2018 > 11
Today I took Mira with me to work for X-rays to see how many puppies she is hiding in their belly. I think I see 11 little miracles in there! She has also gained around 11 kg which to me confirm the number, since it is normal for her to gain about 1 kg per puppy.
She is doing well still. During the days and during our walks she is fine, happy and not showing that her big belly is bothering her. But during the evenings I guess those puppies are being wild in there because she seems a lot more uncomfortable, changing sleepingpositions a lot and just not being happy. So for her sake I hope these 10 days goes by fast and that the puppies decide to come a few days early!
Mira is today on day 49 which means we have only two more weeks to go before Mira and Colins puppies will be here! Mira is getting very big now, and during the evenings she is getting a bit uncomfortable. But still, during the days she is doing very well and has no problems to go for walks and run around. But she is hungry constantly, and now eating four or five times a day!
My plan is to make an X-ray of her belly on Thursday, on day 53 and try to see how many puppies we have in there to expect!
Updates will come!
Mira is today on day 42 of her pregnancy. She has gotten a lot bigger this past week which makes me wonder what she is hiding in there! In her first litter she got 8 puppies and in her second litter she got 13. So could be anything inbetween!
She is running and acting just like normal when we are out walking. She runs through the woods like nothing could stop her. Indoors though I think she is getting a little bit uncomfortable now. The way she breaths louder, changes position when she sleeps, acctually laying down straigh on to the floor instead of in the dogbeds and so on.
Just three more weeks to go, but if her belly continues to grow like this it will be three hard weeks for her!
At the bottom a picture of the proud daddy to be Colin!
Mira is today on day 35 of her pregnancy. The weather today just as last week wasn't good, cold and rainy. So she did not want to stand and pose for a picture... but we got one, and I got one of her standing still during our walk in the woods.
At least you can see that her belly is growing. She is still her normal self, running in the woods, eating like a horse and enjoyes sleeping on the couch!
Since I found last weeks ultrasound so difficult to make I decided today, when opportunity was given to me at work to do one more. Mira is today in day 29 and I already know from both the first ultrasound aswell as her growing belly that she is confirmed pregnant. But I wanted to see more today, more inside those little "balls" of fluid in her uterus, to get more of an idea how crowded it is in there.
So happy to see a lot clearer today. She has a belly full of precious little miracles and I can't wait to meet them in just five weeks!
Below are some photos and a video of not the best quality. Not the easiest to do the ultrasound with one had and film the screen with the other, and at the same time wish that Mira stands perfectly still and not move around...
Mira is today on day 28 of her pregnancy and small belly is already starting to show. You can see it in her underline right after her ribs end. I made a comparison with a picture I took on my cellphone on day 15. She is feeling just fine, loves her food just like normal.
Will try to take new photos of her growing belly each Sunday for you to see, so you can follow her progress too.