Me and the puppies have had a few busy days with lots of visitors. We all enjoy it very much! I am happy to have had all the new puppyfamilies here for visits now and also all of you now knowing which puppy you will get. 
The puppies has now had one more check for Dermoid sinus and other faults by Ridgeback breeder Šárka Štusáková from kennel Anunnaki in Czech, who in three weeks will bring Mr Yellow with her home to Czech. She found nothing! So very pleased with that!

I will treasure every hour I have with the puppies these last three weeks, well, maybe not the first wake hour in the morning, but all other hours I have with the puppies before they move!
They are almost always she sweetest things! ;-)
Below are some photos from today and yesterday, 36-37 days old. All puppies has now been outside checking out the snow for the first time and also played all together in the kitchen. So far they are easy to entertain!
Enjoy the photos!

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Today the puppies are 5 weeks old and we will have a new photoshoot. But before I start with that I wanted to share a few photos from yesterday and also a morningvideo of the happy bunch.  When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is clean the puppyarea. After a long night of sleep the puppies are full of energy that they are more than happy to get out of their system! 
This means loud and energetic playtime!
Enjoy the photos and video below and soon more pictures will follow!

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It's Christmas time! For me this doesn't really mean a big difference in our daily routine. Having eight 4½ week old puppies at home gives me some limits, but I am not complaining! 
I had Erik here until Christmas morning before he had to leave to go back home to his morning. They day I spend entertaining my dogs with a couple of walks and playing with the puppies. In the late afternoon it was time for me to head to my sisters house to celebrate a short version of Christmas with my whole family.
It was really wonderful, even though I of course which I could have stayed longer. But getting back home and getting into the puppyarea there is no other place I rather be. I think this feeling is like a drug to me. That unconditional love you feel from these little puppies is the best thing ever, and what I love even more is that my grown up puppies still show me this!
Being a breeder is the shit! ;-) 
Only a couple of days left now until they are 5 weeks old and our next photoshoot. We are getting a visit from our puppybyers living furthest away, and I hope they will fall in love with the puppies and pick their boy. After their visit I will try to make my decision to where each puppy will go, based on their apperance and personalities. So hold on for a little bit longer, soon you will all know which one of these pups that is yours!
Below are photos from yesterday and today. Enjoy it!

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The puppies are 4 ½ weeks old now and definetely getting wilder each day. The playtimes are getting tougher and they are using those sharp little teeths! Both on each other and visitors! So getting some new toys, cardboardboxes and other things to entertain them.
Erik has also been here with his two dogs Kiwi and Svea. Svea is a german huntingterrier who now is 4 months old and absolutely loving the puppies. She has been allowed by Moa to be in the puppypen with the puppies and play, guessing she is ok to do that since she is only a puppy herself. And also because Moa is a very calm and secure dog, so she accepts pretty much anything that I say is ok. 
Below are a couple of videos and also lots of new photos of the puppies 29-31 days old.

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The puppies are 4 weeks today and we had a new photoshoot. They have also been weighed and  they are now around 3-3,5 kg. They have been dewormed for the second time, not all that excited about that... but it was ok when I gave them some tasty food right after! 
Because food is their favorite thing, and it get's pretty loud around feedingtime! They are now eating all together which is easier than one by one, which I had to do when I dewormed them. Because when I take them one by one all the others are crying because they want food aswell! So giving them all at the same time is a lot more quiet!
Enjoy the new individual photos below! 

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Today the puppes are 27 days old which means they turn 4 weeks tomorrow! Already looking forward to the photoshoot! So fun to compare the pictures and see how much the have developed. We have had our first puppybyers visiting here the past few days and more coming tomorrow!
Nice with some company and nice for the puppies with new people to try those teeth on! 
Below are photos from today and yesterday aswell as a video from today. Enjoy!

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The puppies are today 25 days old and they have had their first visit from one of the puppyfamilies. This week they will all start to come over to see them for the first time, and I am happy for the company!
They got a little bit bigger playarea today so they have a some more room to play. They are now beeing few twice a day but also nursing milk from Moa. 
But she has not started to stop them sometimes when she is in there with them. Sometimes she just wants to lay in there and take care of them, but not feed them. Soon they will probably understand better when it is food time and when it is only qualitytime. Now she just escapes if they are getting to intense!
Below are some pictures from yesterday and today! Enjoy!

