The puppies are here!
Yesterday our beloved puppies was born! It all started on Friday when Tiya was less interested in her food. She was digging with her blankets and a bit restless on and off during the afternoon and the whole night. Not until Saturday morning, February 19th she started having some contractions around 9.46 am. And then it began and went as follows:
- 10.09 am Female - singlecrown? 549 grams - Ms Purple
- 12.39 pm Male - correct - 640 g - Mr Lightblue
- 12.49 pm Female - short ridge - 536 g - Ms Darkpink
- 13.19 pm Male - correct - 541 g - Mr Green
- 13.33 pm Female - correct - 546 g - Ms Pink
- 14.27 pm Male- stillborn, correct/offset - 359 g
- 14.36 pm Male - correct - 574 g - Mr Blue
- 15.03 pm Male - singlecrown? 504 g - Mr Darkgreen
- 15.24 pm Female - correct - 474 g - Ms Red
- 16.14 pm Male - correct - 499 g - Mr Black
- 17.05 pm Female - correct - 543 g - Ms Orange
- 17.28 pm Female - ridgeless - 497 g - Ms Yellow
- 19..03 pm Male - correct - 642 g - Mr Brown
- 22.02 pm Male - ridgeless - 609 g - Mr Lightgreen
- 23.29 pm Male - correct - 529 g - Mr White
So to sum up, we had 15 puppies, 14 still with us. 9 males (1 ridgeless and 1 singlecrown, 7 correct), 6 females (1 ridgeless, 1 singlecrown, 1 short ridge and 3 correct).
Tiya was absolutely amazing. The delivery was pretty easy and despite a large litter she never felt exhausted. They all had nice birthweights, expect the little stillborn boy who was smaller, probably something that was not right with him and that is why he passed before entering this world.
Tiya is being an excellent mum as I was expecting. She is keeping an eye on them all, cleaning them and nursing them. So far all puppies seem healthy and strong. I have not done a DS check yet (only on the stillborn boy who was clear). Will do some individual photos and weights later today so more updated will follow, but maybe not today!
Thqnk you all for your congratulations and well wishes along the way! Tiya did an great job and I am very proud of her and this whole litter. Can't wait to see them grow up!