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Kadamo Mästerskapen 2015!

Today it was time for Kadamo Mästerskapen for the 5th year in a row. I am so happy that we can keep this activity going year after year, so thank you to everyone who came and participated today! It means a lot to me to know that you are all enjoying it!
The weather was perfect and the conditions for tracking was great. We had three judges taking care of us today.

Best dog and winner today was our latest addition to our extended family, Ghali Excellent Nassak "Eldar", a halfbrother to my Beatles-litter. Eldar lives with younger brother Kadamo Gold Rush "Tor" who got to come along and cheer today, next year the Gold-litter is old enough to compete aswell.
At second place we had our talented trackingteam Emma with SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Penny Lane "Meya" and at third place Nadine with her boy SEVCH RLDN Kadamo You're the Boss "Bellman".
Today we also got to celebrate that we got two new Swedish Bloodtracking Champions! SEVCH Kadamo Devil in Disguise "Isidor" and SEVCH Kadamo Fire in my Heart "Noomi".
A big congratulation to you both and to everyone who recieved a 1st prize today!

Thank you again for making this yearly event such a success and as always a great day! Hoope to see all of ypu and more again here next year!


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