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It has been a busy weekend so no new photos of the puppies... But I had photos from Friday when they were 22 days old that I hadn't posted, so here they are! At least something for you to look at until new photos will be taken!
The puppies are true sweethearts, and I try to spend time with them everytime that they are awake, playing and cuddling. 
They love their daily feeding and scream out loud for more! They are also very social so far, really want the attention, all of them, all the time... !
No photos and videos hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday!

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Finally puppies are three weeks old and I took the first real stacked photos of them. Very happy to see how they are looking at this early age. The next few weeks will be sooo interesting!
They were all weighed today and they have all passed 2 kg. Smallest at this point is Ms Red at 2060 g and our biggest is Mr Black at 2670 g.
They are still getting lots of milk from Moa and one meal a day of minced meat from me. Their weights is clearly not a problem! As the weeks go on they will be fed more often by me and get less and less milk from Moa, until the last week or two when they only get food and Moa stops letting them suckle.
You can tell she is not as comfortable anymore since they got their teeth. So she will just enjoy it less and less...
Below are today's individual photos, of course in a Christmas theme since it is Lucia today! Enjoy! 

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Puppies are 19 days old today and everyone is doing great. I had to work for a few hours today so my dad came to watch them and Moa, and it felt like they had grown just during those few hours I was gone!
It is unbelievable how much I love these little once already! Their personalities has started to shine and they are sooo cuddly! Loves to come up and get some kisses!

This evening I cut their claws for the second time, all 144 of them! I also recieved new covers to my Biabeds, so I could change into the big one for the puppies. More room for them but also better for Moa when she is in there feeding them.
Their little playarea is also a little bit bigger now so they have more room to walk around during their short awake periods during the day.
Only two more days now until they are 3 weeks old and the next individual photoshoot! Time is going sooo fast! Just a little bit over 5 weeks left until they can move! But trying not to think about that now, they are still mine and only mine! ;-)

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Here is a bunch of photos from the past two days. The puppies has gotten a little bit of minced elkmeat two days in a row, amazing how fast they got a hang of it! They love it! Guessing today won't be different!
They are doing pretty well with walking out of their dogbed to pee on the papers on the floor, most of the time they make it...
Yesterday I build out the puppybox a little bit giving them a little bit more space to walk around in. They are really becoming more dogs now. A lot more barking, growling and playing. And they are starting to really enjoy every time I come in to cuddle. Real sweethearts that is more than happy to share some wet kisses with you!
Their tiny teeth is starting to break trough, so guessing Moa and her poor nipples will soon have an even harder time! They have started to taste more things, my clothes, the toys, each other... Guessing that is the itching teeth talking! 
This morning I got and idea of what the next 5-6 weeks will bring... they were loud! Very loud playtime this morning, so soon I can say bye bye to sleeping in in the mornings!
Enjoy the pictures below, of the puppies 16 and 17 days old!

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These photos are from yesterday, when they puppies were 15 days old. I can't stop looking at them, they are sooo adorable. They are not awake for very long time, still mostly eating or sleeping. But when they are awake they explore the world, which is still pretty small to them.
Today they will get their first taste of solid food, I hope they will enjoy it! Pictures will come later of course!
Until then, enjoy yesterdays photos!

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Today the puppies turned 2 weeks old. A big and for them "busy" day. Before lunch I had my weekly photoshoot trying to get some new individual photos of them all. 
Not the easiest since they were all pretty sleepy and rather laid down with their eyes closed than sit up and smile for the camera... 
In the afternoon it was time to weigh them all again and they keep on growing nicely. Not as chubby as last week, but still good steady puppies! 
In a few days they will get to try solid food for the first time. Just waiting to get some nice low on fat meet from my dad who is a hunter. The puppies can't digest fat so it is important to use meat with little fat in the beginning as they develop.
Today they all got dewormed for the first time. It was not popular and they didn't enjoy it all. But now they won't need it for another couple of weeks!
Below are todays individual photos! Enjoy!

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The puppies are 13 days old today, which means 2 weeks and new individual photoshoot tomorrow.
They are soooo adorable now. They have started to interract with eachother, they still don't have any teeth, but it looks like they are tasting eachother. They now enjoy being picked up and held closely for some kisses, so of course getting some of that each day!
Today I took the sidebar out of the puppybox which will gice them all a little bit more room, which is good now when they are starting to move around.
They now pee and poo without Moa's help, but they are still to small to be able to walk away to do it... It will make it a lot nicer when they start to do that, easier to keep a clean bed and an open floor surface for them then. But for now the whole puppybox is still covered with blankets.
Below are some photos from yesterday and today aswell as two videos from today. Enjoy!

