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Clinton Norwegian Junior Winner 2016 and Koya CAC-winner in Lilleström!

This past weekend it was time for our last show abroad for this year. It was in Norway and the Norwegian Winner Show in Lilleström. Judge was Sandra Piscedda, Italy and breed entry around 65.
In Juniorclass males I had two of Mira's sons entered. I was more than happy to have them both recieve Excellent and place in the veryt top as 1st and 2nd in the class, the only two with CQ.
Winner was Kadamo I Am High Quality "Clinton" who got the title NOJW-16! Congratulations Petra! Second was SEVCH Kadamo Always Aiming High "Django".
Both boys with very nice critiques, no placement in best male class though.
I showed Koya in Intermediateclass which she nicely won with CQ. She made it all the way to 3rd Best Bitch behind two nice Champions giving her the Norwegian CAC!
Just what I wanted!
Koya is now 22 months old and I have decided to finish of this year in this class. Being up to date the Most Winning Ridgeback in Sweden 2016 and that from only junior and intermediateclass, is an achivement for such a young dog! Can't wait for her to turn 2 years in January and for the shows to begin in the spring.
When she get's her last needed Swedish CAC for her Championtitle after she turns 2 years, she will at the same time collect her Finnish Championtitle, Norwegian Championtitle aswell as her Nordic Championtitle.
In Championclass we had SEUCH FINCH SEVCH Kadamo Thinking of Tilley "Tilly". She recieved Excellent but was not placed in class.
Thank you all for a great day and thank you Nadine for your travelcompany! See you again in two weeks for the last shows of the year!
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