Enya day 35

Enya is today on day 35 in her pregnancy. Her belly has started to grow and this passed week her apetite has been low. Normally Enya is a gold medalist in fast eating... so you can really tell the difference now. 
It is perfectly normal that the bitch feels a bit sick at this stage of the pregnancy, they can throw up and eat less. 
Enya has spend the last week and a half with her owner Camilla on a relaxing vacation. Later this week she is coming back home and I will make sure to go and see her before I leave for my weeks vacation. When I am back home again it will only be just over two weeks left until the puppies will be here! Soooo exciting!
Just four weeks left from now!
Check back in here later this week for more new photos of our mummy to be!

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