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The puppies are now 11 days old and they all have their eyes more or less open. They are absolutely adorable! Can't stop looking at them, and finally having them looking back!
Moa is doing great, she is such a wonderful mother. So calm and caring, relaxed and loving. She shows her experience from her previous litters, how she moves around them and with them. Just a wonderful mum! 
Below are the photos and one video from today!

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The puppies are 10 days old today. They have all started to open their eyes, so adorable! They have started to get around on all four, instead of just dragging themselves around only using their frontlegs. Still very unsteady and falling over a lot, but starting to look a little bit more like tiny dogs than sausages!
I can't wait until they get a little bit bigger so I can start to cuddle with them for real. Until they can see properly I avoid carrying them. It is just stressful for them when they can't keep their balance. So really looking forward to them getting bigger and interact more with them!
Below you can see one video of them from today and also some new photos!

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Today the puppies are 8 days old. Everything goes on like normal. Today I have seen that several of the puppies has started to open their eyes. It will probably take a couple of days before the are really open. Look forward  to it, they all become more personalities when they start to see and walk around.
Below are one video of Moa and the puppies from yesterday and one of Moa, the puppies and their big sister Yaya.
Yaya absolutely love the puppies and treassure every second Moa let's her be in the puppybox with her and the puppies. She will love it even more when they get bigger!
Below the videos are a few pictures from yesterday and some from today. Enjoy!

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I couldn't stop myself... since I still have a lot of free time on my hands as long as the puppies are these small and "easy", I decided to update todays new photos right away.
Tomorrow they are 1 week old and a new individual photoshoot will take place! But until then enjoy the photos taken today!

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Puppies are today 5 days old. I can't believe that it has almost been a week now since they were born?! Were did the days go?! Today has been a good day, all the puppies and Moa is doing just fine. It feels like all of us have now after the first hectic and distressed days have found a routine. Moa really shows that she has done this before, a very relaxed mum! The passed two night I haven't woken up as much either. Moa just goes up from the puppybox to drink water, if she needs to go out she will wake me up, otherwise she just goes back into the puppybox. 
Sometimes the puppies cry and wake me up when they get frustrated because they are too far away from the milkbar and needs some assistance.
Yaya has now gotten to come close to the puppybox and meet her small little brothers and sisters. I love to see the respect she is showing Moa, so attentive to her signals and always making sure Moa is relaxed with her presence. 
Well, pictures from last night and today updated below! Enjoy!

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Today the puppies are 4 days old. They are all doing very well and gaining a lot of weight. I think pretty much all of them will be over or well over 1 kg when they turn 1 week old on Thursday. 
Moa had mastitis for two days with high fever first day and still fever, but lower yesterday. Luckily today she is doing great again. 
Yesterday Moa's breeder Anna from kennel Hamnudden came to check the puppies for DS and other faults. I had already checked them once but it is nice to hear that they are clear from someone else. 
And she couldn't find any DS, kinked tails or any other faults, expext for Mr Blacks singlecrown. 
Our nights are becoming more and more peaceful, meaning I don't have to wake up so many times anymore. Happy about that of course!
Below are a video of the puppies feeding from the milkbar today and below it a bunch of new photos taken yesterday and today! Enjoy!

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The puppies are today 2 days old. Everyone is doing great! They have all gained weight, and one has already passed 800 grams! 
Mr Orange has learnt to suckle and has no problems to find his way to the milkbar anymore. So no worries for anyone of them at this stage.
Moa has unfortunately had a fever today. It is normal with a higher temperature after a delivery, but it has been a bit to high today. 
But since she has been eating and drinking and seemed ok the vet thought it was ok for me to wait and not come in yet. I hope she is better tomorrow.
Below are some mixed photos of the precious little once taken last night and today! Enjoy!

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As most of you know it was an eventful 34 hours for us while waiting for our E-litter to arrive. It all started Wednesday morning around 9.30 am when Moa' started to breath heavy, just as the bitches do when they are preparing for delivering puppies. 
During the day I controlled her temperature which had droppes to 36,9 C and stayed like that for a while. Eventually in the afternoon/evening the temperature raised to 37,2 C .
Around 18 pm Louise (who owns Thea from the C-litter) came to keep me company. And our long wait begun! Around 00.20 am on she had her first contractions. So next fase had begun, and she had start to get the puppies lined up ready to meet the world!
But after this it took some time... I was never really worried, since she rested well between her contractions. But I an once I acctually dialed the number to the animalhospital but decided to wait. Because she just then at around 4 am started to have stronger and more contractions, and I felt like now we had the first puppy acctually on the way.
At 04.32 am he was a born! A beautiful strong and dark male with a tiny white chestmark. His ridge looks like a singlecrown and is slightly short I think, so a wonderful pet boy weighing 620 g. He got the black collar.
At 04.48 am our second boy was born. The largest of them all weighing 645 g (still a 105 g smaller than Moa's overall largest puppy!). He had a wonderful dark colour, a correct ridge and no white. He got the blue collar.
Our third male was born at 05.43 am and him also with a great correct ridge and a small white chestmark. He weighed 625 g and got the green collar.

