Individual photos 2 weeks old!
The puppies became two weeks old yesterday and they have all opened their eyes. They got their claws cut earlier this week, that was a lot of claws!
They are all growing gaining weight and getting stronger. They are now up on all four legs trying to walk instead of crawling around. They are absolutely adorable!
Below are their new individual photos for you to enjoy!
This weeks puppy weights:
- Ms Purple - 1266 g
- Mr Lightblue - 1285 g
- Ms Darkpink - 1165 g
- Mr Green - 1130 g
- Ms Pink - 1393 g
- Mr Blue - 1390 g
- Mr Darkgreen - 1292 g
- Ms Red - 1064 g
- Mr Black - 1112 g
- Ms Orange - 1136 g
- Ms Yellow - 1015 g
- Mr Brown - 1369 g
- Mr Lightgreen - 1280 g
- Mr White - 1387 g