week of the pregnancy (in Swedish):
- ► 2015 (42)
Senaste nyheter
- The puppies has started to move!
- Our last day and night together!
- Individual photos of the puppies 7 weeks old!
- The precious High-puppies 6,5 weeks!
- New individual photos and the puppies names!
- Pictures of the puppies 5 weeks old!
- Individual photos of the puppis now 5 weeks old!
- Puppies out enjoying the sunshine!
- Puppies 30 days old!
- New individual photos of the puppies 4 weeks old!