So at this point, three boys were born and I was starting to wonder where my girls were!
At 06.32 am I didn't have to wonder anymore, because then the first girl was born. A lovely correct girl who weighed 580 g with a small white chestmark. She got the red collar.
Louise had to leave after this girl to get to class. Thank you Louise for staying awake with me the whole night keeping us company!
At 07.00 am our second girl was born, her also with a correct ridge and a small white chestmark. She weighed 585 g and she got the pink collar.
Right after her came her third and final sister, at 07.08 am. Almost identical weight, at 588 g all three girls are very even. She also with a correct ridge and small white chestmark and she got the purple collar.

After this I waited... and waited...  I took her out, ran a little to help things along but still not enough happend. It is normal for her to take a few hours break, so in the beginning I wasn't worried, and Moa was so calm and doing good.
But at 10.42 am I went in to feel with my fingers and all I could feel was the tail. The backlegs was turned forward and not back as they are supposed to. I couldn't reach to get the legs back or to push the puppy back in. Half an hour later I felt again and it was in the same position, and I decided we needed help.
My dad came and picked me, Moa and the puppies up and we drove to Djursjukhuset Albano which is the closest animal hospital from me.
We got to wait for a while but eventually a vet came to assist us. They are more used to bitches not having or having small contractions. But this is not Moa's problem at all, she has great contractions, so in this case it was only the puppy coming in a bad position that caused her not to be able to push it out herself.
The vet went in her vagina with almost her whole hand and during contractions and Moa's painful cries she managed to get one of the backlegs pointing backwards! First success. Moa got to rest, eat and drink for a while before trying a second time, to get the second back also.
So after about 30 min we tried again. And to my great relief the vet got a hold of the second leg aswell, and with Moa's good contraction out he came! 
It was absolutely horrible to hear Moa cry like that, is broke my heart and I couldn't hold back my tears. She was so brave, giving her best pushes and knowing the vet helped her and didn't want to hurt her.
It was about 13.50 pm that he was finally born, a showquality male, acctually the smallest of the males, but about the same size as the girls. (I wasn't able to weigh him until today, and he now weighs 542 g). 
He didn't suckle well at all yesterday and was crying a lot last night. The next few days will show if he is ok or not after his long trip out into this world!
I cried a few tears of joy this morning when I have been able to get him to suckle a couple of times. I had previusly "milked" Moa into a syringe and fed him with that. But it is not great since he needs to suckle and swallow by himself. So keep your fingers crossed for this boy!
At 15.10 pm our number eight was born, a handsome male with correct ridge and a small white chestmark. Him also weighed for the first time today, weighing 630 g so about the size as the other males.
Moa seemed very calm after this and we wondered if she was finished. So we took and X-ray and it showed that she still had one more puppy left to deliver. 
I decided to stay at the animalhospital until he came out, to make sure everything was fine before going home. And I am glad I did...
Because this boy didn't want to come out. I knew from the X-ray he had a long way to go before he would be ready, so me and the vet expected it to take a couple of hours. But after 2-3 hours had gone and he still wasn't out it was time to do something. I could feel his head when Moa pushed but he didn't come further. 
I took Moa outside, ran, walked up and down the stairs, gave her some food for energy and water. But still, he didn't come further out.
By now we had another vet to help us and unfortunately I had to wait for her help, because she was stuck in surgery with another emergancy patient. 
But when she finally came to help we had to do the same procedure, so Moa stood with her front legs a bit up on a table and the vet used her hand to eventually get a hold of the puppies head. With a few contractions, some more terrible cries from Moa we got him out right before 20.00 pm. He felt more stiff than the other puppies and feared the worst... But I gave him my all with rubbing trying to get him and his heart starting, but after the vet had listen to his heart twice and no heartbeat was found we gave up. He had died before coming out, which was probably the reason to why it took so long, since he wasn't stimulating contractions aswell as his body not being as adjustable as a living puppy.
After such a long day, night and day it was a very very sad ending of this litters delivery. He was a nice correct boy, and I couldn't find any DS on him. (I haven't checked all the other puppies yet).
Moa got to care for him for a while, and you could tell she understood he was dead. It was amazing to see how she handled him compared to the other puppies. She took him in his mouth, licked him and pushed, like she tried to get his heart started. But when she realised he was dead she just took him in her mouth, laid down with him still in it, then laid him down next to her and just laid her own head just next to him. So sad to see... and more tears...
After saying our good byes to this precious boy we were finally on our way back home.

