The puppies got their names and new 5 week photoshoot!
The puppies are 5 weeks old and their kennelnames has been registered at SKK, with the theme Oasis, so all names are Oasis songs.
We have been cutting claws, had a weigh in and new photoshoot. Tiya has the past day not nursed them much so it is obvious she is feeling pretty done with that. So I am now feeding them four times a day and she will eventually stop nursing them completely. The positive thing with her not being a walking milkbar is that she can interact and play with them more, and they don't just try to eat on her! It has been a really nice week with sunshine and nice weather, unfortunately soon the temperatures are going back to colder again. So we will see how much time we can spend outside, I am guessing it will be more indoor time again.
Below are the new individual photos of the puppies 5 weeks old.