Moa day 49

Today we have gotten to day 49 of Moa's pregnancy! So just 2 weeks to go! Moa has given birth on aproximately day 62 her previous litters which this time is on Sunday 25th of November. So we will be ready that anything can happen from Friday 23rd (day 60) until Monday 26th (day 63). So depending on when her delivery starts we now have 2 weeks or less to go!
So excited!
This week I have started to feel the puppies move in her belly, they are now getting bigger and so is Moa. She has grown a lot this passed week, and she will grow even more this upcoming week! Her belly is 10 cm bigger than last week!
This week I will also get the puppybox ready for her so she has time to get comfortable in it. She usually is right away, so nice for her to "nest" a little bit. Pictures of that coming later this week!

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