I want to thank my wonderful dad who kept us company, drove us and made sure that Dando and Yaya got to go out and be fed! I love you!

Once we got home Moa got settled in the puppybox with her 8 wonders. She was tired and after some food she slept and snored loudly. When I finally went to bed after about 36 hours awake my body was more than grateful! Not that we got a very peaceful sleep the first hours... Mr Orange screaming now and then, someone screaming because he didn't get enough food, or crying because they had wondered off away from mommy and siblings. But eventually they were all asleep together and I could get some kind of decent sleep aswell.

Below are the first pictures of the puppies taken during the day and evening yesterday. I will post individual photos of them all later on! Enjoy!

For you who are waiting to hear from me if one of these puppies will be yours, give me a few days! Since we got less girls than we hoped for I need to concider my options! Thank you for your patience!

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Moa has been delivering puppies all morning! She started with the first puppy being born at 04.32 am. We now have three boys and three girls, all with ridge, on boy looks like he is singlecrown, the rest correct at this early stage!
She still has puppies left, so will update again later!

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Moa is today on day 58 (counted from second AI) and this morning her behaviour has changed. She doesn't have much appetite, she has done number two more often than normal outside (which is normal before a delivery) and her breathing is heavier.
She goes into the puppybox and dogbeds to nest, scratching the blankets around, also normal and important behaviour.
Her normal temperature is around 37,5 C (37,4-37,8 C) and this morning her temperature has dropped to first 37,1 C and later to 36,9 C. 
This can go on for a while, with the temperature changing, the delivery will start when the temperature rises again. This has during her previous deliverys taken between 11-24 hours. So I don't expect any puppies until earliest tonight.
I will try to update here on the homepage as we go along, but probably more updates on Faebook.  So easiest to follow us there! (My name on Facebook is Karin Furst Kennel Kadamo).
Wish us good luck and keep your fingers crossed for Moa and the long night she has infront of her!

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Today Moa is on day 56, just one more week or less to go! A normal pregnancy last 63 days, but anytime between day 59-65 is normal. So I am trying to get everything ready this week, so we are all ready for a delivery this weekend.
Since I can't leave the puppies alone when they are born, I am very depending on my family and friends to help out now and then. So filling my fridge, freezer and cupboards with food, doing all necessary errands, washing all the dogblankets, my clothes and so on!
Dando and Yaya is of course having it a little bit more boring now... Yesterday Yaya got to come with me for a couple of hours and do some peopletracking together with Moa's son Zimba (Kadamo Jack Daniels). She was so happy! So hopefully I will be able to get out with her and Dando and do it more often when someone else is watching Moa (and soon also the puppies).
Moa did get me very nervous today when it was all of a sudden wet on the floor next to hear where she was sleeping! I thought her water broke! But it must have been pee... a puppy kicking her blatter when she was relaxed and asleep.  Is not easy! Not much room left in her belly anymore!

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Everyday now I can feel and sometimes also SEE the puppies move inside Moa's belly, Seems like they are extra lively in the evenings, so I am prepared for late night a couple of months now!
Tonight (on day 53) I was able to make a short video of Moa's belly where you can easily see the puppies moving around. It looks a bit creepy! Like aliens or worms moving!

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Moa is today on day 52 in her pregnancy. The other day I put the puppybox together for her to start getting comfortable in. This week we have started to slow down our walks a bit, since she is now pretty heavy and only have 1 ½ weeks left.
She is still enjoying our walks, and she needs to go out often to pee. At home she sleeps a lot and saves energy for what is to come!
The puppies are really moving in her belly now, I love feeling them! I don't think Moa is enjoying them moving around as much as I do though. Her breathing is always a little bit heavier then... Pushing around in there!
I will try to get a video of her moving belly, so far it has been in the evenings mostly when it is to dark in the livingroom to get a good picture.

