Three matings in three days! Now fingers crossed for puppies!
For the past week we have had NORDUCH SEVCH Mankoya's Incredible Idde by Gambo "Idde" her to mate our girl SEUCH SEVCH RLDN RLDF Kadamo Bringin' It Back "Mira".
We took a first progesteronetes last Thursday on day 12 in her heat and it showed only 3,9 nmol/L. So I knew it would take a few more days before she would be ready.
Because Idde doesn't live near us and his owner was going away just this weekend we made arrangement to bring him to us on Friday evening. Mira was not ready then but already on Saturday morning her behaviour changed.
The whole weekend they flirted and had good attempts of mating but it was still a little bit to early.
On Monday morning day 16 I took the second progesteronetest and now it showed 48,3 nmol/L. So now it was about time for a mating, and just as I wished for it they did it!
The day after they were on it again and we had a second mating on day 17, and again on Wednesday, day 18.
The two of them has done it all so well. They really preferred to be on their own without me trying to help out. So I let them and that worked just as it should. No one holding them, no force.
I was a bit suprised that Mira was interested in Idde for so many days so I took a third bloodtest after the third mating just because I was curious.
So the day of the third and final mating, day 18 her progesteronelevel was on 59,8 nmol/L. So they timed it all very well and now we hope for a lovely bunch of puppies in 9 weeks!
Puppies expected around 31st of August and I will make an ultrasound in about 3 weeks to hopefully get the pregnancy confirmed!
For more information about the parents of this litter visit the Planned H-litter page and to follow the pregnancy visit the H-litter Pregnancy Diary.
Below are mixed photos of the couple from the past week here together with us. Enjoy!