Playing in the snow!

Today we have been busy, both me and the puppies. When we woke up this morning it had been snowing! And I was already dreaming about spring... 
So of course the puppies got to go out and play! And they loved it! The first "real" snow that they have gotten to play in. The pictures are not great, they were not standing still more than seconds at a time so pretty blurry most of them...
After this the puppies got some tasty bones and after that slept nicely for a while! I took the opportunity to prepare the puppies backpacks that they are getting when they move. Also printed all their papers starting to make everything ready for next week. Can't believe it is just a little over a week left until most of the puppies move to their new homes.
I know they are all coming to loving homes but I can't say that I won't miss them. This litter hasn't been that difficult so I haven't started to look forward to their move yet! But they have one more week, things might change! ;-)
When they were all sleeping me and the big dogs sneaked out for a refreshing walk. It is so nice to get out at least once a day for a bit of a longer walk, to just not sit still inside all the time!
In the afternoon/evening the puppies got to keep me company in the kitchen while I was doing the dishes. But before that they got to run around in the hallway and bathroom aswell. Anything to make them happy and saticfied!
They are sooo adorable, it sounds like I have a group of horses running trough my apartment!  The absolutely love it! But their energy only last for about 30 minutes and then they start to lay down and sooner than you know they are all asleep!
I didn't get a good video of the puppies in the snow, but at least a video of them playing inside! 

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