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Today was the last time Moa is coming with me to work before the puppies are born. So I took the opportunity to take an X-ray of her belly to get an idea of how many puppies to expect.
On the picture below I have put little hearts on all the heads that I can see. The one in the middle I am not sure of. I can see atleast 8, but it could be 9 puppies.
She has gained 3,2 kg since last week!

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Today we have gotten to day 49 of Moa's pregnancy! So just 2 weeks to go! Moa has given birth on aproximately day 62 her previous litters which this time is on Sunday 25th of November. So we will be ready that anything can happen from Friday 23rd (day 60) until Monday 26th (day 63). So depending on when her delivery starts we now have 2 weeks or less to go!
So excited!
This week I have started to feel the puppies move in her belly, they are now getting bigger and so is Moa. She has grown a lot this passed week, and she will grow even more this upcoming week! Her belly is 10 cm bigger than last week!
This week I will also get the puppybox ready for her so she has time to get comfortable in it. She usually is right away, so nice for her to "nest" a little bit. Pictures of that coming later this week!

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We are now 6 weeks along and Moa is today on day 42 in her pregnancy. Some new photos and meassurements has been taken, I think she has defintely grown since last week, but not so much in centimetres.
Tomorrow I am working so will bring her along and put her on the scale and get a new weight on her. Interesting to see what has happend there. By the end of the pregnancy she has usually gained ~1 kg per puppy. So quite a lot of extra weight to carry around in the end!
She is still doing very well. Outdoors you can't tell a difference, she enjoys our walks and is not slowing down yet. Indoors I can tell that things are happening. She is sometimes a little bit uncomfortable when trying to find a good way to sleep. She is also making her bed more often, scratching around. She also needs to go outside a little bit more often, guess all those puppies in her belly is taking up a bit of room now and also kicking her blatter!
But, still three weeks to go!

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My princess Moa is today on day 39 of her pregnancy! She is doing great, not showing any signs of thinking that growing belly is hard to carry around. 
She doesn't play much, but she really doesn't need to, the other dogs has eachother so they don't really try to get her started either.
On Monday she is on day 42, which means only 3 more weeks to go. On Thursday I will put her on the scale at work again, to see how much weight she has gained in the passed two weeks.
Some mixed photos from our walk today under News, and more pictures of Moa coming on Monday! 

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Today Moa is on day 35 of her pregnancy, more than half time! She is doing very well. Our walks has been a bit shorter this week because we have Erik's puppy to adjust around. But next week I hope it will get better again. It is important that Moa stays in good shape before her delivery of the puppies. That will be hard work for her, so good if she stays active and fit as long as she can.

This week she has really grown a lot. Her belly is 8 cm larger than last week. When I compare her belly to last year/last litter she is bigger already. Perhaps only because she has had two litters, or just a lot of big puppies in there?! 
Very exciting now, just one more month to go!

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Today at work I took the opportunity to do a second ultrasound. Last week we confirmed Moa being pregnant, but it was hard to determine the size of the litter. And to say exactly how many puppies there is is impossible with ultrasound, but at least you can see if there is a big or small litter.
Last week a lot of the puppies was "hidden" so hard to say how many they were. Today 8 days later they are a lot bigger so easier to see. And to me it looked crowded! At least a lot more than the 5 we could see last time.
I could see at least 3-4 puppies on the screen at the same time, so I would guess between 6-10 puppies. Moa has been doing great and still eats like a horse. By this time during her past two pregnancys she has stopped eating her food. But not this time, more the opposite, she is constantly hungry!
Below you can see some photos from the ultrasound and above you can see a short movie from the ultrasound, not the best quality since I held the camera with one hand and did the ultrasound with the other...
Today I also got a package that I ordered with some new blankets for the puppies, puppycollars and more. Getting so excited now and counting the days! But still a long time to go, so trying to keep my patience! New pictures of Moa and her growing belly is coming next week!

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Today Moa is on day 28 of her pregancy (4 weeks). So almost halftime already! Five more weeks to go!
She is doing so well, her previous litters she has by now been feeling a little bit sick, but not so far this time. She isn't playing that much anymore, even though she has plenty of energy, she avoids the rough games with the other dogs. 
I think she has grown a lot this week, I can really feel that she has a pregnant belly, even though is is still very small if you compare to how big it will be the last week. I don't know if that means that she has a bigger litter than what we could see on the first ultrasound, or if it is only because her belly has been stretched out with two previous litters?!
I have added a little schedule with Moa meassurements. I will try to weigh her every week and meassure her belly and waist, so you can see and follow how she grows.

Below are pictures of Moa from today, day 28 and a couple of new photos that I found of daddy to be, Kimba! Enjoy!

