2021 > 08
All the puppies seemed to have recover from their diarrea so now with some better weather and temperatures they have gotten to spend a lot of time outside. Happily they explore new places in the garden aswell as folling me around.
Here are the 5 weeks stacked photos. They are not great since it was a bit cold and many of the puppies were not feeling great because of diarrea... No photo of Mr Yellew who was not at all in the mood. At least now they are better and hopefully we will do better photos on Wednesday when they turn 6 weeks old!
Some mixed photos of the puppies 5 weeks old out enjoying the garden before the rain!
The puppies has now been allowed to come outside in our garden to explore. I am so happy we have had a few days with nicer warmer weather since it makes the experience for the puppies so much nicer. They are curious and playful and seem to enjoy it, even though they are not awake for such a long time. They now eat some of their meals outside so they can practise going potty outside. Always as they wake up or when they eat the pee and poo. And 11 puppies makes quite many piles on the floor... so we are taking the opportunity to practise to do it outside!
Yesterday I got some help from my husband and we had a photoshoot with the puppies now 4 weeks old. First time on the table for them but think they did well.
The puppies are now 4 weeks old and we have started to get some visitors from future puppybyers. I had an attempt on individual photos today but not successful, so will try to convince my husband to help me tomorrow. Until then some mixed photos of the puppies to enjoy!
Yesterday the puppies turned 3 weeks old and had a big day. They got to move out of the swimmingpool into the room next door where they will have lots more space to move around as they are now getting bigger.
They also had their weekly nailtrim and got to taste some solid food for the very first time. We also had the weekly weighin and photoshoot!
This weeks weight:
Ms Orange - 1500 g
Ms Lightgreen - 1530 g
Ms Pink - 1520 g
Ms White - 1420 g
Ms Purple - 1430 g
Ms Red - 1525 g
Mr Lightblue - 1515 g
Mr Blue - 1470 g
Mr Yellow - 1470 g
Mr Black - 1375 g
Mr Green - 1635 g
Here are some new photos of our darling bunch for you to enjoy!
Yesterday the puppies turned 2 weeks old and we had another individual photoshoot. They have all now opened their eyes and gaining weight. They are getting stronger which shows when they move around since they are now up on all four walking/crawling.
The new individual photos can be seen below and this weeks weights.
Ms Orange - 1155 g
Ms Lightgreen - 1230 g
Ms Pink - 1145 g
Ms White - 1150 g
Ms Purple - 1095 g
Ms Red - 1265 g
Mr Lightblue - 1170 g
Mr Blue - 1165 g
Mr Yellow - 1185 g
Mr Black - 1055 g
Mr Green - 1250 g
The puppies are sson two weeks and have started to open their eyes. Some mixed photos from the past week below.