Individual photos of the puppies 2 weeks old!
The puppies are now 2 weeks old and has grown a lot! They have all gained around 1 kilo since birth, some just under and some even slighty over. They have all opened their eyes and are now trying to walk on all four legs instead of dragging themselves forward ;)
I took some new individual photos. All the puppies were very sleepy so they don't look to happy hahaha! But I think they are adorable anyway!
Todays weights:
Ms Pink - 1450 g
Ms Red - 1460 g
Mr Blue - 1425 g
Mr Orange - 1730 g
Mr Grey - 1515 g
Mr Black - 1370 g
Mr Brown - 1690 g
Mr Green - 1705 g
Mr Purple - 1645 g
Mr Yellow - 1415 g