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I am so excited! Today trough ultrasound Moa was confirmed pregnant! I have had my doubts since the AI was a bit unsure with Moa's progesteronelevels. So the best news ever to see those little "bubbles" in there!
Today is only day 21 in her pregnancy so they are still very small. But we could see atleast 4-5 puppies. Not a huge litter, but since this will be Moa's last litter feels like that is an ok way to go before retirering from motherhood!
Six more weeks to go before we will have those little "Kimo's" (Kimba x Moa puppies) here with us! It will be the longest six weeks ever!

Dag 22
Embryon - Öronen börjar bildas


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Two weeks has now gone by! Seven more to go! I need to stay calm for another week before I can say anything about her being pregnant or not. I have a good feeling so hopefully it will come true!
She is still doing just great, cuddly on the couch during the evenings and happy outside during our walks. 
If she starts showing signs of pregnancy in about one week I will most likely wait until 4 weeks to do an ultrasound. If she isn't showing any signs or if I am just to nervous I will do it during next week.  Either way we should within one or two weeks what's hiding in that belly!

Dag 16
Embryona bäddas in i livmodern. Det kallas nidation

Embryona bäddas in i livmodersväggen, där de fortsätter att utvecklas.
De omges successivt av skyddande fosterhinnor där de får alla näringsämnen som krävs.
Moderkakan (placenta), som bildas under dräktigheten, kommer ut vid födseln och tiken äter ofta upp den. Vilket är helt naturligt och även nyttigt för tiken.

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The first week out of nine is now over and Moa is on day 7 in her "hopefully" pregnancy! I have been pretty calm this week. I am trying to not think about it too much, since that makes me too nervous...
Moa is doing just fine, happy and hungry as always. The first signs has come around 3 weeks on her previous pregnancys. She has then stopped enjoying her food for a week or so. So another two weeks before those signs can be expected. I will also do an ultrasound, not sure when though, it depends on if she shows signs of pregnancy or not!

I took her first meassurements today to compare with as she grows.
Moa day 7:
Weight: 38,2 kg
Waist: 57 cm
Belly: 64 cm

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We are back home again! Yesterday I took a bloodtest on Moa around 11.05 am and drove to the vet clinic to get it analyzed. It would take a bit more than an hour to run in the machine so I drove to the woods nearby for a walk. 
Since I was her last year and luckily know were to go, so Moa and I enjoyed an hour in the woods. I also found some "trattkantereller" which I brought back to the vetclinic and gave to my vet!
When the test was done it showed that her progesterone was 14 ng/ml which is 44,5 nmol/L. This is a bit lower than we thought if woul be, so to be sure they ran the bloodtest again, and this time it showed 15 ng/ml or 47,7 nmol/L. 

They always want the progesterone to be higher than 15 or 45, so this means that the AI done on Sunday was probably to early.
You always count from the day the dog is ovulating which we know Moa did on Friday. The progesterone is then between 15-20 nmol/L and Moa had 25 nmol/L. So after that the  AI should be done after about 2-3 days, which in this case was Sunday and Monday. 
The vet and I discussed if we should wait one more day with the second AI, but that would be 4 days after ovulation which she thought would be too late, even though the progesterone wasn't higher.
So we did the second AI in the afternoon at 14.45 pm. Moa once again doing great, even though she now knows what is happening as we go into the room and she jumps up on the table.
After that AI she once again had to stand on the tilted table for 10 minutes which seems to be the most boring thing she has ever done... 

When we were all finished we drove straight to Helsinki and to the ferry and spend the rest of the evening once again in bed watching movies! It is good to be back home, the dogs very happy to see eachother, and Moa still very much in love with Dando, obviously the man of her dreams! 

Now all we can do is wait... 3-4 weeks before I will know if this little trip has been successful! I know I will be a nervous wreck until then so please, people around me, be patient! 

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Etiketter: ai

So, here we are! We took the ferry yesterday afternoon from Stockholm to Helsinki in Finland. It was a long evening, I watched three movies before bedtime and one more in the morning!
Moa who is now a used traveler she knows exactly were to pee on deck. It was raining and very windy both last night and this morning when I took her out on deck. As soon as I pointed to the little sandbox that is there for the dogs she went in, did her buisness and we headed back in!

