First solid food for the puppies!

Today it was time for the puppies to have their first taste of solid food. It consist now of minced lean meat and eggyokes. They all loved it! I am used to it always being at least a couple of puppies in each litter that is a bit suspicious at first, but not this time! They all just wanted more!
Mira is still nursing them several times a day and also a couple of times every night. But now they are 18 days old and it is time for them to get a little bit extra.
As the days and weeks passes I will start to mix the minced meat with wet puppyfood and also raw food adjusted for puppies.
My bitches usually stop nursing the puppies completely when they are around 6-7 weeks. I let them do it as long as they want, but at the same time I don't forced them to continue after 6 weeks if I feel like they don't want to anymore. 
The puppies are starting to get their front teeth which means it will soon start to hurt Mira a bit if they are not careful when they nurse.
They are all doing so good. I have four bigger once and four smaller once. But from experience I know that this does not always stay the same as they grow older.
Tonight, I will go back to sleeping in my own bed and not downstairs on the couch necxt to the puppies. I can't believe that I have been on the couch for almost 3 weeks! Thank good it is comfortable. I hope Mira will stay relaxed without my company, I know now that she is doing a great job and doesn't need my assistance at night. 
I have started to try to get them to go onto the newspapers now to do their buisness. Sometimes they do great... sometimes they just stay in their bed... So at the moment I am doing a lot of laundry! 
Below are photos of the puppies 16-18 days old! Enjoy!


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