As we arrived we drove to Opvet to pick up the semen. As we got there we had some extra time so took Moa, despite the rain, on a walk in the woods. After that we headed to Mäntsälä and the vet that was kind enough to help us today even though they are acctually closed on Sundays, Tuire Tamminen. She also helped me last year.
She checked the semen which had a motility of 50 % which is ok for frozen semen that is a few years old. The alive once was very much alive! I got to have a look at them in the microscope aswell. 
The vet uses an endoscop to go in and watching a TV screen to make sure they insert the semen as far in as it should go, to help the chances of pregnancy. Frozen semen normally lives up to 12 hours, sometimes as long as up to 24 hr. Fresh semen from a normal mating lives up to 7 days!!! So that is why AI with frozen semen isn't as rewarding as a normal mating. But when the male you choose lives oceans away you don't really have a choice!

After the mating we went to meet a few of Yaya's nephews and her breeder Anne Sassi-Kaitala, kennel Tarujen. We were also joined by Elina Sarva and "Myy" (FINCH EECH EEJCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door). Unfortunately it was raining very very hard so no oportunity for photoshooting... 
I went on a wet walk with them, but Moa got to stay in the car, didn't want her to move or pee so close the AI.
After this wet and cold but still nice get together me and Moa headed for our hotel, Scandic Järvenpää and checked in. Moa has her own bed which she has slept in snoring since we arrived! So looks like a quiet evening infront of the computer and TV for us!

Tomorrow we are taking a progesteronetest and depending on the results, having the second AI before heading back to Helsinki and the ferry back home to Stockholm. Next update probably not until Thuesday when we are back home!
Keep your fingers crossed now that she is already pregnant!!!

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Today in the afternoon I took the second progesteronetest at 15.30 pm. Her level was 25 nmol/L which means she has been ovulating today. The AI should be done 2-3 days after the ovulation, which means Sunday and Monday. So I am happy that my first plan for the days was correct. Me and Moa is getting on the ferry tomorrow afternoon and arrive in Helsinki on Sunday morning.
Will update you again once we get to the hotel in Järvenpää were we are staying between Sunday and Monday!
Have a great weekend everyone, I will!

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Today Moa is on day 15 of her heat. I took the first progesteronetest at 10.40. It showed 9 nmol/L. So her levels are starting to rise, but she is not ovulating yet. And after she has ovulated (which I expect will be tomorrow or Saturday) we will wait two days before the first AI.
So tomorrow I will take a second test, and based on that we will decide when the first AI will be done. Unfortunately we won't be able to do any more tests during the weekend, so next will be on Monday. But I hope that the first AI will be Sunday and the second on Monday. That would mean it is done on exactly same days at last time, on day 18 an 19 in her heat.
Will keep you all posted!

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Our trip to Finland for Moa's AI is getting closer. Last time she was inseminated on day 18 and 19 in the heat, which this time will be this Sunday and Monday.
So I will take the first bloodtest on Thursday and next one on Friday to get an idea of how fast her progesterone is rising. My ferry is booked for Friday arriving in Helsinki before lunch on Saturday. I will then drive to pick up the semen and head to the veterinary, if Moa's bloodtests shows that she is ready for the AI already on Saturday.
I am very excited about the litter, but this year not so excited about the trip to Finland by myself... To spend time on a boring ferry and on my own at a hotel... But the good thing is that I will get to meet Myy (FINCH EECH EEJCH Kadamo The Girl Next Door) who lived there. I have seen her about once a year since she left Sweden 3 ½ years ago. Still wish I would see her more often!
Will keep you updated on our progress the next few days and this weekend!

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Moa has now started her heat, on the 6th of September. So this journey has now begun! So exctiting! Moa and I will take the ferry to Finland on Friday the 21th of September and meet the veterinarian Merja Dahlbom or the AI on Saturday/Sunday/Monday, depending on Moa's progesteronelevels.
This is the same veterinarian that helped me last year when we went to Finland for the AI for the D-litter. They are very proffessional and I feel like me and Moa are in good hands!
I will update this Pregnancy and Puppy Diary as the weeks go by, so you can follow everything that is happening! Keep your fingers crossed that we will have small little Moa x Kimba puppies by the end of November!

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parents of the:

Day: Weight:   Belly:   Waist: 
7 (1 weeks)   38,2 kg   64 cm   57 cm
21 (3 weeks)   38,2 kg   64 cm   61 cm
28 (4 weeks)   39,5 kg   67 cm   62 cm
35 (5 weeks)     75 cm   65 cm
42 (6 weeks)   43,5 kg   77 cm   67 cm
49 (7 weeks)   46,7 kg
  87 cm   76 cm
56 (8 weeks)     94 cm   80 cm

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